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Do you buy Christmas gifts for others?

  • 28 votes
  • 15 votes
Unimatrix907 6 Nov 29

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I am not sure what the 4Q is but my family get gifts. I made my mother-in-law a huge throw, made my father-in-law mince meat, Christmas cake and chutney. I knit a jumper for my youngest son and made some hippy clothes for my middle boy. I buy stuff too but if I can, I prefer to make stuff.

4Q sounds like "fuck you" ... That's the meaning here I think... ?

@Cutiebeauty 4th quarter of the year when many businesses make most of their money but FU might work too.

@Unimatrix907 ah.. OK.. Lol

@KissedbySun Do you? Thats cool. We should share ideas

@KissedbySun, @Cutiebeauty oh haha


I buy gifts for my gfs and my bf... Gifts that are necessary like clothing .. Food baskets... Etc...


Not enough options! I buy gift that will make people happy. I don't plan my purchases with the economy in mind, in fact I'm spending far less on gifts this year than in past years. The real gift is the time we spend together.


It has nothing to do with adding to the economy, I'm glad it does but that has nothing to do with why I buy Christmas presents. I enjoy seeing someone I care about being surprised and happy.

Me too! Best part.


I usually quite enjoy Christmas shopping when I have a Christmas party to go to... I haven’t done for a few years but maybe this year will be good for it.

I think celebrating Christmas is good for atheists and agnostics, it’s part of the big celebration that brings everyone together at the years end.


I’ve got a wife and kid so my beliefs can’t apply at Christmas because then I’d be a jehovah witness and I can never be like them.

What do you actually mean? Do you buy gifts for others during the holidays? Or do you not?

@BlueWave Ooookayyy ummm I have a wife and a kid so my beliefs can’t apply at Christmas because then I’d be jehovah witness and I can’t be like them.

@Alshaytan Repeating the exact same thing, with sarcasm added for fun, doesn't answer my question, does it?

Your statement assumes one knows what your beliefs are -- at Christmas or any other time.

You have beliefs about what that you can't "apply" at Christmas?

That you have a wife and kid is great, but how does that fit in?

Are your wife and kid Jehovah's Witnesses?

@BlueWave Well ok since you put it like that ?
Me personally I wouldn’t do Christmas. It’s become over commercialized to the point that it begins on November 1st and there’s people being killed over what has become a testament to our country’s lack of decency and humility.

Being that I’m not religious I don’t participate in that part of the holiday and especially with knowing that it was a Roman emperor that decided to declare December 25th as a Christian holiday so that it would fall on the winter solstice and the pagans could party without the fun killers asking to be thrown to the lions.

And as I’ve pointed out that I have a wife and kid that like Christmas and all of its fanfare so because of my love for them I participate but I do ask for and expect very little.

Ok now the JW part of my statement ?
JW’s do not celebrate Christmas, birthdays or pretty much any other holiday which I believe is cruel and arcane especially to their children. Which is why I said that I wouldn’t want to compared to them.

Hopefully this has answered all of your questions and will it be printed in the monthly newsletter?

@Alshaytan did such a great job at having a conversation -- all the way up till your last sentence, which was more unnecessary sarcasm.

Yes, now what you wrote makes sense. You do buy gifts.

Yes, I'm well aware of the rules of being a JW. They also don't vote. Or join the military. Or say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Thanks for your response -- except for the last sentence. 🙂

@BlueWave Well I have to let you know that I’m a sarcastic non-conformists and people can either take all of me or none of me.
And of course I buy them gifts I don’t mind if anyone else hates but like I said I do this for them so therefore I’d do anything except for go to church.


Small token gifts for just a few people that I want to feel remembered....and for my sons. That's it - husband and I get what we need and/or want all year long.


I do but they have to be something personal that I know the other person needs and wants. I do it in July too. I like giving.


Christmas is so commercial that it's become a secular holiday. No tree, no lights, no Jesus, but it's nice to exchange gifts with friends.


I love Christmas. I was raised without religion. Christmas has always been a big deal in my family. We love exchanging gifts. The giving is just as important as the getting. I see it as a way to get things we want that we wouldn't normally get ourselves throughout the year. I love seeing someone's face when they open a gift I really put a lot of thought into. I don't think gift giving has to be a negative thing.


I do for family as part the secular part of the holiday.


I absolutely buy gifts for the kids at christmas.

I know it doesn't have anything to do with ancient mythology.

While I have no use for the seasonal bullshit, and can't wait until it's all over, it IS fun for the little ones.
I do it because they are children, and if that's all they're thinking christmas is about, I'm not going to step all over that, and I'm not going to apologize for my participation.


I love giving gifts, I don't care about any other significance attached to it. I give to my family and friends and it makes me happy.


I buy solstice gifts for family and friends. I can't help it if some weird mythology celebrates some ridiculous fictitious event at the same time. ?


I do because it's fun, because I like it, and because it's a tradition I enjoy.

My favorite gifts for kids are books and board games. Or anything that will encourage some form of learning.


I give my kids and grandkids money. They never seemed to like the presents I bought them so started giving money instead.


I give my children and their families $200 cash each and they can use it as they see fit. As I see it, everyone's a winner.


I got my grand-daughter something for the holidays, but that is it.


I celebrate the season without the religion. Thanks to "Sheldon" for the term Saturnalia, I use it very much, thank you.


I buy for my family (children, grandchildren). Other than that, no.

I don't even send Christmas cards or put up decorations/tree.

I actually love my house and tree decorated for Christmas. But, when my daughter and niece are not here with me (as they won't be this year), I have zero inspiration or reason to invest the time or effort.


What is the 4q economy?


I create and collect to give to those who have made a positive moment in my life.
It is my way of showing my appreciation and affection for someone.


I do not give gifts. I send each of my children and grandchildren a check for the end of the year.


Neither of those fits my situation. I would prefer no gift exchange but instead have a nice lunch with my friends since I don’t get to see them often. But some friends still give me gifts and for those friends I do buy gifts in return. None of us needs any more stuff, especially stuff we can’t use.

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