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My girlfriend dosent understand electricity she just complained that she spent £99 for an idiot to say that he dosent know whats wrong with her circuits. I diagnosed mice bitting through wires for free,she says fuck off you don't know anything. do women not understand logic ?

magicwatch 7 Dec 5

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turns out to be water ingress in the outside boiler closet

@Gwendolyn2018 yes, but saved her £4,000 in having the entire house re-wired, which is what the electrician suggested

@Gwendolyn2018 to be honest, she just got a second opinion and the guy turned out to be a professional who new what he was doing


Sounds Twumpian. Don't think it has anything to do with gender.

godef Level 7 Dec 6, 2018

Yes it must be all women 🙄


I'm not seeing a whole lot of logic in your statement, but I do see a lot of sexist generalization. I'll let you decide if I'm proving you right or wrong, and would be happy to discuss the logic of your response.


Circuits? More than one, I assume.How many? Different parts of home? Any evidence of infestation?If mice are chewing wires, there should be short circuits that trip breakers/ blow fuses. Is that happening? You just may have jumped the gun here.


Unless you have actual evidence, gnawed wires, droppings, etc., your diagnosis may not be all that accurate. I have never seen evidence of mice gnawing wires...they do not smell or appear as food to the mice.


Show her some electrocuted mice and she might believe you.


Some women are illogical for sure...especially the ones who scream at the sight of a mouse despite the fact that a mouse has never attacked or killed anyone in the past thousands of years. 🙂

Some elephants are illogical for sure...especially the ones that scream at the sight of a mouse despite the fact that a mouse has never attacked or killed an elephant in the past thousands of years. All elephants are illogical for sure...especially the ones who scream at the sight of a mouse despite the fact that a mouse has never attacked or killed anyone in the past thousands of years. 😉

@godef You do know of course, that it is a myth that elephants are afraid of mice?

@dahermit Actually, I don't know how may name got attached to that message, I never wrote that.

@Gwendolyn2018 "It is also a stereotypical folk belief that women are afraid of mice." Stereotypical or not, my wife is afraid of mice.

"By the way, godef's post was sarcasm--but you knew that, right?" As a High Functioning Asperger's Syndrome, sarcasm is lost on me. Everything is interpreted at face value.

@Gwendolyn2018 Where did I say ALL women were afraid of mice? I said, "...some women...". Nevertheless, it is common (frequent) to observe women who are afraid of mice. So what? "I s'pose I should assume that all men are afraid of snakes based on him, eh?" Jesus Christ! Read my original post>

@Gwendolyn2018 Sigh...Your first husband committed suicide...didn't he? (putting gun to my head) 🙂

@Gwendolyn2018 "...made no mention of men who might have similar issues." Inasmuch as the original poster only referred to women, " women not understand logic ?" I did not feel obligated to involve the shortfalls, failings of will no doubt handle that task with more aplumb than I can.


I actually know what you mean though. I'm pretty damn good at working on cars, yet everyone I know is shocked that I can replace brakes, starters and the like. I always ask, "Why? Is it because I don't have a protruding forehead and drag my knuckles on the ground when I walk, like your mechanic does? Or is it the fact that I can actually spell IQ?" It makes me wonder if there is a stereotype for people who are mechanically inclined.

@Bendog , Recently, a friend of mine had her brake line go out. I put a sheet of cardboard under the car and told her to leave it their for a while, so I could find where the line was broken. I found it and told her I could replace the line in a couple hours. She basically told me "I don't trust you. You don't know what you're doing" and she had it towed to a local Firestone garage.

Two days later and $650.00 later (Yes, $650!), she got her car back. Right away, she noticed the brake pedal going all the way to the floor. I had enough and took matters into my hands. When I got under the car, I found that the reason they didn't bleed the brakes properly was that they had stripped all the bleeder valves and snapped one of them completely off. I wound up spending around $50 and replaced two drum brake calipers and the original line that was supposed to be replaced. They had simply crimped it so it wouldn't leak.

@Bendog , Wow. I'm just too honest to be a mechanic, I guess.

@Gwendolyn2018 , so, when they are shocked about me being able to do mechanical work, it's because I'm too smart to be a mechanic. now it makes sense! Thank you 🙂


The answer to your question is "YES". It is your girl friend that does not. Dump time.


That's a very real fire hazard. If she won't believe you, maybe she will believe the local fire department.


This post makes me wonder more about you than her.


Well? Were you right, or is she?

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 5, 2018

And you end up single in 3, 2, 1...

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