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So, there's chatter (again) about members using profanity, and how it's "unnecessary".

I swear, A LOT. I'm not going to stop. It doesn't really matter to me if it offends anyone's delicate sensibilities.
It's not a reflection of a lack of intelligence, unless you are being grammatically incorrect while using it.
I like it. I use it for emphasis and to convey specific emotions, usually exasperation or disgust.

If you don't like it, block me, and you won't
have to be subjected to it.
Problem solved. You're fucking welcome.

KKGator 9 Jan 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Well I'll be damned!


Geez people! How petty can you get? There's a setting in your profile to block swear words. Check it for Christ's sake! Then get a fucking life! ?

@powder The Devil, you say? Bring that bad boy on!

As I've already so fucking stated, FFS!

(Oh, wait...did you bring this up first? Shit.)


Fuck them. ❤

I love that meme!!!

Thank you!

@AprilFlowers Here's one that I've had for a while.

@KKGator That seriously made me lol!

Two of my favorites.


Send the offended party to ChristianMingle.

MizJ Level 8 Jan 4, 2019

It's not a reflection of lack of intelligence even if you do use it grammatically incorrectly, otherwise spot on. A lack of formal education maybe. Appalachian english n other southern dialects are the way they are because they're older than any other version of english still spoken. Shakespearean scholars study it for that reason. Ebonics and text/web jargon went the way they did because street life and social media necessitated a rapid evolution in language for young people to speak without cops and parents busting them. Whether something is older or newer than mainstream doesn't make it incorrect, language is fluid and dependent on peer acceptance. As long as you can make yourself understood, no one's being graded on any of this.

But yeah to the contrary of prudish points, studies show people who swear a lot are smarter, better at coping with pain, and more trustworthy than your average cocksucker. Adults being squeamish about language is as silly as being a theist.

@ProudMary thank you, thank you. And apologies if I bored @jolanta. I'll leave shakespeare out of it next time.

@Wurlitzer I fucking KNEW that was the person that complained lol

Bravo! Well said.


Now listen here biotch. We're not going to have any fucking swearing in this mother fucker, got it?Why assholes insist on using goddamn swear words is completely fucking assinine. J/K


Fuck em, that's what I say! ?


Oh geez... well I'm just going to have to get more creative with my expletives.
Jayzus intercourse christ on a stick. That's excremental! ?
Hmmm, not as expressively economical as I'd hoped.

I am now adding excremental to my daily usage vocabulary. Thank you for reminding me that word existed! Though I can't guarantee I'm going to use it by it's usual definitions... I think I might want to create my own variations... Such as using it in place of "shit-for-brains"...

Try "feculent", as in "feculent Friday" or "Fred forcibly flushed the floating feculence"

@AgnoBill great word! Thank you!


This is by far my favorite post I've read so far on this site! Go fuckers!

Thank you!


Evidence suggests that swearing is good for you.



I know it's good for me. It's like a pressure valve.
Without it, I'm pretty sure I'd be a serial killer.
People should be grateful.


The use of profanity is a personal choice. We're all adults here and I'm sure we're all capable of coping with the use of F-bombs and S-mines. If you find yourself becoming upset by the use of earthy language by your fellow community members then I suggest you find some way to relax and be less triggered by trivialities.



Oh for cryin' in the night's are all grown ups (presumably). If someone's language offends you - move on - no one is forcing you to ready anyone's posts. If you don't agree with their belief system, political affiliation - anything - just MOVE ON. Stop the bullying and whining - don't make me put you in time out. 😉


TOTAL NONSENSE! We are all past puberty (is the complaining member?) and we know that the key to a great vocabulary is variety in words!

So--to whomever complained.....kindly insert your cranium deeply into your anus, past your rectum and even more deeply into your lower intestine!

Thank you!

Stick your head up your ass..ahh...much better...ha ha ha

@thinktwice Is than a standard translation or are you just wingin' it? 😉

@silverotter11 I like cutting to the chase... 😀...I am known for my superfluous vocabulary in the right situation, but sometimes, you just have to make your fucking point, you know...

@thinktwice I follow your posts and your command of the language is excellent, I was just teasing which gets lost in typing.

@silverotter11 oh--I know you were teasing..I follow your posts as well! 😉


I have the mouth of a sailor. I am unapologetic AND I couldn't care less who hears or sees the "emphasis" that I put in my sentences or in my conversations.
Studies have shown that people who swear, are more honest and tend to be quite intelligent. In this.....FUCK what they think. I like my potty mouth, and those that don't like it, often stay far, FAR away from me...and I'm MORE than okay with that.

Right on, right on.


We are all adults here, the boat sank, get over it people or move on.


There's also research that indicates that more intelligent people are more likely to use 'profanity'. Given that, I'd expect to see a hell of a lot more.

How many shitloads are in a metric fuckton? Here, clarified for users of the metric system: 10 shitloads per metric fuckton. In English measurements, it's about 66/7 shitloads per fuckton. 👍😀


Damn straight.


How he describes being felled by sounds coming from someone's mouth.

Not that there isn't a time and place where it would generally be avoided by choice, and appropriately so, but much of the time it's just pearl clutching.


I got Internet Hall Monitored.

Big Time.

They can shove it.


For those easily offended by goddamned fucking profanity, go to your settings and block the shit that fucking chaps your ass. There IS a block profanity feature for such an one. (I hope I'm not repeating someone, I fucking may not have gotten through all the comments.)


Came for dramatic feels and impassioned speeches.

Learned how to swear better.

Fuckin' awesome.


Unnecessary my fing @$$. F 'em.


"Fuck'n A"


You go girl!


I swear as much as the next fucking asshole but I'm always impressed when someone comes up with more colorful language regardless of whether it includes any cuss words. Bloom County does it better than anyone!

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