Do vegans celebrate MLK day?
Certainly we drink "milk", just not dairy/animal milk. We drink almond milk, soy milk, cashew milk, pea milk, oat milk, rice milk, coconut milk. I celebrate my plant-based milks everyday.
So do I. My favorite is cashew milk.
@BestWithoutGods Mine too!!!
Certainly we do....I eat an extra veggie burger to celebrate the accomplishments of MLK. Seriously.... If you've ever listened to MLK's speeches it is very evident that MLK's ideas lift up the working white man as well as the black man. He was a great is terrible that he was murdered by a bigot moron.
That’s what happens when a jackass like Devoss is secretary of Education! ?
Oh yah
Sorry - I don't understand. But I would assume that vegans celebrate MLK day with the same enthusiasm as omnivores celebrate Mahayana Monks day.
Vegans don't drink MILK.
(Vegans don't drink MILK.)
@BestWithoutGods nice try, but it bombed
(Vegans don't drink MILK.)
@BestWithoutGods That was a reach.
What kind of question is that? Please elaborate.
Vegans don't drink MILK.
By the way, CaroleKay, I love the hat. Chalk one up for women!