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Don't upset the spiders. 😉 (Not once but twice).


RavenCT 9 Jan 25

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The red back is fatal if you don't get the anti venom in time and there are plenty of them around.


Shit, I can relate to that one.
Many moons ago I was using the 'long-drop' dunny on a friends Sheep Station when I felt a sting on my knacker bag, at first I thought it was a bloody mosquito until I looked down and saw the redback spider hanging on.
To cut a long story short, a 2 hour drive into town, 1 hour in A & E with doctors and nurse making sly jokes about my predicament, etc, getting an injection of Anti-venom, 6 days in hospital with ice packs, etc, around my family jewels, those 'jewels' being swollen beyond belief by the way and throbbing away like you'd never believe, only with the thought of getting my revenge on every redback spider I could find driving me on.
I later found out that some 'wag' named Slim Newton had heard about my encounter and had written a song about it which he named " The Redback on the Toilet Seat."

That's terrible! Truly!

@RavenCT It was at the time, but now I get to laugh about it, especially my comment to the Doctor, " Can you cure the bite and leave the swelling."

@Triphid I want to know did you have to have the "pup tent" for a full week? Seems they delight in doing that to male patients with injuries to the nether regions.

@RavenCT Yeah, endured the 'tent' of embarrassment as well as bed-pans and the like.


Quite the biting story. One with quite the sting.


One must be very wary on where one puts that thing.


I read that story a couple of years ago. I wonder if it was the same spider.

JimG Level 8 Jan 25, 2019

I don’t envy him.


Only three comments, and I already know beyond a shadow of a doubt my arachnaphobic ass doesn't want to click that link...

If it were about snakes? I'd be the same way.

@slydr68 @RavenCT I rather like snakes, myself...and rats...

@stinkeye_a I am good with rats! ??? Raised to be phobic of snakes and no sane reason to cure myself!

@RavenCT Just as it is for most spiders, so it is for snakes in my mind, i.e. the ONLY good one is a very DEAD one.


To paraphrase lady Bracknell "To be bitten on the penis once may be regarded as a misfortune. Twice looks like carelessness"

Not quite since those nasty little buggers can and do hide anywhere, they fear nothing except maybe a human armed with pesticide or a handy bible ( which is a great spider dissuader and also allows them to 'convert' before they die horribly...LOL.)

@Triphid I think the original source material might be a equally unfair.



Close but nowhere near what I screamed out at he time.


Once would be a believable accident. Twice suggests he has some weird sexual proclivities that involve spiders!

Jnei Level 8 Jan 25, 2019

"#metoo"- that spider, probably.

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