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I want honest opinions and no fighting.
If you want to fight - make your own thread.

I just saw something really interesting in a group of mine on FB.

Someone didn't let a Vegan into a group because they don't feed their cat meat and they felt it was actual animal abuse.

Now biologically we can confirm that with those teeth - they are meant to eat meat. That would be their natural state.

Ethically we understand how Vegans would feel about it.

But I'd love to hear how other people regard this.

Because I was really surprised by how vehemently most people felt?

My understanding was always that you could supplement for the missing nutrients (which might not be best practice - but would work).

I'm not going to put up a poll - that would be too simplistic.

And really I want to know what you all think. I'm curious. I mean it's funny in a way - to see Atheists fighting about this? (Yup it's an Athiests FB group - they're nutty there too).
And apparently the person had some other flaws that were known so that might have been part of the denial as well - so don't think they're just all mean. They really aren't.
But they're all people with long term illness and they don't deal well with people being "woo" in any way.

Addendum: The person was not already a group member - this was an application to enter the group - so no name was ever mentioned. It's a FB thing.
It was not the only marker that said they might cause conflict either. And the group is for folks with medical issues - who are there for support and education. Conflict isn't good for them. So weeding out someone with those markers might be necessary.

RavenCT 9 Jan 28

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I think it's unfair and dangerous to assume that all creatures must eat the way we do. Animals have evolved the way they did for a REASON -- it's all a part of the ecological balance of the planet. For a vegan to assume that their cat can't eat meat because they don't eat meat -- and though it's a domesticated animal, a cat is a cat -- to put these limits on it is just being cruel -- and that in itself just seems ironic for a vegan. I know someone who's vegan who has six cats, and she's intelligent enough to know that they need to eat certain things... All this being said, if there are alternatives out there, then by all means go that route. But it sounds to me like these things haven't been developed enough, and until there's proof that they are viable, owners shouldn't compromise their pets' health in order to be "ethical."

And that being said, I don't know why they would need to be banned from the group. Unless a discussion on this topic would pull focus or cause too much tension. "Agree to disagree" would have to be the guiding rule.


If they wanted to go to the extra effort to maintain the cats proper nutrition and health I would say, knock yourself out. But if it’s just a soapbox for her opinion, I would cry foul. This is done for a lot of different “causes” not understanding the consequences.


If I saw a cow attacking a bear for sustenance, I would give pause for cogitation. Each of us knows what our system needs. If someone feels the need to gnaw on semi-thawed meat, who am I to say that there are better ways? If a salad suffices for others, who am I to say that's wrong?


So many comments.
My thoughts: No. They’re carnivores and need the nutrition.


Oh man. I saw these kinda words in this post.... something about a vegan forcing their carnivorous pet CAT to be vegan. Yeah I don't blame whoever for blocking that person.
Pure cruelty. Cats REQUIRE TAURINE FOR SURVIVAL. Taurine = found only in certain meat products!



This topic (feeding cats a vegan diet) is often banned in vegan groups on FB simply because it’s divisive even among vegans. I am vegan but my cats and dogs eat non-vegan foods currently. I’m still doing research on the now available commercial vegan foods for both dogs and cats. There is now a brand of vegan cat food that is much more sophisticated than just feeding your cats fruits and veggies. I’m still doing more research into this so for now not switching from what I’ve been feeding. I’m looking into vegan dog food for one of my dogs because she’s allergic to just about all animal proteins.

Interestingly, a lot of commercially available cat foods, especially the popular brands sold at grocery stores might as well be vegan because they barely have any meat anyway. Even the ones sold at the vet clinics. Take a look at the ingredients list (I always do): corn, soy, brewers rice, etc.

That’s all I’m going to say because after reading most of the previous responses I just shook my head. It’s not worth my time to get into arguments.

Why would you want your animals to be vegan? Just for ethical (meat production can be horrible) reasons? What about the fact that they evolved to eat certain things? And because I know it's hard to gauge tone on the internet, I honestly want to know, I'm not looking for a fight.

@Remi As I said, I’m not getting caught into this discussion beyond what I already said. It could be a very long complex discussion.

But....if you can avoid killing animals while achieving your feeding goals, why wouldn’t you choose that. BTW, most of my pets are rescues with nowhere else to go. They are not pleasure slaves as someone said here (that’s PETA’s stance and I hate PETA). My pets are my children.

Yes when I learned about the lack of control of pet food over all from my cat groups I was appalled. I can imagine the division among vegans too.
The misinformation about cat food is terrible.

They don't even have to put salt content on it and that can be deadly.

I've always seen pets as companions. I'm unsure about people who see them otherwise but I know they exist? (sigh).

I keep hoping someone gets clearer or perhaps more transparent? About precisely what cats/pets should be eating. The battles over that topic are epic on the pet boards. I know.

Keep doing your research - maybe they'll figure it out one day.

  1. to me that is the worst kind of anthropomorphism, as it is actually dangerous for the cat. Cats are cats, peeps are peeps.

  2. does anyone else think it's a little hypocritical for a vegan to own a cat, since veganism is typically closely tied to animal rights, cruelty, and exploitation? BTW I could argue both ways logically, but it just feels hypocritical. ?


From what I understand, animals aren't able to assimilate the nutrients when they are artificial/chemically made.

Some animals aren't built to eat such a narrow food base.

Oh there would be no way? Because they're not at all domesticated.

My cat can still have small amounts of milk and cheese because he's continued to have trace amounts since kittenhood and didn't lose the enzyme. But I know that.

That logic applies in reverse as well. There are just things a non-domesticated animal would have to have. Or suffer.

She needed to consult a Vet at the very least. How very sad.

@RavenCT I deleted the part about the fennec fox because on further research I found I was incorrect.

I personally don't understand the vegan mentality (no insult intended), so I believe if an animal is meant to eat meat they should be provided meat. If you can't handle that, then get another pet.

We are animals and we can use artificial nutrients. Its all about how precisely the molecular structure of the nutrient matches with the chemical processes an animals body will use to derive sustenance from it. The main issue with an entirely artificial diet is that they are really way to complicated for our current level of understanding. We can Identify the main nutrients an organism needs but we can't really account for every biological process because we don't even know them all yet. Take the issue of Taurine in feline diets as someone already mentioned. We killed a lot of cats by not knowing. What else don't we know that is causing some unknown suffering to them.

Making some artificial nutrients and supplementing them into a creatures diet to offset cost or availability is one thing. Trying to re engineer the whole natural nutritional system of a creature to be opposite of what 600 Million years of evolution has designed it to be is crazy.

@kiramea Yes I'd want to see some proof that cats are ok on a substitute diet. I do believe with a Taurine supplement they could be ok. But then they wouldn't be vegan as a guess.

I've met folks who have done it and had excellent survival rates with Vegan cats so there has to be a way to do it that works and is fairly healthy (or they were cheating like crazy.).


If you have a pet then you must always try to act in its best interests, regardless of your personal ethics. Domestic dogs are omnivores, and can live on a meat free diet provided that it is appropriately supplimented. Cats however, are obligate carnivores... The good news for outdoor cats is that they will just hunt their meat, and so owning a "meat free" cat as a vegan is pointless.

100% agree; furthermore, cats being obligate carnivores is the exact reason why dogs love to eat dried cat feces. Because of their extremely protein-rich diet, their feces retains a high protein content. To a dog, this is just like a little dried jerky stick.


To ASSume that because you are a vegan, therfore it must be right for all creatures, is the height of hubris, and actually deadly for a cat. So your "care & concern for all living things" will result in the painful death of that cat.
If this isn't the height of stupidity,..........


"Ethically we understand how Vegans would feel about it."

I've never understood vegan "ethics", and not for lack of trying. Seems to me if animal autonomy was so sacred, they wouldn't want to keep them as pleasure slaves. But I'm confident there's a vegan "rationale" for that.

skado Level 9 Jan 28, 2019

Oh I don't actually know how they view companion animals? But I believe it is as companions as I do mine?

There are things done 'for their own good' but nothing else is forced. I have one cat that had a traumatic kittenhood and we touch on her terms - except for medical necessity or where health and well being is involved.

She seems good with that?

I sure don’t have a problem with keeping pets myself, I have several. I’m just guessing that some vegans are opposed to it. I’m sure individual vegans vary. I just don’t see consistency in being unwilling to feed a carnivore meat, but being willing to keep it captive without its consent. See what I’m saying?


I think denying someone their nature when it hurts them can be defined as abusive.
Change the fact pattern to see if the arguement is legit. What if the cat was a herbivore and he forced it to eat meat?
What if it wasn't a cat but a person?

Logic! ?


It's not as simplistic as source, but balance of ALL of the nutritional components required to thrive. If the essential amino acid proportions (part of protein that we ultimately need) can be provided by other than a meat diet, then that should meet the cat's protein needs (assuming it's eaten, digested, etc...).

Meeting the protein needs meat free might miss other nutrients that are needed though, vitamins, minerals, specific fats etc... The balancing act can be very tricky - ask any vet or animal nutrition major.

If I needed to avoid animal protein in my pet, I would work with a professional (vet or nearby university) to make sure any resulting diet is not deficient in anything. Certain deficiencies can kill.Cat food producers used to not know that cats require taurine. A lot of lives likely got cut short (cardiac effects etc) due to that mistake.

As to blackballing the applicant to a FB group based on such a thing, seems like malarky to me, with what little I have heard about it.

Zster Level 8 Jan 28, 2019

Taurine came to mind. But they make supplements. Whether they make vegan supplements? IDK.

And yes I was perplexed. I think there were other factors.


Remember that bible believers think that in a future time lions will no longer eat meat and they will play with children. I can imagine those big cats with pearly white teeth like a cow. People are so strange. My own now dead mother used to give her little dog a tiny part of her heart pill when she was alive. She just knew that he dog had heart trouble too. Oh, well.

I had a neighbor who shared coffee and oatmeal with her dog. And her husband shared his bacon and eggs. The dog had a great coat.

@RavenCT but his shoes were a right mess!

@MFAtheist that dog used to stand on me and lick the back of my neck while I giggled! She was a black border collie and terrific fun.

@RavenCT that dog sounds like it may have been a people once.


Well, well, well how small minded was that. What is the use of having a group at all then if people cannot have different ideas about life and what and how to feed ones cat. Petty. I am sure that if pussy feels like a bit of meat, he/she will gets its own.

Yes and no - you have to realize that many cat owners keep strictly indoor cats these days. (A big bone of contention in the pet community).

Now ask me how mice can get in the house in the deep winter in New England and be found by a house cat? Yup. Learned that last winter. What a surprise!

One of my three knows how to mouse. The other two were taken from their Mom's too young and can't hunt. They were really fascinated though.

@maturin1919 So you don't think pussy is capable then?

@maturin1919 Maybe you are right. I will have to talk to a vet and ask them about this.


Quoted by Raven CT below. I do feel terribly for how animals suffer in the process of providing food for humans and that we seem to not value that at all - and we are so distanced from it.

The examples are legion for how animals suffer in the process of providing food for other animals. Do you feel terrible about them? The food chain is the nature of nature. It is the way life is.

You can't teach a lion to eat Tofu. It wouldn't eat it and it would only become sick. and here is from
Gooniesnvrdie replied Jan 28, 2019
In 1955, those were considered true statements.

Why would a cat NEED protein from MEATS? Why would humans NEED protein from meat? Please I want to know, why meat protein is preferred over plant protein. Let's hear it.

I am gobsmacked you even ask the question. Even a casual knowledge of mammalian nutritional physiology sheds complete light on this.

Why do you think all cats and other animals such as killer whales are obligate carnivorous predators. Why do you think there are 600 species of parasitic wasps. Do you think these animals chose to occupy their food chain niche? They eat what they eat because they must being programmed by nature. If they don't they die or become ill. For details, do some research. I'm not going to teach you.

Yes I feel terrible watching animals kill animals. I carry spiders out of the house. Cause one of the humans is phobic.

It's the way I am. It may be nature - it doesn't mean I like it? Or don't wish it were different.

Just the way I am - I see suffering as suffering. You should have seen me catching a kid frying ants with a magnifying glass? lol Little me had words!

That's just me. I'm ok with it.

@Healthydoc, And piss the lion off : )

It was years before I found out that paper wasp keep green horned worms under control.


I also want to add how reeeeeeally difficult it is not to start a fight right now.

@MFAtheist @Gooniesnvrdie I kind of knew? But wow! I can see both sides really well.

I'm surprised that others don't?

@RavenCT I'm not even picking a side, really. I just love how all the feelings in the thread make everyone come alive.

It's like some kind of magic.

The magic of meat.


Honest opinion, I think a cat is going to eat what it wants to eat.

My cat eats meat, and feelings.

Fairly certain half of my cats diet is souls.


there is a theory called "food chain"...doesn't allow all beings a right to life...


My daughter is vegan. She feeds me meat. Cats need meat too. ?

People should not be arbitrarily banning people just because they can. Have them look up community, compassion, and tolerance. Perhaps even megalomania.

Life is too short for exclusionary elitism.

Oh I should explain it was an application for the group - they were not already a member. And no name was ever mentioned.

I believe this was to prevent trouble from beginning.

The group is for people with severe medical issues - they do not need extreme conflict. And apparently that might also have been an issue.

But it was a reaction I'd never seen before. And it made me curious how others viewed it.


how is the vegans views, in this case, any less blind than the evangelicals?

If I didn't have so many food allergies and medical issues I might have been a vegan for moral reasons. (My pets however? No. They'd get meat.).

I do feel terribly for how animals suffer in the process of providing food for humans and that we seem to not value that at all - and we are so distanced from it.

It's barbaric in another sense entirely.

I've had friends who were hunters and in some ways felt better about what they did - than what goes on in food that's mass produced.

That part of me that loves animals? That part gets pretty freaked out by the whole thing.

My Grandmother used to kill a chicken for the family - than eat bread for dinner. I suspect I know how she felt. That's the part that wishes I could do vegan.

@RavenCT Wildlife that's Hunted lives a far better life and usually dies a far better death than anything the industries provide. and hunters often have a far better handle on healthy animal populations than the save the squirrels people..

@hankster I know. I wish I had that talent and ability too. And the stomach for it.

Of course I'm just like my grandmother. I'm sure in a survival situation I'd do just fine. And if I'd brought up that way? Nothing wrong with it.

Way more merciful than watching deer starve in deep winter. I've seen that a few times. It's awful.

They seem to balance that pretty well here in CT with the hunting licenses.

@RavenCT in some distopic future im sure you're quite the neck ? here the hunters have trouble keeping some populations in check.

@hankster Bow and arrow all the way. 😉

@RavenCT boomerang!

@hankster i have swords! But no speed or stealth... Oh well...

@Gooniesnvrdie , I think that's the 'no fighting' rule 🙂


I saw a clip on PBS where a deer ate a bird. Odd. But the narrator said it needed protein.

Nice. I know rabbits have been caught eating carrion. That's how it starts. That's how we started eating meat.


Blocking someone from the group is the wrong way about it. I don't want to debate the ethics of feeding a carnivore like a cat on a vegan diet because I haven't studied the science behind how harmful it would be (although I can draw some conclusions). That said, if we assume that it is harmful, I would still hold that banning the vegan from the group is only going to give him/her a persecution complex, not help them come to a better understanding of how to do things. If you want people to change, let them into a group that can show them a better example. If you ban them, you limit their exposure to intelligent conversation on the subject.

I may have mis-stated. They applied to be in the group.

As some groups on FB require. The moderator checked the profile and saw markers for conflict. So there was more than one aspect to this.

It was this being a determining factor that I found interesting however.

I'll make an addendum to the post.


Cats need Protein from do humans..

@Gooniesnvrdie plants don’t have everything humans need to survive. In modern times the lacking nutrient components can be supplemented. This allows vegans to be healthy, however if it wasn’t for supplements they couldn’t survive.

Humans are omnivores.
Cats however are flesh eaters primarily. This is over 90% of their diet. Cats do get predigested greens and grains from the stomach of their prey. Cats are bird and rodent hunters primarily.
A cat only fed in plant protein will be malnourished and die. She’s forcing her belief system on onther being.

@Gooniesnvrdie thriving and surviving malnourished are not the same. Cats are obligate carnivores. They need to eat meat to survive. Their digestive system isn't made to handle anything else. They will not thrive on it and will likely die.

I don’t know your cat, but I know biology very well.

Cats get certain key nutrients from meat: taurine, arachidonic acid, vitamin A and vitamin B12. These are difficult or impossible to get from plants.

Also my cats eat a raw diet of organic humanly killed meat.

@Gooniesnvrdie but what sources do those ingredients come from?

@Gooniesnvrdie you’re the one that asked. Why ask questions that lead to these same arguments that you are tired of having?

@Gooniesnvrdie seems self destructive and very much like trolling. If you don’t want to discuss it then don’t get involved in the conversations.

@Gooniesnvrdie no because you stated you were tired of these conversations. Therefore stop having them or stop complaining about it. You control both of those options.

@Gooniesnvrdie I’m not pro meat. Im simply answering thing questions you’re asking. You’re defensive. I haven’t offered any incorrect information,

@darthfaja Do you have a good source to refer someone to a raw food pet diet? I have a friend who is interested.

@Gooniesnvrdie Is there a good reference for vegan options for cats? My friends cat has allergies and he's researching diets.
I couldn't find resources I knew were good on the topic.

@RavenCT I don’t have an easy go to site. I spoke with several vets I know, did some research, and went on advice from my cats breeder.

@darthfaja i did recommend his Vet - who was sending them to an allergy specialist.

It is difficult to get factual information about diet for anyone these days. We know a lot - but some is conjecture. And some diets descend into harm.

@RavenCT agree completely
Cats are fairly simple their diet in nature consists or rodents and birds primarily.


Cats are not meant to be vegans. Attempting to put them on a vegan diet can cause them serious illnesses. Imo it is putting your dogma above the well being of your pet. I don't believe in letting anything suffer for something as subjective as beliefs.

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