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If it was possible, would you vote for former President Obama again?

  • 37 votes
  • 17 votes
  • 12 votes
AirForceRN1 7 Feb 7

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Hell yes!


In a heartbeat.


It would depend on who else is running. I would not vote for a republican.


I wouldn’t vote for that goddamn motherfuckin asshole, arrogant, racist son of a bitch for dog catcher!!

Ah, projection again. Pssst, that's not a virtue.

@dokala Notice it's just more pure, unsubstantiated emotional rantings, again. What do we expect from these people.

He's no different than when he was a believer.

Racism? Check
Righteous? Check
Misogynist? Check
Supply side jesus without the Jesus? Check
College is for liberals? Check
Get off my lawn!? Check
Closet freak? Check

@dokala You forgot lots of guns check

@dokala You liberals have simply replaced your lack of beliefs in religions for a desire for an all powerful government to take care you so what in the hell are you talking about?? Can’t make it on your own? ????@JackPedigo:

Today I learned that not being a racist, desiring an education, not treating women bad, knowing about economics, applying the first amendment, and not being a dick in general is somehow all.aboit big government. Those are some interesting connections you make, especially since you are old enough to know that conservatives stood for those ideals until the southern strategy went wildly out of control.
No, Trajan, you want everyone to be like you and you fear everything different. The universe is is different from you and I'm surprised you don't have an aneurysm over that reality. You're off base, fearful, angry, deluded, and in desperate need of sexual release....whatever floats your boat in that last one.

@Trajan61 You took the words right out of my


In a heartbeat!


No, if I was living in the US and could vote I would vote for Jill if she was running.


A ridiculous question unless you know who he is running against


I would vote for almost any mammal running against trump. I would vote for Obama running against anybody.


If the choice was between Drumpf and Obama, hell yes. I would vote for W. Bush if he was the only other choice compared to Drumpf. I would vote for almost anyone else compared to Drumpf. But I know there are worse than him. It isn't the Presidential election that matters really. We really need to take control of the Senate and the Congress, federally and locally.

The Faux propaganda machine has an upper hand, because we all have long been brainwashed in the capitalist myth. Ugh. But it must be defeated with a better PR of more humane values. We have a long road ahead of us, and it ain't looking great.

Against Trump, I would bring back Buchanan. Of course now he could be the first OPENLY gay President. And, no, being gay didn't influence how badly he governed. Grieving may have influenced his actions or lack there of. His Veep died before swearing in; they were lovers.

@Beowulfsfriend Initially I read it as "Against Trump, I would back Buchanan." And of course I thought of Pat, not James. And then I wondered, huh, Pat is gay? And then I realized my mistake.


I voted for Obama his first term and did not vote for him his second term as I felt he did not live up to his promises and was just another war criminal. However, I will never vote for a republican as long as the evangelical theists control the GOP. I would vote for Obama again as a lesser of two evils.


Obama was not a perfect president, but compared to the one before him and the one after him, he is an absolute angel. 🙂


I voted 'maybe', but only because there wasn't a 'probably not' choice. Much, of course, would depend on the field running before the primaries. I vote on policies and histories more than anything else. Obama would not be bringing anything more to the table than what we have already seen. He was also not a particularly great president. A far cry better than most, but not the greatest. I admit that I would be strongly tempted, but I have enough self discipline to avoid doing something like that if I could see something better on the horizon.


The "again" implies that we voted for him before.
This creates a faulty poll UNLESS you only want people who did vote for him in the past to participate in your poll which certainly skews the results.


Yes, but only if he didn't have his hands tied by both a Republican House and Senate...


No, I want Bernie.


It would depend on who he's running against. More against someone than for him. He's very charismatic but that's not enough.


I absolutely would


Why not? He cannot be worse than President Trump! He is far more intelligent and has great integrity! Obama does not dehumanize people or put people down like Trump!

Seriously? Barack Obama "cannot be worse"???? Can you not follow me please?

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