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Am I weird? Wait, don't answer that, I know that answer. My real question is:

Wifebeaters? I find they are the biggest turn off. If I see a profile picture of a man in a tank top I pass right on by. I loathe them being worn as an outer garment. As an undershirt they're fine. Who is with me on this?

HippieChick58 9 Feb 24

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All depends on the man thats filling it

Sacha Level 7 Feb 24, 2018

Weird is good. I like weird. As far as the shirt goes, I grew up calling them "ginny-t's". Didn't start hearing them called "wife-beaters" until the 80s. Some guys look good in them, some don't. I wear them all the time.

yes, me too; most of the time too hot for more.

@Shelton "Ginny" was a very common way to refer to Italians. It was pervasive where I grew up (northern NJ) .

@Shelton Born in Passaic. Lived in Lodi, Bloomfield, Cedar Grove, and North Caldwell.

@Shelton Yep.


I generally pass by most men's profiles. 🙂

I don't understand 😉


An undershirt ? It's called a vest here . Wife beater is a strong lager


I'm a man, but I find wearing such under-tops simply trashy. I feel the same way about wearing baseball and hunting caps backward (particularly indoors).


I don't have a particular problem with this shirt, it can be sexy on certain men (like the one posted, also I remember a couple movies Denzel wore them). I don't like the name. Like most undergarments, there is a time and place and a profile pic isn't one.


I'm a guy and I don't like seeing them out in public. I'm always afraid that if they get too close to me I'll get a strong whiff of BO.


I don't mind a wifebeater as long as the wearer isnt sporting a man bun & backwards ball cap, mirror sunglasses, a ratty messenger bag, linen "cargo" mid thigh shorts, crossed strappy "hiking" sandals, swilling starbucks & reaking of a combo of patchouli, stale liquor & gym sweat & riding yhe same elevator as me. (Not the way to start a Saturday morning at work.)


Om men I agree. On ladies, oh my!


I'm with you on wifebeaters! slightly siding with man in a vest he looks cool to me.


I think these were called "A" shirts, but I'm not sure of that. Brando wore one, I think, in "A Streetcar Named Desire." I never did like them.


The image you posted isn't THAT bad. But here in Florida, usually the man wearing the wife beater is very overweight, very hairy (everywhere but on his head), and is loud and rude. I actually wear one occasionally as my nightshirt, as they are really comfortable. But as outerwear? Sorry, but no. Go put on a real shirt.


I never understood the purpose of this shirt What function does it serve as underwear?

As to the men I see wearing these as their shirt? I have yet to see a wearer who doesn't fit the stereotype and is very proud of how it makes him look.


The first time I hear that term, I had no idea what the hell the person was talking about, I thought that it was the term for the kind of person I am most happy to punch in the head.
It is how ever a very appropriate descriptive term as on the television those caught wearing them are captured in acts of spousal abuse.
I would never wear one I am, too fair skinned, wearing one would burn the hide off of me.


Hmm, for me it depends on if he has muscles or not and is going to rip it off doing a strip tease, then yes I like them! What turns me off in profile pics is men with small children, I'm out and I don't care if it's his grandchild, I really don't care for kids.


I had wore them with hat, sports jacket and tie. And I feel offended with the word "wifebeater". Because they don't described me.


I much prefer egg beaters. Hard to spot since they don't wear the shirt.


Ha! I bought some tank tops when I was staying somewhere the thermostat was always set on the make me sweat setting. Since I was a guest and it wasn't my place to change the thermostat settings, I figured this was the next best option. I never heard them called "wifebeaters" until my ex-DIL saw me in one of them.


pretty revolting, and think about the term, "wife beater T Shirt" here. How did it get that name? So what type of people mostly wear them?


Wife Beaters got the name from the TV series COPS.
Bad boy. Bad boy. What ya going to do? What ya going to do when the come for you”? Bad boy
Seemed like every time they were called for a domestic dispute the perp was wearing this style of under shirt. Thus the nickname “Wife Beater”.
I remember one scene where the guy was being “cuffed and stuffed” and he screamed to his wife, “Now bitch you don’t be smoking all my cigarettes”.


I don’t wear them at all! Did I pass the test? 😉

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