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Hey Disney, if Cinderella's shoe fit so perfectly, why did it fall off? This is why kids don't learn critical thinking.

Duke 8 Feb 27

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The story existed in many versions in many countries centuries before Disney. From memory the earliest was a Chinese Cinderella from 850ad
Ye Xian - Wikipedia []
There are others in many countries most having shoes made from animal skin.


The biblical snake of course. He's behind it all.


because it was made of glass.

Seriously, who looked at glass and thought "this would make a fine shoe material"? I bet it was a government contract, since it was the prince and all. Some local glass maker convinced the government to pay for his "glass slippers for the military and protect our freedom" project. Bet there was an entire government owned warehouse full of glass slippers as part of a government pork/makework project.


Why am I thinking "Stripper Shoes"?


Ha ha.. those are lucite and not glass...

@Donna I know. 😉 Ok I know from movies but still!

@RavenCT Those with the goldfish in the heels. LOL

@Duke Dang! rofl Where have I seen those?

@RavenCT One of Huggy Bear's girls on Starsky and Hutch?


Glass just don't have the same grip as leather?


It was in the script... That's how it works. 😉


If we exhibited critical thinking about all the stories we heard as children it would have saved us from believing fables and lies especially in the form of religion. My life would have been much different if I had that reaction to what I was told!


Glass shoes are so impractical. I never understood the purpose of the shoes being made of glass. I also never liked the story of Cinderella, even as a child. I couldn't understand why she put up with being treated like garbage. Both those stepsisters would have gotten their asses beat.


She was drunk


Love this.

And in the whole kingdom, she was the only one with that shoe size. Seems legit...


Duh!! It got caught in the step! 🙂


She kicked it off to tease the Prince. hardly something to explain to young children 😉

godef Level 7 Feb 27, 2018
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