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Does anyone else have a favorite "famous" atheist? I have a few of course, Sam Harris (naturally) and of course the late, greats, Lauren Bacall and Madalyn Murray O'Hare. And I have to admit, I'm still a little perturbed over the long ago ousting of the wonderful Ellen Johnson.

Scarecrow 5 Mar 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Francis Bacon.


Maher, Carlin, Lewis Black; mostly comedians. Neil Tyson is cool.


Carl Sagan


I have some, wouold offer them to just use the 9mm or the.45 the answers would be closer to the truth.


Linus Pauling, who won Nobel prizes for chemistry and peace. One quote really resonated with me when I needed clarity. When asked if he believed anything, he said, " I believe that all complicated phenomena can be explained using simpler scientific principled."


I do but not many people know of him. His name is Jean Meslier. A French priest who was agnostic but kept up the charade of being a priest because it put him in a position to help the people in the parish. On his death they found his testament which is a superb philosophic dissection of religion and his contempt of the roman catholic church. It was Mesliers testament that launched Voltaire into his rage against religion which lead to the age of enlightenment, without Mesliers testament who knows if Voltaire would have pushes so hard against the religious rule.

AdieG Level 4 Mar 5, 2018

There you go!


Bill Maher for sure. Loved George Carlin.


James Randi


Christopher Hitchens 🙂 Amusing to watch him roast people for their flawed logic.


Issac Asimov



Richard Dawkins (of COURSE) and Michael Shermer! I have this fantasy that, before I die, I see an atheist elected President of the US! Think it'll happen?


Charles Darwin. He was more of an Agnostic but he got the religions to circle their wagons. He did more to disprove "God" than anyone else in history thus far IMHO.


I'm a fan of the high profile ones solely because I'm still wading through them: Hitchens, Harris, Dawkins, Fry, Gervais to name a few 🙂


It would be Mark Twain, hands down. He wrote some stories and one book that, even today, would be controversial if generally known. I couldn't find a link to the complete text of his story "Sold to Satan," but that's a good read too. It's the only science fiction story he ever wrote.

[] Letters From the Earth

[] The Mysterious Stranger

[] Christian Science

[] On the Book of Mormon

"Letters From the Earth" is one of my favorite books! I've been known to give it as gifts!


George carlin


Stephen Fry, for a live one, and Christopher Hitchens. I miss him all the time!

Stephen is on my ''fantasy'' list of famous people (living or dead) with whom I'd like to have dinner! He is so funny...



Robert Ingersoll

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