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Ok so Iโ€™m new to this site sooooo I hope this doesnโ€™t get me flagged. The level thingy feels kinda scientology like haha.????

Cwag515 5 Mar 5

Enjoy being online again!

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This costs way less though.... ๐Ÿ˜‰


I find it very amusing telling people I'm a level 5 agnostic.

I still tell people I'm a level 8 avatar, though I haven't played Ultima IV since the 80s.

Ha! ๐Ÿ™‚


Xenu will not be questioned. You will be assimilated. Tom Cruise is on his way to your house as we speak, prepare to receive him.

Just kidding, welcome!

Thank you south. Iโ€™ve seen xenu in my dream.


No scientology-levels limit scammers like regular dating sites.


It's really just related to how much you sacrifice. Money can get you to like 4, cats to about 7, then its gotta be people. Hope you still have that list from high school, it'd come in handy!


It's more like steps to being an admin. For instance the lower you level, your posts and comments have to be approved by higher level members. Less like scientology more like monarchy and we level 6+ are the dukes and dutchesses while you're a serif working your way up lol

Ah do I get a crown when I level up? Elvish crown I think... ๐Ÿ˜‰

@RavenCT I think crowns are for lvl 10

Well yโ€™all better tighten up cause Iโ€™m on 4. Haha


Donโ€™t worry they donโ€™t make you pay for classes or anything!


This is NOTHING like Scientology. You pay a shit load of money to climb the ladder in Scientology. This not even much of a dating site, but is interesting and kind of fun.


Welcome. As you will find out, there are some folks on here who post utter bullshit/nonsense. I think it is so they can up their level. Welcome to the dollhouse!

Thank you vixen. I think Iโ€™ll be a ok if it comes to posting bullshit๐Ÿ˜‰


I don't even pay attention to that. In any case, welcome!

Thank you D.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.
Never even thought about scientology in relation to the levels here.
I hit Level 8 about a week ago. No one has tried to "audit" me yet.
Haven't been called a "suppressive person" yet either. At least not
to my face.


The levels are meant to try to help encourage participation. Unliek Scientology, this site is 100% free and requires no "donations".


If these were OT Levels it would be outrageously expensive.


LOL. Welcome

Thanks sherry.


don't think about it


At least they don't ask you for money.


That's funny!


To be honest, apart from some flaky clebs, ie Tom Cruise, I know nothing about scientology. Hubbard was a sci fi writer. I have no idea nor interest of scientology, but it does seem to come up a lot. John Travolta's worst movie comes to mind.

Hubbard supposedly wrote the first book on a bet - that he could create a religion. I can remember Dianetics being classified as Sci Fi in the public library.


You don't have to be controlled, so it's all good! Welcome

Thank you. My grandma used to say that you canโ€™t straighten a crooked tree. Iโ€™m not one to be controlled anyways. ????


Are you a current, or former Scientologist?

No Iโ€™m just clowning round๐Ÿ˜‰

@Cwag515 I only asked because of the level reference you made. Is that something Scientologists do?

Yes but you gotta pay a shitload of money. @Condor5


Flagged! You're bucking the system. You can't question anything on here. You're welcome to question religion but not this site. SARCASM ENDED. ;P


Naw, it's just a forum thing.


It just shows how involved people are with the site. Plus we aint asking for your credit card information. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Wellcome, and say what you feel !



Thank you Sarah.

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