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As some of you may know there is a new organization called Fight The New Drug. Its purpose is to expose and help rehabilitate people in the adult film industry. Fine and dandy. Just one problem: FTND is being backed by the Catholic Church. In case no one has noticed the Catholic Church treats people just as badly, if not more so then adult film industry itself. What are your thoughts on this?

PatrickKerr 6 May 21

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The catholic church is making a smoke screen. A large group of priests in the Pittsburgh Pa area has been making kiddie porn (mostly little boys) in the church and rectories and putting it out on the web. It's in the Pa state grand jury report on catholic church abuse of minors. They're trying to deflect attention away from themselves and make a big show about the "good" they do.


While I completely support people getting out of the sex industry, I do not trust the rcc to help anyone with that.
The church is just looking for fresh meat.
They're just as bad as those who force people to work in the sex industry.
Actually, they're worse. They want their money, too.


Fuck the Catholic Church!


Haven't adult film workers been exposed already?


At least in the Film industry people get paid (mostly) to fuck or get fucked.
While in the church people pay (give money and flesh) to get raped.

Which is prostitution again?


I think most in the adult film industry are not abused or exploited.

I f I did believe these people were abused?

The catholic church would be about the last organization I would trust to assist them.


I love porn and I doubt most porn actors and actresses (of course there are always exceptions, especially if you're talking about human trafficking, which I am not) want to be "rehabilitated."
I just wish porn would get to the 'next level' more quickly and become the art form it deserves to be. But it's getting there if you know where to look.
Catholics are hypocrites, as are most if not all Christians.


There is data to show that at least a billion humans are regular observers and/or engagers in pornographic recordings.
This is not a problem. It is natural. And as such, should be celebrated.
To deny this reality is just plain stupid.

I disagree on the ‘natural,’ part! Tell that to the porno addict, and to a spouse who’s mate has no interest in their sex life, because it can’t equal up to the allusion on the screen.

@Freedompath Most people I know in a committed relationship who watch porn enjoy it as a sex aid, not as a substitute FOR sex. And it's illusion, dumbskull, not allusion. If you are a porn addict, there are much worse things to be addicted to. Sex is a normal human urge, and it's not "natural" to limit it to procreation and only to married people. Are you against contraception too? Where do you draw the line? Spare me your "porn addict" crap. I was brought up Catholic so believe me I know what I'm talking about.

@Duchess_Nyx, @Storm1752 I totally agree with you on this. Porn addiction is a terrible one. Most people caught in it most find it deficult to stop

@Storm1752 food is necessary, but can also become addictive! I see by your post, that you know little about addictions. You are defending your personal behavior, but there are millions who do not share your opinion. Yea, protest too much. And, there is a remedy for people who call others names...which also revealed something about your true nature!

@Freedompath . . The original post is about a religious organization defining their moral stance as correct, without any analysis of the preferences for any part of the human population, and seeking to "fix" those they have deemed worthy. These are evil people.

All of what you cite is of concern. Those are criminal offenses. But just as with real life, those activities are minuscule via "porn."

FYI: Most online "porn" is purchased by women. The most tasty websites are owned by women.

@Jacar ...and what does all this prove?


Helping people who want to get out of sex work is good, especially if they are being victimized in some way. The Catholic church being anti-sex as they are obviously other motivations. I guess I feel about them the same way I feel about missionaries and religious food banks. Not good, but not all bad either.

MsAl Level 8 May 21, 2019

Yes, if they WANT to and are being held captive and forced. That's human trafficking. Almost a separate issue. I doubt these Catholics are talking exclusively about that. They're making assumptions, it seems to me, since sex is "bad," people engaging in sex for money are inherently in bondage. Totally different mindset having more to do with taking for granted all things "of the flesh" and carnal appetites in general lure you away from things "of the spirit" and thus are of the devil. Total hogwash.

@Storm1752 I don't like missionaries of any kind and most definitely question the motives in this case. There is victimization in the sex industry though. There is victimization beyond actual bondage. There are many people who could use a hand getting out. I see the Church finding places like that where desperation is prevalent and no one else is helping they jump in to help. They do help. They are also most definitely trying to find new followers.

Kinda like food banks. I'ts bad that they are all run by churches. I was damn grateful when I was in a position to need one that they were there. Not everyone volunteering for food banks is looking to convert people. Some just want to help people get food. The organization running it is most definitely trying to spread the word though.

The food bank at my parents' church feeds all who are hungry regardless of beliefs or lack thereof. They accepted me as a volunteer without trying to convert me, too.

@MizJ The same is true for most religious outreach. They encourage following the lord to varying degrees though. Some make a bigger effort to keep it in the background and actually make it more about helping than saving soals. Some the other way around.

At the food bank I used we sat in the pews and listened to sermons while waiting about an hour. Like I said I was grateful but I wish there were other places to help people. I w

I occationally donate food or money but am not 100% comfortable with what they put out there. Most of their food comes from local businesses and drives to help hungry, not support the church.

@MsAl This food bank is located in its own building, away from the church. Other than a couple of crosses on the wall it is not religious. They also help people pay utility bills with money made from donations to their thrift store, my clothing donations all go there.

Years ago I had an awful experience similar to the one you described, was told my predicament was due to being a heathen.


I have to agree with u on this catholic church is the pits of hello for abuse


I said to myself many years ago, Stay away from the Catholic Church, don't have anything to do with them. Even when they appear to be advocating some good cause, like say, helping Central American refugees, all they really are after is more asses in the pews, and more membots. They're so pro-life when it comes to abortion but what are they doing to the 15 million people -- mostly babies and young people -- that starve to death every year. I'll tell you what they're doing: They're sending Pope Francis to Africa telling people not to use birth control and close Planned Parenthood Centers.


Kind of reminds me of those groups , who were there to help pregnant women . Talk to them about how awful abortions were .


Lol, not just pray the gay away, but pray all sex away, that's Catholicism for you. It's a cover up, they just want the publicity. Catholics and all xtians never have abstained from sex they just hide it and deny it to others cause guess what, they know there's no one really watching, it's all a show for other people, always has been. Not denying that too much porn will mess up your life though, it does desensitize you to reality, and has been causing problems for the last and current generation of active males that go to it, instead of seeking real relationships, addiction to anything is a problem, but religion has never solved any problems only tried to assign blame to them, and shame rather than treat the problem. The church has zero business telling others anything, when they are full of the real freaks of the world.


catholics = hypocrites, a church that protected Nazis [] and gave them safe passage to Latin America after WW2, as mysoginistic as the muslims, fuck them all!


I have an uncomfortable feeling about religious of any kind in the addiction business. Especially addiction. I don’t see them being objective about a person’s beliefs and might even weave them into their rehab process.


What is wrong with working in the adult film industry? Good pay, fun work!

zesty Level 7 May 21, 2019

Yes the pay is good but one have to be smart enough to resist all the temptation thereafter


Rehabilitate them from what exactly?

From the damage the porn industry dose. Booze Drugs etc.


It is STUPID. Actually it is more than stupid. I just can't come up with a better word at the moment.


what at first seems strange is very reasonable behavior of the pious. Those who profess the most allegiance to the all-powerful imaginary friend are more likely they are engage in non-pious activities. Child molestation, enjoying visual aids, wife beating,... Therefore these people are going after anyone who may feel like they do but actually behave as well.

I am sure some good catholic peoples are heavily invested in the production of naked-humans-doing-fun-stuff products. The most religious are also the most hypocritical.


No, not a good idea. After all it appears that they have no moral compass or if they do it's being affected by a strong magnetic field.


It’s a good idea and best of lucks on it.


WTF !!!!


I would imagine that the adult film industry pays pretty well. If folks are there because they want to be, more power to them. The Catholic Church should mind their own damn business as they have more than enough problems to take care behind their own doors.

gearl Level 8 May 21, 2019

I would think that the best cure for porn addiction would be actual sex, and from the news it sounds as though Catholics have a lot to offer in that area. They even have sextons on hire.

I guess if someone wants help it probably doesn’t matter who is supporting the effort. I’ll never be a Catholic but I respect their members and appreciate whatever good things the Church does.

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