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How would you react if you were to learn that your mate or significant other had a lover of the same sex before you knew each other? What would you want to know about the experience if anything?

Metaqueen70 5 May 24

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Had an experience with a lesbian couple and it worked out great for all three of us, each able to explore something new. They decided to be bisexual, whenevr they wanted I learned a little of lesbian love.
My wife had a lesbian affair , briefly, as a teen - but everyone should explore everything as a teen.


Nothing. None of my business.


I never ask a partner about their past relationships. I Learn only what is volunteered.


I've had relationships with a few women who had sex with other women. Married one, in fact. Didn't really want to know anything except if they enjoyed it.

1of5 Level 8 May 24, 2019

I have been with at least two women who have been with women. I really did not really think that much about it, other than some fantasies. 🙂


I'd like to know if that experience is over and if she is attracted to men now,and mainly if she's ready for full commitment with me.
Nice photo...

I just couldn't help but laugh. Don't you think you would notice if the experience wasn't over?

@thinkwithme No, it's not that easy to know it all. But then again, it's just a post asking for hypothetical answers, right? At least I made you laugh!

@Merseyman1 Thank you. Yes. I do get what you are thinking about. Asking/answering questions like who are you attracted to and what does that mean and are you ready for a commitment and what does that mean..That could be a lot to figure out regardless of your history.


Without revealing much of their past ,I'd insist on a blood test for AIDS..... Yes Trust will be brought up, but people have died,for not asking the right questions...

I think gay women are actually less likely to contract HIV than heterosexual women.


Makes her more interesting. Part of intimacy for me is sharing past experiences.


Not my business unless indicator of future behavior

bobwjr Level 10 May 24, 2019

E.g.fooling around


Just like sex with the opposite sex, it would be none of my business


Not an issue


Don't care. At all. All that matters is now. And, at my age and growth, if my SO wanted to step out and was honest about it things wouldn't change much. I have no desire to do so and i believe her as well.


Well, it depends on if you're talking about me now, or me when I first got together with my SO 38 years ago. It wouldn't have bothered me either time, but back then I would have been much more curious and asked a bunch of questions, and now, not so much.


Your past makes you what you are today, so if I cared for them it would fall under "none of my business" unless they wanted to discuss it.


After getting married, I was shocked to discover my first husband was bisexual and a sexual sadist. We were best friends at the University of Michigan.

When Tim touched me, I flinched and shrank away. Left him after two years. I found it ironic that the doctor's credo is: "Do no harm."

Our marriage lasted that long was because Tim was in medical school and worked full time as a nurse. He had 8 hours to sleep, study or see me. We saw each other every 10 days.

In graduate school, I worked full time as a YMCA program director.

After our divorce, Tim courted me for four years.

"Why do you keep trying, when you know I will never go back to you?" I asked.

"To give up would force me to admit that I sexually abused my wife," Tim replied.

I had years of therapy in my 30s.


It would not occur to me to ask.


I’m bi so pretty much all my partners learn this. Women are not so curious; most men are. Many want to know about fmf threesomes since that’s a commonly held fantasy. If the interest and questions are respectful, I don’t mind talking about it.


I did, she had and it was no more my business than were the other men she slept with before we got together.


Whatever they felt like they would like to share. If nothing, thats okay too.

  1. Awesome
  2. If she's ever contemplated a threesome, don't let me stand in the way
    2a) Actually, better specify- make sure to invite me as one of the three.

@SeaGreenEyez Why not? I'm game for pretty much anything. Good for the gander is good for the goose.

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