8 15

We have forgotten the good old, patient friendly methods.

St-Sinner 9 May 30

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OK, so was the stethoscope invented or discovered? Get your shit together...


@St-Sinner Rhetorical


Except women would not be dressed in sexy corsets nowadays and the fat would just spill out all over and we would just be in bras and underwear


Laennec is to be appreciated by those who have no desire to be groped.

Thank you, Laennec.

Women were seen by 'trusted' family physicians in those days, right?

@St-Sinner Women also tended to do as they were told, in those days, too.
Another advantage to those days being long gone.


Effective for copping a feel, but I bet they like actually keeping their patients alive more than they like feeling them up.

1of5 Level 8 May 30, 2019

I wouldn't take that bet.

@KKGator ok, most. They are people, after all.


You sure he's not a priest? 😮

Playing doctor....


Perversion could have been a motivating factor in becoming a doctor.



@maturin1919 In UK 40% of doctors and 60% of nurses are WOMEN!

@Amisja The next time I am going to London, I am just going to collapse on the floor and play unconscious.

@maturin1919 erm the text says centuries.

@maturin1919, @St-Sinner why?

@maturin1919 The picture looks Edwardian so 1904-1920?the stethoscope was invented about 100 years earlier. The pic is meant to elicit male titilation and is sexist.

@maturin1919 It isn't the fashions are early 20th Century. No doctor ever needed to hold a woman's breast during an examination.

@maturin1919 Indeed they were. Although, by exception there were a number of female doctors (Elizabeth Garrett qualified in the mid 19th century). I fully appreciate this image (inaccurate) is of an earlier age and we are meant to believe that at least we know better in 2019. However by showing this image, entirely intended to titilate, you are perpetuating sexist tropes. Stop it!

@maturin1919 I can provide stats. Thats what I do. However Rene Laennec died in 1816. This pic is much later. In addition we have had devices to auscilate internal organs for generations.

@maturin1919 Its sexist. You are perpetuating a sexist trope. Doctors are professionals and do not enter their profession to feel up women's breasts


Now I know why my father always said I should have been a doctor...

camne Level 7 May 30, 2019
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