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What is the end goal of human existence in your opinion?

Apollo 3 Mar 12

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To shred the drape of these mortal coils that bind me thus turning me loose upon time


In my opinion, there isn't one.

What he said

In my view, there is no purpose for the existence of humans. Humanity has no agreed-upon purpose or goal.


Having a goal implies having a plan and as far as I can tell humanity doesn't have one. We are walking talking Tupperware for DNA. Once we have passed on our genes the reason for our existence has been fulfilled, but to what end no one knows.

But my late husband and I chose not to have does that mean we had no reason to exist? There have been many brilliant childless people in the course of history who have bettered the human condition just by having lived. I feel humans are meant to uplift and support other humans, other species, and respect our earth. We certainly have fallen short of that in most cases, but we can individually keep trying. I'm here, and I don't want my existence to contribute to pain, suffering and oppression. It's the best we can do with what we have.


You can invent your own reasons for living but we are here because DNA's sole function as far as we know is to replicate itself. It doesn't mean we can't find purpose other than replication.


To cover the planet shoulder to shoulder until we become cannibals and consume each other.



Not to die at the hands of the GOP.

That is a fail from the start.

That's one of my personal goals. I wish more people realized that should be one of theirs.

We are failing.


I think any goals of humanity is reached by concensus.

I think becoming more helpful than harmful, more constructive than destructive and workign with each other rather than sabotaging each other and mor elong similar lines like that woudl be worthy goals for humkanity. Basically over coming our "animal" natures and usign oru intelligence what si good for everyone.

Unfortunately, I dont' think humankind, as a whole, coudl meet those goals in less than 200,000 years.


I don't have one. I don't think we "need a purpose".

Perhaps on the individual level, we need some sort of purpose to give our lives meaning and direction. However, when it comes to the whole of humanity, I agree that we don't need one.


Spreading your genes..


Is an "end goal" necessary? Why not eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow you may die?



Why assume it has one?


To eat, of course. 🙂


easy, death.
Any living thing exists to push its dna into the future.


There is none. Who speaks for all of humanity? No one. On a more individual level, I'd agree with others who have said procreation/perpetuation of the species is the goal.


Extinction or near extinction, so that some caring alternative might learn by our mistakes?


Survive like any other mammal woud.




How about we choose to understand the universe and our place in it?


Why does there have to be a goal? Species exist to make more of the species. That's about it. Meaning is in the eyes of the beholder and is quite fleeting.


We are stewards of the earth. Unfortunately, we're not doing a good job.


To cease to exist apparently.


To Reproduce! Isn't that obvious? Otherwise there wouldn't be 7 billion of us f#$%'ers


War to survive and desease hunger etc


Evolution of the brain and the formation of higher intelligence.


There must first be a plan to accomplish something for there to be a goal, be it end or interim. In order for there to be a human existence plan, there must be cooperation and agreement among all human beings in determining what that means and what the goal shall be.

From the evolutionary point of view, there is no and has never been a plan, thus no end goal.

I think you're out of luck with the question for the time being.


Perpetuation of the genome.

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