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Is Ted Cruz hitting on AOC?
Colorado proved that free BC results in a dramatic reduction in unwanted pregnancies and abortions. Why isn't the Christian right behind this?

Alexandria Ocasio
Psst! 🗣 Birth control should be over-the-counter, pass it on.

(It should be free, too - like in the UK!)

Ted Cruz:
I agree. Perhaps, in addition to the legislation we are already working on together to ban Members of Congress from becoming lobbyists, we can team up here as well. A simple, clean bill making birth control available over the counter. Interested?

jerry99 8 June 12

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Like trump, I never believe anything that comes out of Ted Crud's mouth!!

So you believe AOC makes more sense than Cruz?

She does make more sense than the faux-libertarian, theocratic, anti-Western values Cruz.


the only problem I can imagine was putting birth control over-the-counter like cold medicine is that I believe the dosage has to be tailored for the individual woman.

that's why it requires a doctor's prescription.

of course condoms are available over-the-counter.

better yet I recommend a vasectomy for men as soon as possible.

I got mine done when I was 22

m16566 Level 7 June 12, 2019

I am looking to get the snip myself.

I am 43, no children and I don't need to chase toddlers

Nothing sexier than a man who's had a vasectomy!

If you have any questions about vasectomy ask I will help you.

I wish now that I gotten one myself when I was that age. Never would have to worry about getting a woman pregnant again.

@ToolGuy same here. Sperm free for 30 some years.


Knocking women up is one of the most effective ways of controlling them.

four times in my life I have caught a woman, lying to me about birth control.
they were intentionally trying to get pregnant in order to control me.
I understand that this is a feminist agenda item, it does go both ways.

@m16566 that does indeed happen. It's usually not the feminist but it's the little Christian girls who want somebody to take care of them.

@m16566 That's true in our society and has been in others that made an effort to hold men responsible for pregnancies they contributed to. However, it's far easier even now for men to dodge responsibility for children than women. That's just the consequence of nature.

@m16566 that’s why men should bring condoms or get a vasectomy and then you don’t have to worry.


Looking at cruz makes me gag.

Looking at Cruz makes me want to punch him in the face!

Cruz is a damn sight better than that raving idiot AOC!!!

@Trajan61 Ted Cruz is an idiot, like most who do not research their facts and look at all of the ramifications of what comes out of his pie hole.


AOC is very cute, but I doubt Ted wants that kind of attention. He is more inclined to get caught in a airport bathroom stall like most Republicans.


Cruz is a parasitic scumbag. He sees how popular she is even as a freshman senator while he's always been universally hated by pretty much everyone. I'm thinking he figures if he can glom onto her, maybe he can smear some of her popular appeal onto himself like when you lean against a freshly painted wall that's still wet.

Ask yourself why would a hardline R who's never supported anything but conservatism his entire life suddenly be so open to allying himself with a firmly progressive D on multiple pieces of legislation. It's beyond suspicious, it's downright creepy. AOC should just tell him "Thanks but no thanks, Ted. You're a cockroach."


Despite its wide use, there are still serious side effects concerning the pill, especially the formation of blood clots. A medical history of the patient is still necessary to make the decision for risk factors. Even a woman's weight can affect the effectiveness of the pill...

I don't think they can just offer it over the counter without considering the health of the person and providing instructions as well...even prescribed, birth control pill use is still taken incorrectly resulting in unwanted pregnancy.

Ted Cruz is an idiot, like most who do not research their facts and look at all of the ramifications of what comes out of his pie hole.

From some of the comments on the twitter feed I gather that it's not unusual to be prescribed BC pills without taking a medical history or doing a thorough workup.

@jerry99 Probably not as stringent in low income clinics and college medical facilities...a doctor who prescribes the pill without taking weight, age, blood pressure and family history in consideration is not doing their job and risks medical malpractice...after you get your prescription, then it is just a simple refill...but even Planned Parenthood does a minimal screening...


Yeah, it's potentially dangerous. We're talking about tinkering with hormones, hormones that do more than just regulate ovulation. It should never be available as an OTC.

Ted Cruz makes a hell of a lot more sense that that looney idiot AOC!

@Trajan61 I think she is young and inexperienced but she does speak for many who are in the same age and she speaks out on the many issues of the younger generation. I like her spunk and she is quite a passionate speaker and does her research. She does get too excited at times, but I like her a lot. I think she will go far if she can avoid being sucked in by corruption or frustration as most politicians do.


Seems like he is also pushing this because OTC would mean that people would not be able to get their insurance or medicaid to pay for these pills as it does now...look at what happened when they made acid reflux medication OTC...lots of people ended up paying $25 or more per one month. The drug companies still benefit, but the people who need the drugs end up getting shafted.

My insurance or Medicare doesn’t pay for all my generic nexium as it still cost me 30 dollars per month

@Trajan61 but it will pay for your viagra. BC should not be OTC but medical care and supervision should be available for ALL women.

@Trajan61 exactly what I said...when they made it OTC, people had to pay...if they make BC OTC, then women would have to pay...


They aren't behind it because it isn't about babies, it's about controlling women's sexuality.

1of5 Level 8 June 12, 2019

Maybe BC should not be OTC as patient-specific prescribing is required. However it should be free at the point of service.
Condoms, Plan B, etc. should be free and readily available OTC.
The overall savings will be in the order of 6 to 7 times the expenditure.

Of course, there's a catch:
You have to accept that folks are going to do the deed!!!

Get past that and it begins to fall into place.


why isn't the christian right behind free BC? you are kidding, right?


Because the Christian far right thinks birth control is also abortion.


I don’t think that Ted Cruz can have a crush on anyone other than his own image in a mirror.


Ted Cruz.....a man I have come to loathe and revile. He doesn't have the intelligence to be attracted to AOC. What is in it for him? That is my question. What is his plan?

Yes! Just consider how rational their faith is, and the reasons against the existence of God that that rationalize themselves past. How can we expect them to take such a rational stance?


I speculate that a photo of Ted Cruz could be birth controlling. Hypothetically.


The greatest cause of poverty & life on the welfare rolls is out of wedlock births with no father in sight. Contraception became legal in the USA in 1964. Supreme Court ruled on the right to privacy.....again. My body, not the government's.


It's not about decreasing abortion, it's about controlling women. They should just cross their legs, you know?


He wants to be her vp pick

You are so full of shit.


I don't think AOC will pay attention.


Be fruitful and multiply. That’s what the book says. They just aren’t fessing up to the true reason.


I never have any idea what that guy's angle is.


The best things in life are indeed free...

Like your profile photo 🙂


For what I care, he could be tapping that... More power to him


Republicans talking about real stuff that could have a big effect on reproductive healthcare? and with superstar of the far left none the less? That's amazing! Good.

MsAl Level 8 June 12, 2019

Now this is just bizarre.

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