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I recently heard that the Koch brothers (with a big assist from Pence) are trying to call for a constitutional convention with the intention being to rewrite the constitution - more to their liking, I would presume. The post said that only 6 states were holdouts at this point.....has anyone else heard anything like this?

Lavergne 8 Mar 14

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So it's Wikipedia.en, take it with a grain of salt.

Yeah, the big push is from the right, for a balanced budget amendment.

The approach to an Article V Convention has been haphazard. Congress basically is the Secretary for Article V Convention petitions from the States, and Congress has been a well-nigh absent secretary.

There are no real rules about how it would work, except that a lot of it would be based on what we know about the original Convention to draft our current Constitution. That was a Covention of States, not The People. An Article V Convention would be a convention of States. No doubt conservatives would have power over and above the demographic and economic power of their more numerous, but underpopulated and poorer States. An Article V Convention can proabably be limited to a single topic, or set topics, but that is FAR from certain.


Individual states can call for a constitutional convention. 34 are needed to call for the convention and 38 are needed to ratify anything proposed at that convention. This is why the Koch brothers, ALEC and all other kind of right wing asshats are spending so much money, time and effort to control individual state governments. Currently republicans control all branches of government in 26 states, democrats 8 and the rest are a mix. If they can gain control in 8 more...


They just want to replace it with the 10 commandments.

godef Level 7 Mar 14, 2018

Here is one link (nothing about Kochs or Pence though) Trumpty Dumpty is envious that he doesn't get to rule for life like his pal in China. Once a CC is open anything goes.



How about providing a link to this story?

It seems very unlikely.


I've heard somethign about it. However for anythign to be changed, under the current constitution three fourths of ht estates woudl hav eto ratify it, whic I dont' see happening... Than again I didnt' dsee Trump as actually beign electable either.

The idea of a total rewrite, as oposed to just makign amendments, is pretty scary, mostly because it is not really known what they want to do, We just know if hte Kochs are involved it cant'; be good.


Needs to be publicized on social media. Anyone have a link to this?


The only way to clean this garbage out of DC is to vote every single Republican and Democrat out. Or to at least leave them with such a small number that they hold little sway over our government. Vote indipendent in 2018.


No. But, if it is true, it must be fought with every bit of energy and intelligence that we have.


Meh. sounds like more knee-jerking.


I've heard rumblings about a Constitutional Convention, but this is the first time I'm hearing
anything about the Koch brothers or Pence, being involved.
Yeah, I'll be making calls against this bullshit.

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