there was never a civilization to begin with.
although, a frenchman said, in the 19th century, that the US was the 1st country to achieve a civilization without 1st achieving a culture. something is definitely lacking..
Agree @bobwjr. I posted this earlier but it is cruel and un-humane. Crimes against humanity.
They see it like feeding pigeons, no food and water and the problem will 'go away'
It's sickening and inhumane!!!
Yes. Someone breaking a law is no excuse to act inhumane. I still see nasty posts from trumpanzees saying these people should be executed, and most of them claim to be christians!
That's so ironic. I just told someone that if trump were dying in the middle of the desert, I wouldn't piss in his mouth to save his life.
Yes. At least your reaction was to grotesque abuse of power, rather than dehumanizing someone due to their demographic affiliation. That is a real difference.
@MikeInBatonRouge , never thought of it that way but you're right.
I read some time back of some arrests of people leaving food and water in the desert for migrants When then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered federal prosecutors to prioritize cases covered under the harboring statute.
It is sickening and Inhuman.
Indeed … why does this thug do it?
Because he can...and is being allowed to unchallenged!
@Marionville well … all governments surround themselves with thugs and we just watch and feel impotent
@PontifexMarximus I don’t think they are thugs...just appear to be unable to do what any normal human would do. They seem to have had their empathy feelings removed...perhaps they are afraid to lose their jobs by doing the natural human thing. It’s what happened to ordinary citizens in Nazi Germany...and it’s chilling to see it happening in 2019 in the USA.
He's just following orders; like a good Nazi.
@JimG Funny you mention the Nazis … as if they were the only followers of orders.
@PontifexMarximus i cite that example because the phrase was a popular defense at the Nuremburg trials. I hope these bastard are also given the opportunity to explain their actions in criminal trials. I would caution them however, that particular defense didn't see much success.