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Trump: If you thought you knew just how stupid his supporters could possibly be, there's this!

Athena 8 July 20

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Offer them a fake vaccine and then microchip them when they are under!
Worthy of Himmler, that one.

Gareth Level 7 July 21, 2019

Shocking, that comment; even for a stupid Trump-ette.

Definitely worthy of Himmler, on his worst day.


I used to joke and say that 90% of the people out there are low grade morons. (Sorry people!) Trump's election is proof that at least 45% truly are low grade morons. (And I am still not sure about the other 45%.)


Genius has its limits, but stupidity is boundless.

THHA Level 7 July 20, 2019

The real question is: What do we do with them, after their Fuhrer is gone?


Funny video - will you be sad when Trump is re-elected?

gater Level 7 July 20, 2019

About as sad as you'll be when he's not.

@Athena Are you upset because Trump put you Canadians in your place?


In our place?

You mean educated, free of medical bills, owning our own homes, taking vacations, building successful businesses, not bible thumping, accepting all races and sexual orientations and willing to help our fellow men?

Trump didn't have anything to do with that place. He's just making every attempt to make that all impossible in the US.


Very scary! I work with a man about my same age who says he likes Trump because he tells it like it is. My take is that Trump tells it the way he wants it to be. That is the difference.

Very good comeback!


Triumph is great!
She likes Trump because she thinks he has a plan, which she likes. Wow.
A vaccine shock? That woman has put thought into this sort of thing, which is disturbing.
Port-o-potty traps? I think she should be concerned about one of them getting stuck in one. I guess she would prefer using a nasty port-o-potty instead of going inside home depot. I could see the CEO of home depot supporting this idea.
So tired of pesos! Ha!
Again, that disturbing lady with the vaccine idea wants to lower Chinese IQ with paints and solvents in their water. The producers of the show need to pass her name to the authorities.
As funny as this video is, the nonchalant racism is mind blowing. The quotes I have been reading lately about racism being more American than apple pie is wholeheartedly the truth.

dokala Level 7 July 20, 2019

You're so right. This video is as tragic as it is funny.
The silver lining is that you see how one really has to be an idiot to vote for, defend and support Trump. Eventually, they will all die off.

This was for 2016, so I'm curious what these people think now.


Yes, I noticed that too. But, based on the inhumane comments they made, their level of gullibility AND stupidity, I wouldn't be surprised if they are still devout supporters.

I'd hope the women would change their mind after the access Hollywood tape was released. That's probably me just being hopeful.


A good "documentary" about what the bible says of all of the leaders "Yahweh" puts in place and the reactions that it uses on the neurons of those who like those leaders. 🙂


This is scary shit people are that Fucking dumb

bobwjr Level 10 July 20, 2019

And racist.


is this funny or really fucking scary ?

It is both, and very unfortunately the truth!

@Athena indeede it is sadly xx

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