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Spiders could theoretically eat every human on earth in a year.

Don't they have to figure their way out of a tub first?

BufftonBeotch 8 July 23

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They've figured out they could get me to help them out of a tub (or other human designed perils).

@Donotbelieve See. What I say is true. I even helped a mosquito that got stuck in my wet sink. And she just bit me awhile before (I’m extremely allergic).

@Donotbelieve Ah well. I’m a willing slave to any animal (except for one species).

I have been the official "critter catcher" in every household since I was a kid.

This included two occasions when bats got into the house. My parents hid under the kitchen table both times.

Another was when a squirrel was knocked simple, and was trying to assist.
Well, the thing came spectacularly conscious in the car.

Have you seen that Ray Steven's squirrel song?

That song is accurate.

@BufftonBeotch I’m not sure. I might have heard of the song. I have no fear of any animals so I’ve rescued bugs, snakes, worms, birds, dogs, cats, mice, frogs, etc. Even a coyote. But spiders are special to me. I love spiders!!!!


Spiders are great fun. The house spiders are usually well hidden and rarely seen. I have a lot outside in the bushes and I will sometimes shoo small flying insects into their web to watch them work. A few that make webs in the corners of windows and doors get pretty big by the end of summer, I even give them a name. Yes, I am weird.


If all insects unionized, we'd be through!


If you think we’re screwed the day spiders decide to band together and take over the earth, just wait until the day the nuclear fall out causes ants to grow to the size of a small dog.


Aren't we lucky that the spiders are probably unaware of their supremacy?



bobwjr Level 10 July 23, 2019
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