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I don't know when or where she said this (assuming it's a valid quote) but I love it.

It should be at least as difficult to buy a gun as it is to get an abortion.

RichCC 8 Aug 4

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Powerful, and accurate!

Varn Level 8 Aug 4, 2019

Making popcorn...


Like Rowan Atkinson's character in The Thin Blue Line, I think firearm application forms ought to have only one question: "Do you want to own a gun?"

If the answer is "yes", that instantly disqualifies them from owning one.


Make manufacturers financially liable for the amount of carnage a weapon is capable of. The more rounds per minute the higher the payout to victims. Get insurance companies involved and watch gun ownership laws change!!

I agree. Car insurance is mandatory -- why not gun insurance?

Our Congress already gave the merchants of death their out with a law that says they can't be held accountable. One of the worst laws ever past!

Each individual gun owner should be required to provide proof of training, insurance and a trigger lock that only that person can use before purchasing a gun.

Yes - Capitalism doing it’s thing!


Works for me!


How about we do the opposite of that and make it so the only requirement to get an abortion is to own a gun? That way it would be fair for everyone.


You're showing a one sided picture . Met a young woman , whose boyfriend got her pregnant , demanded she get an abortion , gave her the money for it , then afterwards , broke up with her , because after all , she'd killed a fetus . Young men aren't the only ones who get guns . I was 72 , when things got scary enough , that I took the lessons required , filled out the required paperwork , turned in the documents and paid the fee for my FBI background check , and waited until I received my LTC , before buying myself a bit of self protection .

I think you're missing the point. Young men go on shooting sprees, 72 year old women don't.

@Cast1es -- Guns are a 'tool' with only one use -- to destroy things.

I'm sorry you were scared and couldn't find a safer way to make your situation better. And I'm sorry that the woman you knew had an (in my judgement) irrational boyfriend.

But as someone who grew up around guns and have over the years had several friends and family shot -- both accidentally and by suicide in different circumstances -- I doubt you'll convince me of the benefits of civilian guns.

one guy forces his girlfriend to have an abortion and she gets one just to keep him, which doesn't work (and which makes her as unreasonable as he was) that means ALL women have to let men make decisions for them about their own bodies? i don't get it. as for guns, steinam didn't say nobody should get a gun. she said it should involve more scrutiny than it does, and she furthermore carried that scrutiny beyond what is reasonable to illustrate what women go through to get abortions. the woman you met is an illustration of why women SHOULD make their own decisions and NOT have them made by men. and yes, while men are not the only gun-owners, they are overwhelmingly the ones who misuse them.



Same for alcohol, tobacco, fast food, and a host of other things that kill far more people every year.

I doubt that very many have been killed by those things unless it was suicide. Maybe slipping on a grease-patch or run over by a drunk in a car - but cars are heavily regulated too.

@kodimerlyn Whoah. That’s pretty fucked up. I’m glad you don’t have a gun. 😝

@Piratefish All those things you listed have other uses and purposes. Sure, anything can be used as a weapon. Point is, however, that guns are pretty much the only things publicly available that are designed purely to cause injury and death when used precisely according to the manufacturers' intentions.


Great idea


That would require a reasonable and rational society.

Fat chance, huh?

@MojoDave As god might say, "not in my lifetime".


Excellent idea!!

dkp93 Level 8 Aug 4, 2019
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