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NRA Chief warns Trump not to consider extensive background checks. They won't be popular with his supporters. McConnell is also being influenced by the NRA to not allow gun legislation to come to the floor. What can we do to stop the NRA? MSNBC Live at 10:17 am 8/8/2019.

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Totally shame, then defeat Mitch McConnell in 2020.


Decades ago, I was always eager to read my latest edition of "The American Rifleman". That's the official NRA member monthly periodical. Back then it as a great technical journal. It covered everything firearms related. Over the years it's morphed into nothing but a vehicle for political posturing. I quit the NRA years ago. Technical & " how to" articles and information were interesting to me. The politics, nope.

You'll get a kick out of this; NRA membership is hotly disputed!

And the rants go on.......
Hey! Wasn't that a Sony & Cher song????

My father, a staunch Republican dropped them back when they were fighting the assault weapons ban (which they managed to get watered down, but actually helped some while it was in force). I was hunting and kept my membership for a while longer until their obvious move to become a Right Wing arms corporation lobby group. Then they lost me.

The technology and precision engineering is fascinating. Isn't there any other body that continues highlighting this, whilst ignoring politics and promoting safety?

I've not found many.


I think it is gun owners who will have to fight the NRA over their extremism.

I agree.

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