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Survey: Atheists, Jewish score highest on religion test [] via @upi

Charliesey 7 Aug 23

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15/15 but I I took once before. Then 13/15


Duh....with xians it's 3 spooks against one brain operational time....with Atheists it's 100% free thought and Jews 50% it's double the xian 25%


I became disenchanted with Christianity and I decided to join this site just to see an alternate opinion I’ve never experienced in my life. I was surprised at how knowledgeable people on here were about the Bible. I just always thought that atheists just didn’t know about the Bible but just the opposite is true. Most are atheist/agnostic because they know the Bible so well. They make much more compelling arguments against Christianity than the average churchgoer does for it.


The only kind of atheist I am against is one without any knowledge. When I chose not to believe in gods because of a lack of evidence for their existence it was because I had training in Christianity and decided that I had been deceived. A polite way of saying this is that I stopped believing in Santa Claus.


Most non believers chose to eschew the crap that religions try to brainwash you with because they decided to inform themselves well and studied what religions try to push only to find out it is all crap. Perfectly logical. The jews probably know more because they have to give an exam before they get their bar mitzvah or bat mizvah.


I’m not surprised the Atheists scored so high; you have to be pretty religious to be responsible for 9/11 and the synagogue bombings.

What? 9/11 bombers were muslim and synagogue bombers were all christian white supremacists, by definition atheists are non religious.

@Mofo1953 It was a joke.

@DZhukovin if u say so, but I don't get the joke.

@Mofo1953 Okay


I can't speak for the Jewish community. But I can, because of not only doing it myself, but know many others who also have, talk about the bible because I, we've actually read the whole thing. and in many cases, different versions to boot. Plus, when you have academics like Dr. Robert Price, and Dr. Bart D Ehrman, and the ilk backing up the "historicity" if that is a real word, of the written texts and the mis use of those texts perpetuated towards those who don't know any better.

I'm getting ahead of myself here.

What I really mean to say is that it is whith a bit of irony that those who "profess", and I use that word loosely, to say what they think "word of God" is, and what is actually written, are most of the time very different things. and it is usually the non believers, who have actually read the damn thing to know the difference.
If that makes any sense.


this is very logical for two reasons. most religions discourage questions and discourage learning about other religions (for fear of being more ridiculous than the next, provoking an exodus). judaism neither discourages no encourages learning about other religions, but two factors, one of judaism itself and one a feature of the diaspora, do encourage it: judaism's encouragement of asking questions, and its place in society, thanks to the diaspora, as a perpetual minority. this combination means jews know a lot about christianity while christians think they know about judaism but tend NOT to, in fact. (i've met more than one christian who didn't know that jews do not believe in the divinity of jesus! i have a feeling more than a few christians think that that's what judaism is all about: denying their "christ." ) naturally, an atheist tends to be someone who has asked lots of questions, and the more s/he learns about various religions and asks questions, the less s/he believes in any of it. so of course these two groups will score highest on a religion test.

as for atheism's being a religious group, of course atheism isn't a religion, and of course those who insist it is are, well, to be kind, idiots, but in this survey (and other such surveys), the choice is being left out of the mix -- so how would anyone know how well educated we are, then? lol! -- or for the purpose of the survey being called a group, and we are a group with regard to religion even though we're not a religion. so if someone says to me, as many do, "atheism is a religion, you know! you are religious, you know!" that rankles and i will argue, being lumped in with religious groups for the purposes of a survey like this (or how many atheists are in prison -- check THAT out, folks!) my panties (well, theoretically, as i don't wear such things) are not twisted at all.



The Pew survey also showed atheists have more general knowledge than various theists also. (Pew did this study several years ago that showed the same thing.)

I found the quiz. I got 15/15 in less than 5 minutes.

I aced it, too. Thanks for sharing the link!

15/15 also

!00% pass mark for this life-long Atheist as well.
It'd be interesting to see how many of the Faithfools can make the grade, wouldn't it?

@Triphid The bread/wine turning into flesh/blood is interesting. I had an argument with a Catholic online once who at first claimed it was just symbolic. When I emphatically told her no, that the doctrine is that it literally turns into flesh/blood, she argued with me for quite a while... and then she did a five second google search, and came back to explain to me that the "substance" is changed, but not in any way that is detectable. (As if that made transubstantiation any more clear.) Good grief.

I also had an argument with a Muslim online once. She said Muslims believed Jesus died, and rose from the dead, etc. I explained that Muslims certainly don't believe that. She argued with me for far too long before I quoted the which point she completely reversed herself. One second she wholeheartedly and earnestly believed Jesus died and rose from the dead. The next second, she did not.

This is what religion does to people. They believe so many absurd things that it is perfectly easy to believe some mistaken absurdity that isn't even on the list of absurd things they are required to believe.

@greyeyed123 Yes, I get into somewhat heated situations with Catholics when I try to tell them that although their beliefs say that the eating of human flesh is cannibalism and abhorrent they are actually committing pseudo-cannibalism via the taking of the sacrament, which, in my opinion IS nothing more than an overt act of feeding upon the flesh of another human being at best.
Even better was when I told a very outspoken Catholic Vegan that by the transubstantiation claimed by the Catholic Church, etc, she was also being untrue to her vegetarian aims and beliefs. Boy, did that get her into quite a tizz and fits of open rage.
Also, I often find that when my very 'devout' Evangelistic neighbor informs me that he is planning to have ANY pork based products for a meal that he too is breaking his 'faith' and the teachings as handed down by the mythical Jesus that Pork/the Flesh of the Swine IS a forbidden meat as is the flesh of ANY animal with a cloven hoof.
His usual response is that, "It comes from the Old Testament, which NO longer applies since they now have a NEW Covenant with Jesus, the New Testament," to which I respond, " But that IS from the New Testament and was told to Peter via the Holy Spirit, read your bible and you WILL se that I am telling you the facts."
Cherry-picking their way through their bible is the one thing that the Faithfools have made the finest of their 'arts' in my opinion and cognitive dissonance IS by far their best 'invention' ever.


The article illustrates an irony that is very interesting.

MrDMC Level 7 Aug 23, 2019

Atheism as a religion WTF nonsense

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 23, 2019

One of the best definitions of Atheism I have ever heard is, " Atheism IS a personal Relationship with Reality."


Wow, its almost like knowing what is in the bible is the fastest way to realize its all BS


that's because christians believe by FAITH vice reasoning so they don't investigate causation and machinations. They're not at all concerned about exactly how the universe works ... IT JUST DOES!!


yep. if the believer scored as well, they wouldn't be a believer probably.

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