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A school board president, Sue Kern, question to her underlings, ACTUAL eductors: "Darwin's theory was done in the mid-1800s and it's never been proven. ...So I wonder why we're still teaching it."
Of course she has no problem elevating a belief paradigm that is from a largely illiterate 2,000 year old sheep herder society. THAT is just fine with her. I would not be surprised if she has a direct line to Betsy DeVoss.

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Sep 14

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ummm the scientific fields that verify evolution have come a long way since the 1800s.... just because her scientific knowledge stops 3 centuries ago, does not mean science came to a stand still as well... foolish woman

Yep, yep, yep. And naturally, she gives all the respect in the world to a 2,000 year old paradigm with a scripture proven many times over to be wildly inconsistent with both history and archialogical science. Go figure.

@MikeInBatonRouge not to mention, there is no contemporary scripture of this Jesus... somehow this supposed son of god performing miracles could not be written about in his lifetime... but only many years after his death... you'd think he'd be as popular as aristotle or plato but I guess not XD

@demifeministgal no doubt! No eye witness accounts. And notice of the gospels, the order in which they were written, the accounts of miracles get progressively more numerous and fantastical. Coincidence?


Religious people give science about the same about of belief that a logical minded person gives religion.


Facepalm for sure.


Science rarely claims to “prove” anything. Science “demonstrates,” it “supports,” it “provides evidence” of things that it can show in a systemic and self-evaluative process. Religion, on the other hand, claims certainty without ANY proof.


Where has she been for the last century and a half while evidence lsup[porting Darwin's work has been amassing?

Where? In the front pew of her undoubtedly fundamentalist church. That one is pretty transparent, since she expressed concern for Christian students who might be uncomfortable having to learn about actual science.


I don't know exactly how I would have responded to her if MY job were at risk, but I wish someone at that meeting would have spelled out to her what a scientific theory actually is, that they are never actually "proven," rather only supported or refuted by evidence and that, given that yardstick, the evidence for this theory puts most others to shame, so overwhelming it is. Hashtag#religion stops a thinking mind.


Very tactful answers. However I was hoping for something more along the lines of "We're teaching Natural Selection in the hope that future generations won't be ignorant of the fact that it's been repeatedly confirmed by a confluence of evidence over the last century and a half."

Exactly! As a long-time zoo educator, I can think of dozens of ways to demonstrate evolution. All you need is an open mind...something our Ms. Kern obviously lacks.

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