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Describe your love life in one word.

Mea 7 Mar 21

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I like imaginary, like money too. Lol.

Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...

@Rodatheist Sorry..I'm demisexual. That means I feel no sexual attraction for any gender or person, except after over a year of close association, and then, only with that one person.

Ironically, this is exactly what Christianity promotes as the normal and ideal way to be.



Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...


Godly (as is nonexistent)

Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...



Likewise!! Sad, but ironic for this Agnostic...


Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...






Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...

@Rodatheist even Dorian Gray got tired of it

But at least he enjoyed himself for a while!!




Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...



another handsome.

Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...



Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...






If I could use one word I would say "repetitive". I seem to find the same person just in different body types.



Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...

@Rodatheist Ha! I am neither frustrated, bored nor lonely! I will give you sexless, for now. And I usually save my godless orgies for after dinner is cooked, laundry is done, house is clean, dog is walked ...and stuff.




It's not my lack of willingness, but men are too insecure to date a hot mama like me. Or it has to be on the hush hush.... sorry not with me.

Talk to me-


There are threesomes and twosomes and mine is Handsome!

Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...

@Rodatheist An A-theist is someone who professes a disbelief OR lack of belief [non-belief] in the existence of God or gods. We aren't "supposed to be" anything other than that. It has nothing to do with any other aspect of life or anything else.







@irascible Depends on how it is done surely. @valerina does not state that she is lonely, unfulfilled or dissatisfied ... simply solo which implies to me great strength of character and intelligence - she is not settling for second best - at present she is with the best lover in the world, one who can really read her mind - herself.

@irascible aww big hugs to you!!

@FrayedBear I like the way you think!! I would like to agree with you without sounding vain lol!

@valerina There is nothing wrong with acknowledging and recognising superiority. What is not true now can be learnt and practiced til perfect! ?

Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...

@Rodatheist lmao!!


I can't do just one word however this sums it up:


Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...


Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...



Woa people!! Atheists are supposed to be unhindered by tabooish ideas and able to enjoy the pleasures of life with abandon!! And instead we are a bunch of frustrated, bored, lonely, sexless... ... um... whatever... whatever... ...pieces of unused meat!!! Where are the godless orgies!!! Where are the immoral liaisons!!! Where are the open minded, freethinkers, passions!!! Where...

@Rodatheist I am unhindered by taboo ideas. What I'm hindered by is social awkwardness.

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