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When you have to self-label, do you describe yourself as an agnostic, skeptic, non-believer--or something else?

GarytheGondolier 6 Oct 4

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I usually will say an Agnostic Atheist.
Meaning Atheist, because I in no way believe in any kind of a god figure.
Agnostic, because I really can't prove 100% either way.


Atheist. Nodda




Athiest, Agnostic is too vague a term.


Straight up atheist. Partly for the shock value and because it’s true.

Granted it depends upon the situation, at work I usually say I’m not religious.


I self label as a godless heathen

When it’s safe to do so, I love referring to myself as a heathen. 😃

@Apunzelle that's what I told my doctors office . Duke medical lol


Atheist or a human being.


I describe myself as an atheist and a skeptic. I'd never label myself an "agnostic."


Born again skeptic


Mainly 'atheist'. Sometimes 'anti-theist'. Sometimes 'agnostic atheist'.

I am the same, in casual conversation an atheist, in religious discussion an anti-theist.
Unless the conversation calls for it, most people have no idea what an anti-theist is, though it is how I label myself in my own mind.


Atheist, if just one word. But humanist if there's time to clarify by answering the question What's a humanist?


Atheist Agnostic.
No god exists, but I can't prove its non-existence.

I like your definition

Hmm. I get it that you can't prove a negative, but doesn't that mean that there is a chance--no matter how slim--that there is a god? Wouldn't that make you just an agnostic?

@GarytheGondolier No.


I like to consider myself a skeptic. I would be glad to consider myself anything else if someone can prove their facts are true.


Just self label as Andrew .... but what's in a name .... few people I meet care if I am a heretic


Agnostic atheist, with an explanation of what those terms means in my circles.
70% of all arguments I've gotten into, whether politics, religion or similar topics, were all about INTERPRETATION OF TERMS.
Labeling has produced a kind of shallow thinking that makes morons create false associations. The most common is that 'atheist' is synonymous with 'communism' or 'nihilism' etc.. "It's just spelled differently."

Instead of making communication more efficient, labeling seems to impede adult arguments.

@TheMiddleWay I kind of like that. I think labels are necessary, but dangerous.


The correct answer to this question (for me) is: I am an agnostic. That is, I can't prove there IS a god; nor can I prove there is NOT. However, I'm right around 99.95% certain there are no gods. However, there might be some superior creatures somewhere in the universe that we could "imagine" are god-like. But until we find them (or they find us), I'll just stay agnostic.


i don't like being pigeon holed but seculer i guess like my dogs are. i don't even really want to talk about fairytails really.

@Rob48 7up sounds painful

@Rob48 7 male dwarfs alone with a pretty young lady and the soft drink 7 up


Non believer.


I usually just say I am not religious.


I don’t like labels. My beliefs are fluid, and I don’t want to be pigeonholed. I just say I’m not religious or I don’t believe in anything, if someone asks directly..


Depends on how much explanation I want to give.
Atheist when I want to be fast.
Agnostic when I am with patience to answer one or two following questions.
Ignostic when I am in the state of mind to go deep into logic and philosophy.


Non believer because I don't use labels and it is the most descriptive word I can use, I've read somewhere that theists believe in a god or gods, so people came up with a-theist as the opposite or negation that there is a god or gods which to me seems an oversimplification. Let's say you don't believe in Odin or Zeus or Jupiter, does that make you an atheist? Or does that make you a realist? I prefer to say i do not believe in any god and in any religion, period. I also read somewhere, that what label would one create to say that you don't believe in the tooth fairy or in Santa? A-toothy? A-santy?


All of the above and humanist and atheist


I am always honest about my nonbeliefs! Atheism is not a shameful thing. I have no reason to hide my thoughts from others.

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