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Today I was traveling with a friend to a few wineries. We stopped at a rest stop in North Carolina and I was going to get a coupon book from one of those plastic stands. The first door I opened was empty except for a stack of religious flyers.

Hmmmm, what should I do?? Took the stack and dumped them in the trash. Those don’t belong there. Tisk tisk religious freak, peddle your lies somewhere else.

What would you have done? Leave them there and walk away or toss them like I did?

helionoftroy 7 Nov 17

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You could get in trouble with the law in that backward state.

Hahahaha I’ll dance with the devil and take my chances.


Bring a highlighter when traveling and use it to outline horrific passage in the bed table bible.

This is actually a brilliant idea.

@ParadoxOutlaw I have done this for years when road tripping across the nation. You get some motel on the road and are waiting for food . . .Might as well illustrate some key points, collections of foreskins, emmissions of horses, ya know, stuff they never read and the churches never tell them TO read those bits.


Toss them also, same as I would White Supremacist and other hateful stuff....


Good for you! I would have taken the flyers and recycled them.

Perfect, better than the trash can


I would take them and discard them some distance away.


I would have done the same


I would have left them. They were someone else's property, not mine.


I doubt if they were there because the winery people put them there. Some fanatics just leave their shit everywhere they go. I would have tossed them in a trash can where they wouldn’t be fished right back out.

It was at a rest stop off the highway not at any of the wineries we had gone to. If the flyers had been at one of the wineries I would have left them alone (maybe).


Toss them. I also do the same thing when I stay at a hotel and find a buybull in the room. I toss it in the trash.😎

I have not thought of spelling buybull that way.

@dalefvictor I got the spelling from a friend who said it should be spelled that way because the ones who push that shit want you to “buy” their “bull”. 😉


If people are not looking just toss them. I'm also not a fan of bibles left in hotel rooms either..

What the owners of hotels choose to do on their own premises is up to them. Besides, look at all the jobs it creates to print these bibles, deliver these bibles, sort these bibles, and place these bibles in hotels. These bibles also have stood the test of time for believers and have saved thousands of people from suicide who end up in hotel rooms to do just that......with no place to go.

@BobLoblah Never commit suicide in a hotel.


I would have felt a twinge of guilt - freedom of speech and all. But this would qualify as propaganda for sure. And quite harmful to so many.Not sure what I would of done but glad at least one less batch is in circulation. Well done. I have to giggle at the thought that when they return to the booth they’ll think interested people actually received their shit. Haha

Cinco Level 5 Nov 18, 2019

While it may be too harmful to so many as you point out, it is also helpful to a whole lot more who do NOT think as you do. What makes you think as a non - believer you can ' force ' your way of thinking onto others …!!!...Isn't that the same of how you think its not right for believers to force their way of thinking onto others.....what's up with that...

@BobLoblah gee you buybull thumpers do that crap all the time. Force your myths onto others, and even try to get special privileges for your myths. Your time here will be short lived if you continue attacking people who are on a site for Atheists/ Agnostics

@BobLoblah I’m certain that the “thousands” saved (though I question the validity of your claim) is little comfort when one considers the millions who have died and continue to die in the name of god and religion.

@BobLoblah she literally did not force her way of thinking... it is the equivalent of interjecting or stopping a religious nutter from forcing their beliefs on to other.... distinct difference.


Well done. I'd have done the same.


Toss is a good outcome.

Reminds me of a "funny?" Sunday event.

I live near a large church (that wants to purchase half my block (including my home) so they can add more parking lots for the sheeple that feed them money). One Sunday I was sitting in my formal living room looking out the six large bow windows and noticed a small red car with two teen-agers leave the church's East parking lot. They entered the car they were carrying a large pile of literature. The car stopped in the middle of the road in front of my living room and the passenger door opened. It stayed parked for several minutes while the passenger and driver worked on some project. When the passenger finally closed his door and the car finally drove away there was a large bag of church literature on fire placed there by the passenger. I waited a while then went out and dumped some water on the pile as it was a bit windy and the flames were getting rather large. Noticed the literature was Pro-Jesus is you savior BS. I figured the kids were given the all too common "I need you to go and light a fire and recruit for your god" sermon so they took it literally.


I would have done like you, put them in the trash where they belong!

Stenz Level 6 Nov 18, 2019

I've done the same. The only problem is that the appearance of demand usually causes replacements impacting the environment. It's a tough one, but I so admire that you are willing to take action.


I think it would depend on my mood at the moment. In general, I wouldn’t care. It’s none of my business. On the other hand, if I were having any one of my WTF moments related to any of the thousand cruelties visited upon humans by other humans, I’d toss ‘em with intent!


This question is a bit tougher than I thought it would be. On the one hand, what business is it of mine? None. On the other hand, if I have the power for the moment to dissuade even one person from joining a cult...I'll take it.

I think my rebellious nature would win over and cause me to toss out the fliers.


You should NOT have tossed these pamphlets. What others may think and believe is really and truly none of your business.

@Donotbelieve exactly!

Are you the pamphlet police??? 😂

That works both ways.


I can't say. I haven't been there (yet). But, for what it's worth, as a former Carolinian, I applaud your dedication to keeping North Carolina free of litter. Be safe in your travels.


Thank you!!!!


I would have done the same thing. It happens where I work and I always toss out the trash.


I would not have done it, mostly because it would never have occurred to me, but if someone encouraged me to do it, I wouldn't, because it would be morally unappealing to me to destroy someone's private property for the purpose of impeding their freedom of speech; someone I knew nothing about other than that they belonged to a class of people I deemed unworthy of a full complement of democratic freedoms.

skado Level 9 Nov 21, 2019

If it is meant for another purpose, like a grocery store flyer stand, that is overfilled with religious flyers, I would dump em too.


If I was camping, I'd grab some as starter for a campfire.


I did that to junk posted on a work bulletin board


Good for you!
I’ve done the exact same thing at NC rest stops...except the pamphleteers were still there. They had littered the ladies bathroom so I grabbed all the flyers, held them by the corner, and there happened to be a state trooper outside. I showed him what I had, and said: lookit here, this trash was all over the rest room!
Then I threw it away. The church people ran to their van and took off.
It’s littering to leave pamphlets on property or cars.

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