My sister-in-law works at the same conservative fast food place as I. She feels compelled to wear a skirt--every single work day! She's a kind of person that wears jeans in public, but because the supervisor is the deacon of her church and pants on girls offends him, she won't wear pants to work. So sad that kind of thinking is carried over to her work place! :/ I occasionally attend her church, but I'm not a member and I don't care. I'm not going to be controlled be the church. It's pants for me!
So the freaky deacon likes to look at women's legs. Does you sister understand she's just putting on a show for some old religious perv?
I could have sworn Katherine Hepburn fought and won that battle. I find her compliance in this circumstance pathetic. If she isn't willing to stand up against his preferences for her wardrobe choices I have to wonder what she would be able to stand up for.
While I always enjoy seeing women in skirts, I'd rather it weren't because of societal or religious pressure.
Never been to South Carolina. Now you're scaring me. Seems whenever I have gone to a fast food restaurant women wore pants. I would think working around hot oils would favor the use of protective pants.
The skirt is a little longer than mid-calf.
I read things like this and think about how hypocritical it is to condemn Islam as worse than Christianity because of burkas.
@Imatheistically The idea that Christianity isn't a misogynistic death cult in every way that Islam is is nothing except civilization bias.
@Imatheistically That has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. It is forbidden to murder anyone in Islam. This is just a cultural tradition, all man made. As you perhaps remember Christians used to kill mainly women because they were supposed to be witches and that had nothing to do with Christianity either, all man made cultural traditions.
He finds pants on girls offensive? Would love to wear a reeeeally tight pair and bend over his bible.
I had a guy on a first date say, "I'm disappointed you didn't wear a skirt."
I replied, "Well, in that case, you'll be really disappointed to hear that, when I do wear one, you'll never, ever have access to what's underneath it."
Wow, Your sister in law needs to change churches. If pants on girls offends him, the guy is medieval and is living in the wrong century. If I worked for a nutter like that, I'd be proud to offend him.
In the church, she finds comfort community and friends and those that accept her and pray for her. I'm not justifying her church, it's just that to change churches, she would lose current friends and family and put her lower down with the supervisor (church deacon).
@Biblebeltskeptic They accept her? Not if she goes to another church or wears pants they don't. There are far more tolerant and accepting people about I think. Friends & family that are only there because you are doing what you are told, are fake in my opinion. I am not in her shoes and there may be more to it but people as controlling as this are better out of your life than in it, no matter how nice they seem. Your story reminds me of a guy I worked with. Somehow God came up in conversation and he told me he's an Atheist. I said "but I thought you went to church every weekend". He laughed and told me that most people at his church are Atheist but go to church as a social event. He reckons that most people in his religion are the same. I was shocked. It was one of the "orthodox" branded religions but can't remember exactly which one. So, this is probably more common than you think.
Since here in the UK pants are something we wear under our trousers that conjures up a lovely image.
I forgot that pants mean something else in the UK.
Freedom of choice is paramount. I also never understood the link between wearing certain clothes as somehow more religious or not. Their hero Jesus supposedly surrounded himself with prostitutes, beggars, etc. Somehow I am considering such people were not well-dressed. Absurdity cubed.
In almost every case they try to control what women wear
Absolutely absurd that you're controlled on the dress code. Don't they have you brainwashed already? That not enough?
@K9Kohle789 agree totally
I remember the last time I wore a skirt, my oldest daughter's wedding. Don't plan to wear one again unless there is another wedding for one of her siblings. And then it isn't a given. I would not work where I had to wear a skirt every day.
ME NEITHER. Any teaching jobs in Thailand in the past eight years that required skirts, I either turned down, or wore long, gathered "skorts."
Good for you, I honestly can't picture anybody wanting to wear a skirt working behind the counter at a fast food restaurant.
Exactly unless his reasons for wanting the "skirt uniform" is so that the perverted scoundrel can take a peep now and again. Pants seem proper for a job like that.
I don't like to wear bathing attire at the beach, so I find the right beach.
Not gonna lie , love seeing a woman in a dress , but it’s her choice to wear what she does based on her on perception, I am good with it
That's awesome. As long as it's not for religious reasons or for guilt-tripping someone into following holiness or a god.
@Biblebeltskeptic Of course not , I was merely indicating dresses are beautiful on women. As far her supposed reasons why , who am I to judge them , there are opportunities for us all to walk own paths if we choose to do so , we have all been exposed to a system of living that takes away our ability to reason , and enslaves us to our Ego and to the Ego of those before us . We can’t tell others how to live , or ridicule them for that . I have compassion for my fellow humans because I see how we have been enslaved to the he Ego as a whole . I am saddened to see so many living their lives based on things that can’t be verified or are just the Lunacy of someone else’s mind . It’s her choice even though it isn’t . I see you though .
Good for you - you like pants, wear pants and be content. I always wonder about the conformity of "having" to dress up for church as aren't they "supposed" to take in everybody. Rhetoric, as we all know evangelical Christians are full of hypocrisy (only a few Jimmy Carters left).
When I was 16 I went to a xtion church for a while. There was a cute little 15 year old girl soon to be allowed to date. I think I scared her father with my long hair and sporty jeans jacket with a wide, white tie. However, after a couple months I could no longer play the game and left.
I'd wear a pair of pants and over that a tutu. It is, after all, a skirt, of a sort.
When the fit hit the shan, I'd say, "Is it OK for the guys to wear skirts/kilts? because what's good for the goose is good for the gander, or so I thinks."
The South is entrenched in white power, and that includes power over women. Sorry for your SIL.
Many jobs require a specific with it.
It isn't a uniform in this case. Her job performance is his business her wardrobe choices are not unless they are too revealing or inappropriate. There is nothing inappropriate about pants unless they are too tight .
That's a slave-mentality attitude.
I think women with shapely legs would like to wear dresses. Are pants used to hide fat legs with bulging veins? @CommonHuman
@CommonHuman Have you met the Scots? Kilts are fucking boss.
Maybe if I were Scottish I might give it a try...@CommonHuman
Probably not @CommonHuman
Yes it’s a tricky one:
It’s controlling behaviour
But she’s choosing to submit to it
He has high standing in her community, so apparently she respects him on some level
She may be seen as a trouble maker if she doesn’t conform
She may be given less opportunities in the future if she doesn’t conform or even be shunned by the community that she identifies with
So they both stand to gain, he maintains the illusion of power and conformity, and she maintains her established place in the group. He’s literally wearing the trousers lols.
If it was me I’d have none of it like you; but not everyone has that type of personality.
I think you hit the common denominator right on the head - control. Seems to be the basis of a good deal of BS that women have been putting up with for a hell of a long time. Perhaps it is time for women to not go along with it. I mean the guy that posted live with it? She is living with it but she sure as shit shouldn't have to. I think that woman who posted he is a leg man is right on the money, he probably is but why does a deacon feel he has the right to indulge in his turn on - and why does she feel she needs to comply? You would think our society should be a little more evolved than that when it comes to sexual politics.
I wouldn't worry too much over what other people are wearing, do what makes you comfortable
So what if he is a deacon, show him respect as your boss where you work and that's it.
Lol! I wear a kilt! And I'm looking for a job! Do ya think your boss would hire me? (As long as I don't scratch ma balls).
Oh my word...
If I lived in a warmer climate I would be happy to wear short skirts every day.