65 4

Just trying to get a head count here. Who's an atheist and who isn't, and why?? Tell me your story, I'm all eyes.

FiliusInfernum 5 Dec 19

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if you are truly looking for a head count you are likely grasping. there are profile questions that you can see responses to (at least percentage of those that answered the questions,) if you go to where you answer the questions. probably not the only way to get there, but only way i found is follow the "my profile" link to the "edit questions" link, the third and fourth questions (do you believe in a god? and what terms do you identify with?) have a graph link that show you bar line percentages. not sure what you glean from this as you can identify with as many terms as you like in question 4 and you cannot tell what percentage of people on the site as a whole answered them... come to think of it what percentage of people read the questions let alone the definitions is unknowable.

first place i come from is anti theist. i don't believe in man made religions and myths as anything other than myths. i refer to myself in the terms available on the site (in question 4 above.) i figured if everyone was operating off of the same definitions, it would be easy to tell when i got into discussions here... nope. everyone has their own definitions. some identify with things i have never seen defined. go figure, huh? i go with agnostic atheist. the first dealing with knowledge, the latter belief.

basically i am skeptical that a deity of any kind would choose a small portion of human kind to reveal herself to; utilize really, really awful logic in the development of her tenets; and utilize really shitty methods of propagating herself (burning bushes, god fathered bastard children, archangels, ancient fallible texts that get more - not less fallible with time, word of mouth, the victor writes history.) if god(s) operates to win the hearts and minds of human kind in the way that she has been presented to me, she is preposterously stupid. if she operates in a way where she won't reveal herself to me, well given the definitions presented, i will never know because that is the way she wants it? if that is the way she wants it (me not believing in her,) she wins and i don't need to lift a finger. if she wants me, she knows where to find me? if she doesn't, status quo and why bother.

the list grows. a lot to read here and none of it is detracting from my ingrained skepticism. not sure when i will stop reading or participating in this vein of post. so far it seems that religious bs strikes a nerve. will scratch until it doesn't itch anymore i suppose.


As a child went to church every Sunday complete with white gloves (I loved those gloves) and a special bag with some money in it to put on the church plate when it was past around. Read passages from the bible in church and went to kiddies Sunday school. All I remember from it is that I answered that the festival being celebrated the the Overpass (passover) The family was not hard core religious as I see it, grace was said at meal times but that was about it. Somewhere in my teenage years I thought about all of the praying I had done for the starving in Africa and there was still starving in Africa, the deaths of some wonderful people one a fantastic mother her daughter only 5 years old. The catholic priest who refused to hold a service for a scout leader who committed suicide, (then my mum went at him saying he had failed our friend who did not feel he could go to his spiritual leader for help, we got a service for him) just lots of things that I started to question. I decided bad things just happen (my grandfather died on my birthday before seeing my younger brother who had been born that year) that praying did not change things but doing things did. Gave up on xtian religion (even the gloves too hot in the tropics to wear them) a few battles with my family but more over my obnoxious teenage behaviour and the fact my father disliked my music. Explored other religions and belief systems but got into trouble when I questioned things ie that in older religions it was people trying to explain the world around them ie gods of thunder, the sun etc. I got told, when I raised the issue that all of the older religions had a god/dess of each type of natural element, that I did not know what I was talking about and that the god of thunder (or something ) was the major god of one group but only a minor god of another. Decided that is was all hokum and stopped believing in any of it. Got interested in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and read about Douglas Adams and some of what he believed. Watched a lot of Monty Python and The Goodies, sad that my ideology was formulated by TV shows but I grew up in a tiny remote community there was not much of a library and not a lot of radical information out there. My best friend was not christened which helped me to start looking at life differently.


I'm an atheist because I don't believe in any gods taught to us by man and I doubt a god created the universe. But I really want to know how the hell it came about.


Put me down for two


I’m agnostic because I don’t care one way or the other!

I feel like you'd appreciate the term apatheist.

@FiliusInfernum No labels thanks!

@Geoffrey51 Oh you're most certainly welcome, boss!

@FiliusInfernum Thank you


I’m not an atheist. Or a theist, or an agnostic. I’m not any flavor of fundamentalist.
I’m a religious figuratist, which is a subset of
Religious Naturalism
Thanks for asking.
What are you?

skado Level 9 Dec 19, 2019

I'm an atheist because I lack any belief in any gods or goddesses. And even if one could get as far as finding some evidence of some supernatural entity, you'd have to go exponentially that much farther to prove that it was the author or inspiration of some divine text, doctrine, or dogma. The only doubt I have about this is the doubt which anyone might have about absolute knowledge of anything at all.


Atheist. Raised a Roman Catholic but figured out it was all bullshit by the time I was old enough to drink. All you have to do is start thinking critically about the claims of religion and it falls apart. A house of cards isn't a very solid structure.

What's your story? Why do you believe it?

I am a syntheist and an omnist. I believe that gods and spirits do exist, but only in the realm of the human imagination, and I recognize that entities and phenomena come into and out of existence all of the time. I have acknowledged that deeply held beliefs are capable of compelling human beings to do incredible things. Some great. Some terrible. Human emotion in the face of art and controversy is the driving force behind societal policy and law, and sadly a lot of awful indiduals take advantage of this philosophy to try and control others. Tyranny and oppression is the true enemy when it comes to religious misconduct, not ignorance. Unless, of course, one is ignorant toward unjust oppression. I choose the side of love, not hate.


I do not believe there is a god, never was never will be. Think about it, really.


I am an atheist because I am not a .....theist. Why am I not a theist? Because there are no god or gods except physics & even physics is fallible. Like me. Theism is grasping for control, relief, certainty. None of which can be certain. Welcome to the site.


Strictly and completely atheist.


Atheist here. 🙂


I'm agnostic, by which I mean I have no belief about God one way or the other (that he exists or that he doesn't - and I'm using the male pronoun out of convenience and habit). My mother was a Presbyterian and sent me to Sunday school. There they told all sorts of stories. Then they talked about God being all about love, but also "Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war......" That made no sense. "Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so." Really? I never met the guy and he has never met me, so what caused him to love me? Then about how god was omniscient and omnipotent and all, but that he demanded that we love and worship him. Huh? God is that insecure and needy? That didn't make sense, either. Christianity has some good ideas, but they are general in nature, such as treat everybody like you want to be treated - the "Golden Rule" which also exists in loads of the world's religions. Don't kill, don't lie, don't steal, don't mess with somebody's spouse.... all good ideas, but they make objective sense outside of any religious setting, and there are perfectly logical reasons for those ideas that have nothing to do with god, heaven or hell. Also, if god is omnipotent and loves us so much how can he allow a hell to exist? So I think you must have figured out by now that religion simply never "took" with me. Maybe some of those biblical stories are true, or maybe not, but it doesn't matter. So, again, I don't think about belief in god or believing that god does not exist. Whatever is, is; beliefs about such things don't matter.


I’m sure my reply did confuse you.

Yeah, your reply was extremely confusing. But I guess anyone can participate in an open forum, no matter how frail and insufferable their answers to very simple questions may be...

@Trumpeter Do you look anywhere but at a person during real life conversions?? 'Cuz this answer is about as relevant as a foul ball in a hockey game.

The Xian is upset...

@darthfaja You think I'm a Xian?? Ha! Laughable. Why don't you go mind your own business now...

@Trumpeter Ya know, I can skip stones with bridge trolls 24/7, so come at me, sport.

This is a public forum Where you’ve asked a public question. You made this my business.

Yes you are a Xian among other things according to your bio.

@darthfaja And..... Your point??

Neo could've taken both, ya know.

@FiliusInfernum that you’re a douche

What’s the matter? Mommy and daddy not giving you enough attention?

@darthfaja Am I really?? Well that's not very nice.


I grew up as a Methodist and then went to a Bible college where I studied a LOT but began seeing problems with their doctrines. So I left and began studying external histories and other religions. Wow, a lot of inhumanity! Then I studied evolution and that pulled all the pieces together. Everything grows, as does the universe, all one massively interconnected "thing" or "bunch of things" that we'll never get our heads around understanding it all. The idea of a personal "god" or "gods" has always been a man-made construct to control or kill other living things. Religion is a package of lies.

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