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Just trying to get a head count here. Who's an atheist and who isn't, and why?? Tell me your story, I'm all eyes.

FiliusInfernum 5 Dec 19

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65 comments (26 - 50)

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I am not an illogical atheist, but rather a creator. I created Taco God. Taco God as I created is a person. Any person becomes a Taco God by eating 1 taco in their life. If any number of taco eaters get together the group could be labeled as one Taco God. So to say, 1000 scientist that each has already eaten a taco were to get together and create a space ship, it could be said, "Taco God created a space ship".

I really do exist, god is not my name, I have eaten a taco. Now, you no longer have to be atheist.

Word Level 8 Dec 19, 2019

I was once a theist. I was a theist because I was lied to as a child by theist adults (all of whom should have known better). At age 30 I saw through lies of my chief tormentor, and I have become more condemnatory of god mobsters ever since.


Atheist No story just didn't make sense .


I consider myself a member of the atheist community.


I'm an atheist trans lesbian in recovery from addiction. I was raised Catholic; and I was mentally and emotionally abused by a former friend (read: fellow addict) who fancied himself a preacher. I can't even remember if I consented or not, I was too f****d up. I just know how I felt afterwards... like a used, dirty Kleenex. The date: September 11th, 2001. Yeah... THAT day. I was... 'experimenting'... because I thought that I might be gay. Turns out that I WAS gay, just not exactly how I thought I was.

So every time the anniversary comes up of one thing you're reminded of the other? I'm so sorry!

@RavenCT Well, the way I see it; "God" is supposed to be omniscient, omnipotent, & omnipresent, right? (At least that's the lies they told me growing up Catholic) If he truly was omniscient, he KNEW about it, & did nothing. If he was truly omnipresent, the f***er was THERE, & did nothing. If he truly was omnipotent, he COULD have stopped it, yet did nothing. Therefore, if he DOES exist, he's complicit in both his silence AND his inaction. I'm not gonna worship somebody who LETS me get hurt in any way.

@RavenCT And some might argue, "Well, he had a lot to do that day!!!" But if he WAS omnipresent, it wouldn't be a problem for him to stop both my abuser AND the hijackers. Bottom line: "God" is a myth.

@OliviaMatteo If there were proven to be a god I still wouldn't be into worship. I would however give it such a piece of my mind over the epic unhappiness that's been visited on people that was entirely unnecessary!
Having been raised Roman Catholic that would start with pedophile priests and probably end with little children who had cancer.... - there'd be other highlights like people suffering all sorts of abuse at the hands of others that would be entirely preventable by any omnipotent being.

Nope zero belief here.
I think humanity needs to sort itself out.


Athiest here. No explanation needed.


I am an atheist. In my early 30's I decided to educate myself by reading the bible, Koran and the book of Mormon. By the time I got through Leviticus I changed to the Koran than to the book of Morman and learned that the people preaching had power because the people they were preaching to Were too lazy to actually read and learn for themselves so they are easily led and can be told anything and will believe anything as long as it includes how wonderful they are for suspending all rational thought. Much like those who watch Fox news so obediently to this very day

@M12bfree MSNBC and CNN do not brainwash and promote hate and outright lies like Fox Noise.


Uhm, pardon me for asking, but your profile comments show that you claim to be both Atheist, Agnostic and a Believer plus a few others as well, so how does this relate to your trying to get a head count?

I'm a syntheist and an omnist. I draw from the positive aspects of multiple diverse cultures and traditions. I'm a humanist in many ways. My main objective with the post was to see current positions as they stand now. Obviously, I can't expect an accurate number here but I can at least infer a generalised ratio based on present activity and input. Thank you for keeping things civil, I'm very new to how this platform operates.

It sounds a little like you might be a person that dislikes making a decision or taking a stand. Your description sounds a lot like a hedge.

@t1nick I stand for liberty, health, justice, progress, and each person's individual rights as a freethinking human being. That's just a broadsweeping simplification, for there are countless things to stand up for in this day and age. Ask me anything.

@FiliusInfernum Don't mind the rudeness of some of these 'members'...atheists, like theists, CAN be very dogmatic and smug about their beliefs.

@FiliusInfernum lol - try to stay focused.

@Storm1752 Not so I think. I, for one, want know WHY exactly he wants this 'head-count.'

I guess I resemble that remark. As a scientist I believe in certain absolutes. I grew up and worked in cities that were steeped in woo woo belief systems. I even experimented and explored many myself. But I always came back to my central atheistic beliefs. That is that there are no Gods and one is not needed to explain existence.


I'm agnostic. After starting Philosophy classes in the 10th grade and having a teacher and colleagues that would encourage to defy and think. Then another Philosophy teacher when I had to repeat the discipline in the 11th grade released my mind even more. Now, I'm doubting most information that goes around and I can't differentiate which one is the right one... Lol!!!


I'm athiest, 100 per Cent. My story is too long to tell
I just don't believe in the various fiction of ancient and not so ancient people. It's ok for some but not for me.


I call myself an agnostic, apistivist atheist. Basically, I don't see any proof to support the god(s) hypothesis. Show me some clear cut, scientific proof and I won't need to believe in a god or gods. Belief is useless to me, go with the evidence.


Joined this community as agnostic, levelled up to atheist...


Atheist, always.

Three older sisters. Father atheist, mother 'relaxed' (non church-going) CofE. Both parents trusted their children enough to let them think for themselves.


ME - howling atheist and anti-theist.
OLDEST SISTER - devout christian, preaches in local churches.
MIDDLE SISTER - very much like Mum, 'relaxed' CofE.
YOUNGEST SISTER - as atheist as I am, but does not howl!

All three sisters are genuinely wonderful people - love them all to bits.


Atheist-ish? Antitheism? Something like that. So, yeah.

Why? No proof. No evidence. No answered prayers. Not logical. Hypocrites. Oh, and the bible.

You summed it up better than I ever could or will.

@mentalinnuendo for sure.
...and here's some fridge magnets for xmas 🤣🤣🤣

@JustLuAnn Thank you. LOL 🙂

@TimeOutForMe Love those!! The first one tho... one of my first date questions is about dinosaurs. Around here, it usually doesn’t go much further than that. LMAO


@FiliusInfernum; you list yourself as the following:
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual, Believer, Religious
What are you?

In stead of taking an informal poll, why not just go through the list of members and tally the result? Oh, but that wouldn't waste any of our time, and wouldn't generate any conflict.

I am a syntheist and an omnist.

Ah, yes, I knew somebody here would say what I thought when I read the post.


Born and raised


i’m an atheist because i haven’t seen any evidence for the existence of a god or deity


As a 12-ish-year-old I read the Babble several times, and Every time it was WTF with widened eyes.....
Then I found Bertrand Russell in our attic.


No Santa? No god.


It's not a choice... you believe or you don't. I never actually put a name on it when growing up.
I was introduced to religion, BUT:

-100% do not believe in gods!!

-Human Spirit ...maybe.


Mark me as athiest. Reason? No reason.


My parents were not religious nor non-religious. I grew up in a meltingpot of a neighborhood where, when I think about it, none of us were. My parents sent me to a Motessori school locally where I learned French, Spanish and the sciences (who'd have thunk Catholics teach kids this stuff?) and I vividly remember seeing the bones of a Catholic somebody or another in a glass case entombed. It was that day, as a 4 year old that I first thought, "There is no mystery behind death...there it is." So, I've been an Atheist all my life. Later in life I began to explore Atheism and philosophically attempting to understand religion. I have my theories, but most come down to transfer of very pragmatic information (albeit antiquated now) and community policing.


Atheist, former christain and former pagan.


Atheist here. Former Christian.


I'm an 'agnostic neo-deist' today, since everybody, it seems, needs a label.

I suspect there MAY be a 'god' if you expand the meaning of the word to include a perfectly valid, scientific explanation, something far beyond what our current knowledge can comprehend.
But I don't KNOW that.
So I'll just keep whistling along...

I like to use different terms/"labels" interchangeably as often as I can, so long as they are adjacent or synonymous with my present believes.

@FiliusInfernum I noticed you're a 'syneist' and an 'omnist..." Interesting. I'm definitely not an omnist, because I don't respect all religions equally
In fact, while I respect anyone's right to follow any religion, I think belief in any god is irrelevant.
Each of us, however, have spiritual natures, and should be in touch with them; god MAY have created them, or it could have been 'star people'--creatures from advanced civilizations from other worlds--but whatever their origins, our 'creators' are not and may never have been in contact with us, do not intercede on our behalf, and may never be known. That's what I think. I could be wrong.

There ARE other possibilities, of course, but I personally doubt them.
Syneism, from what I can gather, believes men and women create our own idea of god, and is convinced the time is coming when we finally 'update' our beliefs to make them more in keeping with the modern world, including the internet. So far so good.

For that to happen, though, the internet must remain free from restriction. That, I think, is a long shot.
So I guess you'd say until I see signs mankind is willing and able to make the leap into the present, I'll remain reclusive and mostly unconnected.

Except for a tiny fraction of the population, people live in the past and/or a fantastical version of the present which has nothing to do with reality. These people certainly have no 'real' future awareness, unless you count doomsday predictions of utter ruin. And without excitement for the future, they have been robbed of the most important part of their 'souls,' so to speak.
THIS is the worst thing religion has done: by forcing otherwise good people to believe in a mythical past, a counterfeit present, and a false future without real hope, it has warped their perceptions of the world beyond any chance of recovery of their true potential.
Do I think there is hope? Absolutely. Perhaps, Syneism and Omnism are great starts, along with other positive and encouraging developments, including a free and open internet.
How long it REMAINS that way is hard to tell.

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