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I have quite a dilemma. (I realize the overall category that this site falls under, but I think I can still get a wide range of opinions because even if most here aren't believers, some of us were at some point, or we know those who are)

I have recently met someone and we are in a LDR (She lives in the U.K., I live in Texas USA) At first there was not much talk about religion..even the simple fact that she was a Christian and I was not ( I have said Atheist in the past only because I am so furious about the recent and current hypocrisy in our day to day climate, but I think I settle safely on Agnostic)
Recently she started going on about what the bible says about not associating with non believers. This has caused nothing less than quite a bit of tension. I feel judged and while she says she's not, I'm sure ya'll can understand how i can feel this way.
The specific passage talks about believers and nonbelievers being unequal. and how can they have anything in common? While i respect her view point, I just don't understand how anyone can follow that in 2019 almost 2020. if they are only supposed to be with other Christians what happens if all they meet are A--Holes?
Is anyone with someone who is a Christian who accepts your views? was anyone in a previous relationship where this was the straw that broke the camel's back? does anyone have family and or friends that have dropped this issue on you...specifically quoting 2 Corinthians 6:!4

She has hinted that this might be a deal breaker, and surely this isn't the first nor the last relationship that ended because of religion. I'm just curious if anyone has had this specific problem, and if it one religion more than others? I was raised Catholic and my Granny never brought this up and would never disagree with a grandchild's partner because they weren't Catholic.

thank you all in advance. please be kind. interested in everyone's views and opinions and experiences

Pfr1998 5 Dec 22

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Ask her to join the church of England. She will soon get bored with the whole idea.

she's from the UK. I'm not sure if that's where she goes, but she left one for another because her current church was following a book by a preacher who was known to have allegations of sexial assualt and pedophilia...

@Pfr1998 The C of E is known as an inoculation against religion or the conservative party at prayer. I doubt if she goes there. Hers sounds cultish. It might be best to cut your losses or let her do so


I just looked at your profile, you are young and have stated that you had some issues with your ex wife regarding religion. Do not get mixed up in that again. Really, this will go downhill fast.


Time to cut the umbilical cord to this woman. If she's using third-party language to distance herself from you, she's saying it won't work but lacks the courage to spell it out with her own feelings and thoughts.

If I said to someone who was interested in me that I was worried he didn't ride a motorcycle as I do, then I'm saying he isn't my type and I don't see a future unless he gets a bike. That's what she's saying to you.

Thank her for her time and feeling of connection, and say you understand she needs a bible thumper and then look elsewhere.


This is not only a question of religion... But also character. If she is trying to get you to convert... Move along. No good can come of this.


I've never been in your situation, but there's a theme in your post of her repeatedly bringing this up, judging you, and suggesting that it might be a deal breaker for her. I think, if I were in your position, I'd have a direct conversation and let her know that I don't appreciate what she's doing. I'm fine with her having her beliefs, but she needs to be fine that I don't share in them and the lack of evidence means I never will. If she cannot accept that, she needs to end our relationship now. Otherwise, I don't want to hear about this again. I'm not going to be berated and worn down into belief.


I think it is possible for some agnostics/atheists to be in relationships with some believers. But, I hate to say, if she is someone who takes the Bible literally, at least as she has been taught to interpret it, I fear it might be an insurmountable problem.

If this is already causing tension, I don't see it getting better. And, if she continues on, it might be because she thinks she will be able to change/convert you; and-- unless you think that is a possibility, and are okay with it, I would seriously consider moving on--better some hurt now than a lot more later.


Let us see, you are in the USA and she is in UK to start off. Do you really think that anything can come off it, you already "squabbling" or she is trying to convince you about religion. Say good buy to her immediately. Look for someone close by. What are you thinking.



She is saying this because any conversion is 1. A feather in her cap and 2. She wishes to control you...not the respect a Good relationship needs! Run!


If she believes the Bible frowns on associating with non believers it is best to end it now. LDR is hard all around. That just makes it worse.


One of my dearest friends is the daughter of a minister. That girl can run circles around anyone when it comes to what's in the Bible. She is so far from judgy, it isn't even funny. We've been friends for about 15 years, and she knows my views. She loves me anyway... and doesn't (has NEVER) try to convert me. I have another dear friend who is Jewish, and her husband is Christian. They celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas, and their adorable, very precocious, daughter is being taught both belief systems. They have one of the most solid relationships I've ever seen.

Then there is my ex-husband. Emphasis on EX. He knew my views when we started dating. He didn't seem to have a problem with them. At least not at the time. He even promised to never try to convert me. Then about 6 months after we got married, he joined The Promisekeepers. My life became Hell after that. We would fight all the time because he started trying to convert me, he literally beat me in the head with a Bible, he took this "Woman, attend me!" attitude. I put up with it because I'd had it deeply instilled in me never to fight back (you know, "Violence never solves anything"?), and to make your marriage work. Yeah... I got out of there real quick the night after he put a gun to my head and said he would be doing God's work by killing me. I swear, I never saw it coming when we were dating... but I was a vastly different person back then. There were probably a lot of red flags, but I simply missed them.

Believe me, I'm not that girl anymore. And yes, that is an extreme example.

I will tell you, though, I've never seen a romantic relationship work between a religious person and an atheist/agnostic.

Maybe it can work. After all, the most important thing in any relationship is mutual respect. But if she's carrying on about being "unequally yoked" at this point in the relationship, that's a big, red flag right there. It shows a lack of respect for your beliefs (or lack, thereof).

@Doraz No kidding! Looking back with different eyes, I can't believe I tolerated it as long as I did. Now? I no longer "need" a man in my life, so if I don't get treated with absolute respect, I'm gone -- no second chances, because then they turn into third and fourth, and so on, ad nauseum.

OP aside for the moment, I have to say Wow for your response. I could write plenty in support of you alone, but wow suffices.


I am an atheist and my wife is a devout Catholic. We knew that about each other when we married. We have been married for 24 years. The key is that we accept each other's right to believe as we choose, and that we treat each other with caring, dignity, and respect.

A rare situation.

@Atheist3 I think not as rare as you might think among thoughtful, educated people.

@wordywalt Or among aquiescent individuals who rationalize their relationship.


I know this may hurt.... but can you walk away? I see nothing good here.


Long distance relationships do not work, add the religious factor and I would say, forget it and look for someone near in all aspects of thevword.


My babies daddy is Catholic but not an active, church going, Catholic... His family is a whole different story... They know I'm atheist but accept me nonetheless... We don't speak about religion per mutual agreement 😊 things are going great...



" I have said Atheist in the past only because I am so furious about the recent and current hypocrisy in our day to day climate, "

  • That's interesting.

"At first there was not much talk about religion..even the simple fact that she was a Christian and I was not --
Recently she started going on about what the bible says about not associating with non believers."

  • It sounds to me like she has grown tired of waiting for you to bend to her faith and is now - subtly, of course - offering an ultimatum.
    Every relationship I know of with Christians and non-believers have either failed or been very strained when it becomes clear the non-believer is not converting. It's a toxic tribalism.

You have a nice granny.
One acquaintance of mine married a former Christian. No real problem there, except the grooms parents were fanatics. Whenever they had the children over for as visit, it was obvious afterwards they had told the children something that frightened them. Once they even took the children to their church for another baptism ceremony without telling the parents.


You do not have to respect her opinion, nor the opinion of anyone else. If you are standing up for what you believe in, I at least support you. Will it end your relationship? Who knows, maybe, but don't cave, please. You deserve someone who can love you despite your belief system.


One of my best friends and his wife are Xians. He's been my buddy for 30 years and his wife for 12, They love me and even trust me with their kids and no one judges anyone. So it can be done as long as both parties keep religion in its place.


My first thought is that she’s too rigid in her beliefs and that you’re opening yourself up to a lot of heartache. A relationship of any value is give and take. Better continue talking. Don’t be rash in any commitments

Never, ever give in to an ultimatum.


I would run like crazy. It does appear even by the buybull that you two are unequally joked.


I have been in a relationship with someone who was religious but I ended it early on. This person tended to think they were superior because of it and I don't like being preached to. But I have a good friend who is religious and it never comes up. I think it depends on whether or not they respect you and your beliefs.

Jennw Level 4 Dec 23, 2019

If you remain an atheist, she will be done with you.
She is obliged, ultimately to convert or avoid you.


If you really are an atheist, why would you want to be with her?


So she’s not Christian then? How often did he teach to treat others as brothers, the Good Samaritan story was very telling. He went way out of the norm, Jewish at that time.
My Gran was a non practicing Christian and Grandad was Atheist, they got on because they respected each other. Without that I don’t think you’re in for a good relationship.


More often than not, Atheists/Agnostics mixed with Christians in a relationship are akin to trying to mix oil with water, it simply NEVER works.
i've tried quite a few times, to my deepest regrets, and have found each time that self- preservation IS the better part of Valour.


I dated a woman who did similar (just minus the distance). It didn't go well at all because Jesus was everything to her. The picture you paint of your lady sounds similar. She has already given you enough info that you will not be equal unless you let Jesus into your heart. She may say she is not judging you, but she is. It is like the "stop hitting yourself" thing kids do. Time to run if it was me.

Jesus is the ultimate sex toy: Only around when you need him, does what he was designed for, gives pleasure, and obeys orders (as long as the batteries last). Hard to be human and compete with that.

@Ellen-SoCal In yer dreams!

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