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Religion was not created to control anyone or groups of people. I get tired of seeing this over simplistic explaination for religion. . This implies that there was a grand master of deception that thought it all up or many of them. There is no evidence that that is the case. Religion is not some grand conspiracy.
It appears that religion began with a simple need to explain the unexplained. The god of the gaps. Where there is a gap in understanding simply fill it in with god. This happens to this day.

Religion has and is used to control population today and has been since organized religion began. This I do not refute. Any group orgnization or group activity eventually has leaders that want to control how its followers think, religion has no monopoly on this.

It is taking it too far without evidence to make the blanket statement that religion was created to control people. Is it not more likely that people had a genetic propensity to want to assign agency to the unknown and call that god, and that once religions became organized that people simply took advantage of it? Blanket statements without evidence like this actually deminish credibility.

Outcomes do not dictate or indicate orgins.

Please forgive this rant. It bothers me just as much when non-theist make dogmatic statements that are not thought out.

DavidLaDeau 8 Jan 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes it is true religion was not use a method of control. Indeed it did cone from people trying to unexplained how this worked in the world around them, but they didn't technically apply god to what could not be explained, they apply answers based off perception, like believing the Sun circled the Earth because it appeared that. Another example is that ancient civilizations believed the Earth was flat because it appeared that. Eventually when they started doing math they started to not believe those answers to be true anymore.

The same idea can be applied to ancient Theism, which I believe evolved out of the idea that everything was alive. I think Theism occurred out of ancient groups trying to explain what is considered living and what is considered dead/not-living.


Very true and I agree with you completely about the origins of religion. But I think that you are constructing a strawman argument about the people who use the 'control' argument. Most of them do well understand the other roles of religion, especially at its origin and in early times, they are just using the word 'religion' shorthand to refer to modern organized religion alone.

No straw man here this is exactly what I am told. They do use "shorthand" and this is the problem I have with it.

@DavidLaDeau I see. Yes there certainly could be problems with that, especially when talking to ill informed groups. But I think it does not matter so much here in conversations on this site, since most of the members, as with most organized sceptics, are well informed about religion's history, as the comments below mostly show, and are not therefore going make that mistake. It is a bad habit to get into though as you may forget and use it in the wrong context.


You make some great points and it's perfectly valid to question these aspects of the divide. I even tend to agree but that has little, if any, effect on my view of the business. It is a wholesale con acting upon a regenative need that's no longer valid. Kind of like an old computer language taking up memory space in a laptop that never requires it. It diminishes performance but by so little nobody notices until they do. That's why we have a frontal lobe. This language has become problematic to our actual survival now, though. We have too many dark places with people who want to completely Lord over us, use us physically for whatever purpose they desire, who use this language as a police force. I think we are at that point of decision. Many more now see this than used to, and that's hopeful, but too many still think the language defines their very existence. Those who know the language is a remnant have good reason to be concerned.


Early religions were more about the calendar than control. If you start with sun and moon gods (yes I know that there were earlier tree, animals gods etc.) Then at 1st moon gods hold sway because knowing when the moon is up is important to hunter-gatherers.
Later when the grasses mutated and we got agriculture, then the sun god was supreme. At this time we had enough spare food to have kings, priests, and specialized workers. Then religion began to lay down laws for behavior. After all, priests would tell you when to plant and harvest. It would seem natural to accept their instructions on morals.
The dietary laws of Judaism make sense in a hot climate and who would want their woman sleeping with another guy? However, it is interesting to note that their calendar is lunar, not solar. To view the OT as total BS throws away a cronical of a people's transition from a hunter-gatherer to an agricultural existence. Flawed as it may be.
Later on, those lunar gods come back into their own when trade becomes an important resource. Knowledge of tides was crucial to cultures like the Vikings.
When Christianity held sway in the middle ages. It was the church that gave us holidays and provided the only counter-balance to the powers of the state. Social control was certainly part of the growth of religion but not the whole story.


#1. Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27

#2. Religion a form of government of people that can cross "worldly " national borders, that is not passed on specifically by family traditions or genetic connection.

#3. Religion is what non-experiencing people refer to those that claim some God thingie interaction.

Word Level 8 Jan 12, 2020

Completely agree. The concept of gods were invented to explain things people didn’t understand. It was later that some enterprising con artists figured out how to get rich and powers from it. Some specific religions WERE invented for money making (cough SCIENTOLOGY).


Religion is the tool that's used to control the masses. Religion is the opiate of the masses and has little to do with a god. This packaged system of beliefs has been well marketed and has controlled people for centuries because the very nature of it feeds on control.

"Hell" was invented by the Catholic church to control people with fear, a retired priest said.


American Bishop explains how religion was "made up" and used to control people.


The man and story behind Jesus Christ was a Roman hoax designed to control the people, a scholar has sensationally claimed. Christianity is a baseless religion that was designed by the Roman empire to justify slavery and pacify the citizens, according to controversial Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill.


I'm good with your thesis, less so with your support.

Spong is amazing and a bit odd. A believer that is both respected and hated for calling out his religion. Thank you for the links. His scholorship is not to be ignored.

Atwill may be right to an extent but his writings are not universally accepted.


What did you mean by, "less so with your support"?

@LiterateHiker Please be gentle with me. I'm venturing into territory that you are likely way more familiar with than I. First, I'm leery of sites with lots of pop-ups. They tend to be click bait for the ads they sell. Secondly, the priest and the bishop were speaking from their experience more about what religion, in particular their own, has become, and extrapolating back through time. The third reference was positing a "could have been". The Bible "could have been" written by the Romans, because they "had a reason to". No evidence to support this notion, other than logical self-interest, so yeah, maybe!

Modern religion, especially fundamentalism of every stripe, has become a twisted wreckage of whatever beauty there was in the original concepts. That being said, an artist can create beauty even with trash. I've worked with wonderful people from all kinds of faith backgrounds that have done wonderful things in the world, are loving with their families and their communities. They find the sweetest part of their faith and build out from there.

The world is a complicated place, and to dismiss people who hold different beliefs, to render it all into binary rights and wrongs, is to dismiss a huge portion of the rainbow of opportunity available to us. It sucks that so much of the world's population still prefers to engage in magical thinking when science is completely available, and practically screaming information at us about how we live, these wonderful devices we use to feather our nests are killing our own ecological niche, how we can see with technology how oppression impacts real people around the world, and we can view them in pain in real time, and people use religion as a crutch to do nothing, to look away, to continue the degradation of life on earth. It sucks.

Margaret Mead, I believe spoke about how really only minorities of people actually make change. She didn't say we'd like it. Emma Goldman wanted a revolution only if we could dance to it. Tall order.


It's hard to read your run-on sentences. Please write more clearly in short sentences. Here's a doozie:

"It sucks that so much of the world's population still prefers to engage in magical thinking when science is completely available, and practically screaming information at us about how we live, these wonderful devices we use to feather our nests are killing our own ecological niche, how we can see with technology how oppression impacts real people around the world, and we can view them in pain in real time, and people use religion as a crutch to do nothing, to look away, to continue the degradation of life on earth."

What "wonderful devices" are you talking about? Cars, trains, planes, plastic, toxic chemicals, Roundup, etc? On that I agree.

@LiterateHiker You're right. That was a doozie! But you got it. Those devices.

It sucks that so much of the world's population still prefers to engage in magical thinking when science is completely available, and practically screaming information at us about how we live. These wonderful devices we use to feather our nests are killing our own ecological niche. On the other hand, we can see with technology how oppression impacts real people around the world, and we can view them in pain in real time. Meanwhile people use religion as a crutch to do nothing, to look away, to continue the degradation of life on earth."

I was going stream of consciousness there rather than communicating.


Nice one David. With you all the way. It shows a complete misunderstanding of the development of tribal groups, sociology and culture.

I’ll fight with on the battlements for that one!


Excellent presentation, David. Very well said.

I learned from some "old farts" from A/N.


This is one of those big subjects. I agree that the notion of religion being deliberately created sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory, to use that modern term, and doesn't convince. I agree that religion, specifically a god, is used to explain the gaps. But I've always felt that religion evolved to explain what couldn't then be understood, to pray to some protective force in a scary unpredictable world, and to deal with death: the curse of the knowledge of our own mortality. The fact that religions then become tools of the powerful to exercise control over the powerless is of course beyond doubt. We should consider all the contributing factors why religions exist. How else can we confront and neutralise it?

Very well said, You made the point I was trying to. Identify the contributing dynamics then we can do something to remedy them. If we start with a fallacious premise our remedys will not be effective.

We have a deadline for doing so. It's called climate change. If it weren't for that religion would be annoying but, because it's happening fast, we are forced to make a decision on what to do with them. I think humanity still has a chance of doing it by vote but the anti-religious side MUST be a very large percentage. If it's close to even then our peace depends upon the character of the man who holds power. All things being equal the belief becomes the passion. For non-theism to reign we'd have to throw out all forms of religion in government and I don't see that as practical. Therefore, we'll continue to entertain them and watch civilization die.

@rainmanjr If I am reading your post wrong let me know. It sounds like you are blaming global warming on the religious. To me it is more an issue of industrialization, and rooted in the notion that the earth is an inexhaustible resource to be plundered for wealth and human comfort. For some, religious beliefs can be used to justify this, but they can also be used for the opposite. I don't think religion is at the heart of this particular problem, from my perspective.

There are many avenues to address global warming- if you feel strongly about this please take on the one that calls you, do your best, and make a peace with knowing that you are contributing to an outcome you maybe never live to see- an earth in balance in the future.


i sometimes get dissed for having reached the same conclusion. religion is evil, evil i tell you, and evil needs... a mastermind, right? so it seems some antitheists believe in a kind of devil lol. religions developed. they developed out of a need and outlived their need, yes thanks for abuse of religion by individuals, not always evil either, but with evil results for sure. yes, some pastors and televangelists and polticians and megalomaniacs and others use religion to control people. that doesn't mean that is why religion was "invented" or "created" or any other things. it's like that meme declaring that trump said, on people magazine, in 1998, that if he became a politician he would become a republican because republicans are stupid and gulliable. i am not quoting exactly but that was the gist of it -- except he never said it, at least not to people in 1998, and probably not in public, if he ever said it at all. is it the kind of thing he would think? insofar as he thinks, yeah. is it the kind of thing he would say? insofar as he is a blabbermouth with no impulse control, yeah. so people believe that meme. but it's a hoax. so does it also seem, on the surface of it, with religion being used to control people, that it must have been created to do so. but that too is false, and you said it better than i did, but i had to say this, too, because some folks get SO mad when you take away their devils.


Atheist can also get caught up into adversarial "group think". It often makes me unpopular with everyone.

@DavidLaDeau lol i am used to that, myself!



Just because it pisses you off and bothers you, doesn't mean that what you think is true. Who cares about the purpose for the creation of religion, it may have been created to give easy answers to ignorance, or any other reason, what matters is what is it used for since the dawn of civilization to present day. And you would be either blind or naive to think that religions are not for control. Outcomes are the result of the creation, babies are all born innocent, what really matters is not why babies were created for, what matters is what did this baby became and its impact on society. And it bothers me too when anybody, theist or not, makes statements not well thought out, like yours.

Lets back up here it annoys me because it is wrong, it is not supposedly wrong because I do not like it. To imply such a thing is presumptious. I care about the orgins of everything as it helps us to understand humanity which is important for solving world problems. If we do not know why we do things then that is a great barier to humananity for advancement.
I did not suggest in any way that religion is not used to control in fact I stated that it is.

Outcomes are very important if we mis identify the causes of outcomes then we can do nothing to change or better them.
Rather than just saying that my statement is not well thought out please state how it is not well thought out and why. Please think it out first. I am shocked at your comments.

@DavidLaDeau because if you read the reasons I give above you can see that your statement is notvwell thought out. Learn to read carefully and be less defensive when proven wrong.

@Mofo1953 I was not defensive as I was not proven wrong. But lets just say we disagree on this one. I am sure we will agree on many other things.

@DavidLaDeau we probably do, but I think you must agree that the reason why for any origin doesn't really matter, what really matters to society is what is that creation, that might have had even an honorable beginning, doing in its journey of existence.


Absolutely correct.


Some people believe that religion just evolved from worshiping nature, polytheism, then to monotheism . . . . I don't, I think it was helped along . . . . Monotheism has a bad influence, because it not only promotes a complete dictatorship by an imaginary being, but also promotes the idea of a central authority based on one individual, a cult of single-person authority which is almost inevitably carried over to government. There is a great deal of evidence that christianity was invented by the Flavians, and people do not invent things without motives.
Niccolo Machiavelli, (3 May 1469 - 21 June 1527) was an Italian Renaissance historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist, and writer who wrote a small book titled, "The Prince", which is a compendium of advice to tyrants who rule nations . . . . . he saw religion as a tool of rulers to keep the general populace under control. In America, lots of people buy into it when politicians flaunt their "religiousness" . . . . I consider this to be the most revealing phrase in Machiavelli's whole book:
"Therefore it is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always to observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and to be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite." - Niccolo Machiavelli (The Prince)

If that was the case they USED religion as opposed to creating the concept of religion for the purpose of control.

People often under-estimate the ancients . . . . their level of education, their abilities . . . . I don't, but you are welcome to do so if you feel the need. They invented the Method of Loci, bards would memorize the whole epic of Homer, Pythagoras first proposed that the Earth was round sometime around 500 B.C, and in fact I would say that some of them were more educated than most people today, because books, or scrolls were rare, knowledge was treasured, education and the ability to write was revered. People without a sense of history are welcome to naivly believe what they want though, it is just as clear today that people invent religions to gain power . . . . Mormonism for example, the huckster who thought that one up did not do it without motives.
Below is a wall fresco from Pompeii, Italy, with a couple holding their reading and writing materials in hand . . .


No, there's not a "grand master" originator, it is a product of natural selection as much as evolved organisms are really. It has always been a useful fulcrum of control to authoritarians, though, and there have been grand master manipulators who have used it, from within and without and sometimes both.

Agency inference and confirmation bias make it attractive, though, that is the fundamental fact of life.

Thank you for making it clearer than I was able to!


It was obviously not Created to control people, but to explain the scary unexplainable.
But that is what is has evolved into.

i wish i could agree because that sounds reasonable too, but religion itself hasn't evolved into a method of control. it's just so convenient as a tool for controlling people, that those who would control people use it thusly. it isn't the evolution of religion as a concept. it can't be. religions are not all the same, and i know plenty of people who at least nominally identify with a religion and yet do not let it control their lives, and don't find themselves in a battle to wrest control from their religious leaders. i should think most rabbis and pastors and imams are honest, believe in what they preach, and are not trying to control people. there is still no god and the religion in which they believe is still based on fantasy, but they are not hurting anyone (unless they're telling little children they're going to burn in hell, but i don't think most of them do that; rabbis certainly don't!) but those who would control others -- yeah they sure have jumped onto religion as the perfect tool, and onto gullible people as perfect fools.


@genessa Very well said. Your not very good at the us vs. them thing are you?

@DavidLaDeau i could be good at it if i wanted to be but why would i want to be? my species -- our species -- is decidedly imperfect, and cats are by far superior creatures, but we'll never be cats so we'd better learn to be better humans. division doesn't help.



I agree with you.


An interesting take on the issue. It's an interesting conjecture to suppose religion was invented to control the masses. The question that comes to me is.... at what point did early humans go from simple personal or extended family explanations for the unknown, to a larger community level explantation?

At the family level, it was probably the head of the family or a surviving elder. Once it became community level I conjecture that it immediately needed to be a hierarchy and authority structure for it to accepted and passed on. Simply by the very nature of the hierarchy and authority systems, control follows. Perhaps at first by respect and fairly informal means (coercion, shaming, etc.). But as population groups got larger, almost certainly in order to be effective it became a religion. With religion comes control.

Exactly, I don't know why people seem to believe that outcomes indicate orgins.


While religion may have started out as an "explanation", it didn't take long for
the more savvy to realize that it was a dandy way to control the masses.
As soon as the explanations started being replaced with science, it became
ALL about control.

You are correct, It just annoys me when people say it was created to control.

@DavidLaDeau Do people actually say this?

@Marionville I have seen at least three comments thst said as much, in the last few days here on this website.

@DavidLaDeau Haven’t seen these posts. What they probably mean is that organised religion has become a means by which to exert control over people least I hope that’s what they mean. To believe that religion was created in order to control people seems a very strange idea, and the history of worshiping god/gods and a believe in deities does not bear this out.

@Marionville actually they were statements like "religion was just made up to control people".

@DavidLaDeau just plain wrong then.

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