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Why are atheist so obsessed by religion? I get this question all the time usually in the form of an attack.
I will briefly give my reply but I would like to know what you think and how you respond to it.

I was indoctrinated as a child into Christianity by a very religious family. The teachings of Christianity I found to be harmful and are endorsed and promoted openly in the United States. The religion led to a suicide attempt whem I was 14 years old due to the guilt of not being good enough for god. It promotes sexism, bigotry and has often led to war against "unbelievers" to just scratch the surface.
I care about religion because it directly affects my life as it is imposed on me and the culture I live in. The idea that if I ignore it it won't hurt me is a misnomer.
I address religion to minimize its harm to society. I am passionate about it, no doubt. The term obssesion is a bit strong meant to invoke emotive misrepresentation.

What are your thoughts on this?

DavidLaDeau 8 Jan 14

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46 comments (26 - 46)

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This is a faulty question...the same as "Do you still beat your wife?"

I'm concerned (but far from obsessed) about religion because it poses a danger to the survival of humanity. Religious wars (that unbelievably are still ongoing in the 21st Century) could very well bring us to the brink of self-destructon.


From my point of view, I'm not obsessed with religion, I'm concerned about the religious. Particularly the so-called Religious Right that seems hell bent on turning America into a Fundamentalist Christian Theocracy with themselves in charge. NO ONE is going to tell me how to live, that's not the purpose of laws in our nation. They are there to protect the rights of one person from being violated by another. When I'm not doing that, there should be no government fiat that decrees my actions. THAT is why I'm always attentive to what the religious are doing, not to religion itself.

I am concerned about my friends and neighbors also. Not in a nosey intrusive way but as they are humans.,

@DavidLaDeau And I'm concerned about humankind. That's why I keep an eye on religious fanatics bent on converting the world to their death cult.


...because religion, especially Christianty, is obsessed with our government.


One of the benefits of a more secular country is, that until I joined this site I rarely thought about it. I can understand that you poor guys in the USA have to put up with all the BS and so it is a big part of your lives. In fact, I have had to think about my non-belief so much more in the past 2 years after joining here than in the past 40.


I am not obsessed with religion. I am concerned with the effect can have and does have on society. I do care about the world i live in and the role religion plays in society is a large one. I dislike its undue influence it as on the world around us and comments like well its there religion so you shouldnt criticize them i find annoying. Having just watched the documantry on the bbc about bishop peter bell I think we should all be concerned. A cover up by the church that used its power and influence to cover up abuse and stop a police investigation. If you havnt watched it you may find it interesting.

I have puked enough in my lifetime thank you. I am sure it is worth watching though. Thank you for the recommendation.


I have a deep interest in religion because I feel there are exciting and pertinent values at religion’s core. Like you, I turned away from traditional Christianity long ago, but I still maintain deep reverence for what I call the religious impulse, characterized by awareness and appreciation for the staggering implications of the mysteries of existence.

There’s more to religion than just some contrived god figure. With respect to contrived god figures and empty, church dogmatism I am an atheist, but I do not trumpet atheism. Arguing over the existence of God is an inanely futile exercise because it is readily apparent that the meaning of “existence” is not understood. Existence, along with space, time, conscious awareness, location, motion, etc. are concepts that we generally take for granted. We are immersed in our sense domain like fish are immersed in water, and it is hard to conceive of the ultimate reality beyond.

The only response to reality that seems rational to me is shock and awe, along with bewilderment. Belief or disbelief seem utterly inappropriate.

The general idea of be good to people is great. It's when others force people to conform to thier idea of being good that we have a problem. Yep you got it right!

Be my brand of good or my god will kill you is not too good now is it?

@DavidLaDeau I agree totally.

I would add also that trying to be a good person is sort of a shallow, knee-jerk ego reaction. A truly benevolent and liberal person is that way because of deep intuitive awareness. They can’t help themselves.

Whether it is Christians using fear, guilt and shame to force their way or left-wingers using demonization and guilt, it amounts to the same thing and it’s not effective.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

—Martin Luther King, Jr.


Actually, my experience is that I ignore religion and only think about here on this forum lol. Isn't that ironic?


Why are cops so obsessed with crime?
If you are aware of The Wedge Strategy and the trial around that, you will probably agree 'crime' is not an exaggeration.

I'm not obsessed with religion. I merely respond to lies and narcissistic reality denial whenever it becomes a topic of discussion or conflict. If that happens on a regular basis, that is a consequence of religion overreaching into everything and I am not obligate to shut my mouth when it does.

Reality denial may seem harmless when nice people pray in church, retreating into narcissistic fantasies about being not only the chosen people, but the very reason existence itself exists.
But it's dangerous to teach people to rewrite reality to suit themselves. I believe this is the core of beliefs like racism or sexism. There is no evidence either of those are true, but they give comfort to weak and cruel people who feel small and respond by doing what the have been taught to do when reality gets harsh. Lie to themselves and then impose those lies on others.
This behavior is very active in politics. Right now it allows people to delude themselves that a "race-baiting bigot" to quote a republican senator; is a genius and chosen by god to grab women by the p-- (cough). "Make America great again."

Perhaps a mental health professional could tell you the difference between this and utter insanity, but I can't.


Atheists aren't, Agnostics are. Waaaaayyyyy too much IMO.


If matters stopped at mere belief which could be separated from the functions of the state without being imposed on others, I wouldn't be bothered much by the existence of the religious. But if simply being a religious institution or a part of it entitles them to privilege, that I cannot accept.


It could be that location plays a large role in how much a person thinks about religion. I live in one of the reddest and most religious areas in Arizona and nearly everyone I know is very religious. It pretty much is all encompassing. I like it here because I can go out the door and be in the mountains, which I love, in five minutes. I don't love the political or religious in your face atmosphere. Like you I was religious for a good part of my life and lost a lot to it including a son and a previous wife. Even though I try to divorce myself from it, it pops up constantly and it is a major part of politics also. For those people who can not think about it, I am happy for you, but some of us can't seem to escape it even if we try to do so.

gearl Level 8 Jan 14, 2020

There is no day that I get a break from religion unless I stay locked up in my house and don't use any media.

@Allamanda I really have no desire to leave my homeland.


I don't see it as being "obsessed" with religion. As far as I can tell, it's FAR more
about being aware of the encroachment of religion on everyone's lives.
It's more about pushing back against the influence of religion on public policy.

It's about not being willing to acquiesce to being controlled by something I don't
believe in, and refuse to go along with.
The "obsession" is with fighting against the repression and damaging nature of religion.
It's trying to stop the harm religion does to people. Especially the vulnerable.
Children, the elderly, the infirm, anyone who is different from the "norm", are ALL
targeted by religion.
Children are indoctrinated before they reach the age where critical thinking can
protect them.
Children are subjected to sexual mutilation and predatory church "leaders".
Their minds are corrupted by bullshit that isn't real.

Yeah, anyone who wants to can come at me with that absurd accusation.
I welcome it. It gives me the opportunity to go back at them and their delusions.
Bring that bullshit to me. Please.


I think the reason atheists are obsessed with religion is that they, just like theists, are Homo sapiens. And Homo sapiens are designed by evolution to be obsessed with finding meaning.

It appears to me that we all fit into one of three categories, or some combination thereof. People who are obsessed with religion (80% of Homo sapiens), people who are obsessed with the absence of religion, and people who are obsessed with a replacement for religion, like the pseudo religions of political activism, consumerism, volunteerism, environmentalism, veganism, sports fanaticism, romanticism, heroism, mercantilism, alcoholism, the list is endless, and includes, at the far end, depression and mental illness.

Observing this to be the case, and sensing the inevitability of it, I have built for myself a formal practice that meets this natural need head on, without unconscious diversion into some activity that appears “safe from God”, but meets all the biological requirements that religions fill, while not conflicting with a scientifically informed worldview.

All Homo sapiens have something in the religion box. It is either conscious or unconscious; take your pick.

skado Level 9 Jan 14, 2020

The sad thing is that the religion box would not exist at all without religion being imposed on us.

That’s the folklore.
Here’s the science:

@skado I did a study on this subject a few years ago. I will make a post about the conclusions that I came to. Thank you I might have to get the book!

Looking forward to your post. I bet you wouldn’t be disappointed with the book. It’s well cited with lots of scientific studies, and very level-headed hypotheses.

@skado I read about 6 books on the subject in my study of the subject. In short we do have a propensity toward religion but I found that there jave been entire cultures that have been discovered that had no god concept while they lived in isolation. So it can not be said that we all have an inherent propensity to make up gods. Once they are introduced to a society then yep we turn into idiots. The best explanation for this is our tendancy to assign agency to the unknown. I can not say I know I am right, only that I may be right on this subject. More studies and research....


Obsessed by religions mmm no but sorry for people with blind and programmed minds.


I think you have it backwards.Religious people are obsessed with religion.

I do not prescribe to the assertion that atheist are obsessed with religion.


Right on.

As an atheist my obsession with religion is that I came out of religion. My parents took me in that direction by age 12 and I also had earlier experiences that made me aware of gods and religion. I studied to be a preacher and then realized years later that it is all false. There is nothing supernatural. Only things that humans do not understand. This means I am not convinced on many levels - no spacemen, nessie, or bigfoot, etc. If you think otherwise then prove them. You can't do it.

I do not trust those who think there are no gods but believe in aliens, etc. This would be like someone who thought pixies lived in their shoes. I do not believe people like Bush who said he and Laura were praying for us. How so? They do not even know us. Praying over a bunch of prayer requests written on paper is just more nonsense. If god knew the needs in advance why did he not just take care of them? Why would anyone have to pray over them?

My obsession with religion is kind of like this. To be a good mechanic you need to know a lot about cars. If you know nothing you are just making a claim and you are not a mechanic.


My answer: I don't care one way or another about religion. You keep your religion and beliefs to yourself and I will exercise my free will and keep my views to myself.


Being in the vast minority I wanted to make sure I got it right, which requires knowing a lot about what you don't believe in.

I wanted to become a preacher and ended up not believing for just that reason.


I am more concerned with climate change especially now a whole continent is on fire. while their leaders keep denying it. this is distressing as i knew a massive die off was coming.I pictured Bangladesh going under water as the Bengals have always been victims of others. now we are killing off massive amounts of poor creatures,


The religions which cause me the most grief are Leftism and Islam.

What about bigoted atheists?

@Geoffrey51 With interest and curiosity, I await your answer to your question.

Leftism is not a religion, for me being a Democratic socialist it is the opposite, I don't require anyone to believe as I do. I rely on science, history and facts. I take exception to laws based on religious belief that directly affect me. That is theocracy, no different than theocratic govetments like Iran etc.

@Geoffrey51 we are not bigoted, we are saved!

@DavidLaDeau Sorry, I didn’t mean that atheists are bigotted. I meant the atheists that are bigots.

@Geoffrey51, @DavidLaDeau
The "bigoted" atheists are the few who reject regressive leftist group-think.

@wilbo420 How you describe yourself corresponds to classical liberalism, to which I subscribe. Unfortunately, regressive leftism has hijacked the liberal agenda and narrative. It has its own dogmas, and whoever disagrees with them is considered to be an "infidel", a bigot or an apostate.

@PBuck0145 so many labels, so little time!

@Geoffrey51 Lets play the label game. It goes like this, others label you and you are wrong if you disagree! You rageing god lover!


I think you have it right. You demonstrate courage and integrity!

Thank you, I try and call me out if I slip up and do it any differntly!

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