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Coronavirus is a punishment from God: Conservative Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that the coronavirus is a plague sent by God to purge the world of sin. Apparently god is most pissed off at China but he's coming to the US also. I guess we'll see which preachers he's pissed at also. It would be ironic if Wiles got sick. The stupid, it burns.

rogueflyer 8 Jan 29

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Those Sunday church meetings at those mega-churches are a breeding ground to spread the virus. I'm happy I'm at home Sunday mornings drinking coffee and watching "Meet the Press".

Yes, frees up your Sundays and also leaves ten percent of your earnings to be spent doing actual humanitarian work as opposed to a fancy building and socials.


You know what goes good with Corona virus? Lymes disease! Ha!


It is easier for many people to think that a virus, a Tsunami, an asteroid impact, is the work of some supernatural force like God
Because that still holds meaning
"Yes, the Cornoavirus is killing us, but we did it by our sinful nature!"
Has meaning, false and BS, but meaning nonetheless.

The truth is
"SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS! there is no control, random nasty shit happens sometimes and we have no control over it."
No meaning, just a faceless real terror.

Some people cannot tolerate that, it is easier psychologically for them to believe we are being punished, and there are always those ready to exploit those fears for a profit.


It sounds like the dumb sort of nonsense that believers come up with today. Especially the Evangelicals.


Since god is protecting this asshole, why not send him to Wuhan to help the sick like jesus would do? He's protected and should not fear contagion, right?


Schrodinger's cat explained by a Christian pastor. The cat is both punished and saved by god


Never forget the evangelicals all say that the killer tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods are "god's" wrath for accepting the LGBTQ community as human beings even though the people that live in the areas that suffer the most damage are mostly evangelicals. It never occurs to them that THEY could be the targets of their god's wrath for not accepting their fellow human beings.


Things that make me go, "Wait, what?"

That's not how any of this works....

I don't know who Rick Wiles is and he sounds like he needs a lesson in virology. Also logic. And philosophy.

I wonder if the man-developed research and treatment counts for anything? Or maybe he will catch it and just pray about it. Let's see how well that works.


These assholes never tire of claiming that the latest tragedy is of their god's making, and their fool sheeple keep on drinking the Kool-Ade.


If the Coronavirus is punishment from god then he should attack all those Catholic priests and all those other religious leaders who are living a life in sin all over the world first. God is not very aware is he of what is really going on here.

He sure isn't is he ?!!?


I sincerely hope this Rick Wiles gets hit with this virus. Teach him a lesson that his god is imaginary and he`s an idiot wasting valuable oxygen SANE people need for breathing.


Coronavirus is a mutated virus, that could be natures way of controlling the human population.

Too bad nature doesn't work like that.

@Paul4747 I think nature does work like that--it simply isn't a conscious action.

@Joanne The virus is only concerned with propagating its DNA, like any organism.

All life engages in "arms races" with other species; predators evolve more efficient hunting tools, prey evolve to hide or evade or fight the predators. Animals evolve (or invent) resistance to disease; the virus organisms evolve to overcome those. If any one gets too far advanced beyond the other, it will radically deplete the opposed population, maybe even destroy it.

So far as we know, however, humans are the only organisms who consciously control other populations.

@Paul4747 I simply mean that nature has a way of "correcting" things. The more populated the earth becomes with humans, the more likely things like this are going to happen. As I said, it isn't a conscious action, it is simply the nature of things.

@Paul4747 could it be the same logic as forest fires?

Forest fires and virus spreading has no logic.

@xenoview Which brings us back to my original comment... there is no intentionality in nature, merely the appearance which we perceive there.

@xenoview You are correct


It'll be those darn Chinese gays causing all this hassle.


Total asshole


It's just to get people to give him more money. Just a typical scam.


The biggest plague I see is charlatans like Rick Wiles.


Christians are the children of an abusive parent. Every good thing comes from Him and every bad thing is their own fault. They will never meet the standards they are setting but if they grovel properly he might forgive their trespasses. It's sad to see so many otherwise intelligent people fall for this crap.


Same bullshit as the Christian propaganda back in the 1980s that AIDS was a punishment from God for gays gaining more rights and acceptance in America.


It would be interesting to go back to 1918 and see how many religious rants came from this time. I submitted a comment about the extent of this flu virus and it killed one in 36 people. Guess what; the world did not end and we even went on to fight another horrible war.
Actually, thank you as this gave me an idea. Here is a link: []
Here is another link (from the one attached) which just covers the 21st century. [] Wow, a lot of maniacal nutballs out there.


Lots of people are going to be infected by this virus. It's going to kill quite
a few as well.
I don't care if it makes me a "bad" person, I sincerely hope Wiles is among the dead.

Just say you hope he gets to meet Jesus,, soon.

@Ms_McSteven Dang.

@Ms_McSteven I hope everything's good.


He did not include that it was punishment for people loving members of the same sex? I am floored. Yes god created sex so he could kill us for having it. Makes perfect since.

Didn't he create sin to punish us? He's pretty fucked up. And what's with the New Test. and the Old Test.? If the guy is so perfect, why can't he make up his mind and get all of this shit right in the 1st place?


If he gets contaminated with it, will he see it the same way? 😂🤣😅😄😅😆


North Korea sins more than any country so why didn’t they get it especially the leaders there


Uuuhm... I thought AIDS was god's "plague" to purge the world of sin - sinners, adulterers, homosexuals, abortionists; you know - sinners. What happened? It didn't work? Imagine that. I wouldn't bet on this new "plague" to work any better. Meh!

Nope AIDS was for gays. He, she or it has different diseases or hurricanes for different sinners.


I'm struck by how kind their God was in giving room to the anopheles (malaria carrying) mosquito and the tsetse fly (sleeping sickness carrier) on the ark.

Great points!


Well, gawd did send all those plagues...frogs, bubonic, and etc.......

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