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Trump supporters are predicting that he will win re-election. Some even say by a landslide. But I do not see 2020 being a repeat of 2016. After three years we know Trump a lot better than we did back then. Let's take a look at his record.

First, right out if the gate, he tried very hard to take health insurance away from millions of Americans, and had NO plan of his own to replace the Affordable Care Act.

He gave a big tax cut to the richest 1% while wages for middle-class Americans continue to stagnate. Deficit spending and the national debt are at all-time highs.

Our infrastructure is in much worse shape than when candidate Trump promised a major upgrade.

He reneged on the only deal that had Iran halting their nuclear program and allowing international inspectors to verify compliance. The Iranians are now restarting their nuclear program and tensions in the Middle East are as high or higher than ever.

After Trump's poorly-considered assassination of a high-level Iranian on Iraqi soil, the Iraqis now want us out of their country.

Trump has alienated our allies around the world while cozying up to dictators. He made a big show of talking to North Korea's leader, but all he really achieved was to give Kim Jun Un credibility on an international stage. North Korea continues to develop its nuclear war capability.

It was particularly disgusting to see how Trump turned his back on the Kurds, our only reliable ally in the region. Our precipitous withdrawal left a vacuum that not only leaves our ally in the lurch, but also is allowing ISIS to regroup and resurge.

Trump turned a blind eye to the murder of a Washington Post journalist by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, aka MBS. What message did that send to journalists around the world? Especially in the light of how Trump has continually maligned the press as "enemies if the people"?

Trump created a huge mess by separating kids from their families; they still don't know where some of them are. Putting kids in cages is NOT the American way.

Trump has told thousands of lies while in office; more than 16,000 at last count. As if a president can do that without creating a culture of mendacity and mistrust.

Trump has uttered rhetoric that empowers white supremacists, who now feel emboldened to carry out terrorist attacks (mass shootings) on non-white Americans.

Trump (along with a supine Senate) placed a highly ideological, partisan person on the Supreme Court. Even if he is innocent of the charges levelled against him by Ms. Blassie-Ford, Mr. Kavenaugh demonstrated in his confirmation hearings a temperment that is ill-suited for any judge, never mind Supreme Court Justice.

Trump continues to deny/ignore climate science while the fires rage and the floodwaters rise. Instead of investing in clean, green technologies, he continues to subsidize the dirty fossil fuel corporations, opening up more sensitive habitats to oil and gas exploration.

Trump has gutted the EPA. Who needs clean air and clean water anyway?

Trump ILLEGALLY held up funds meant to aide an ally in a hot war with one of our adversaries in order to extort a personal favor.

Trump has shown no contrition in the face of his impeachment. He claims he did nothing wrong, and continues to invite foreign interference in our elections.

Oh yeah. We have a much better picture of who Trump is now.

And there is more. These are just highlights off the top of my head. Please feel free to remind me of what I have omitted.

Flyingsaucesir 8 Feb 6

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That's quite a litany and I accept that the facts are against him. I don't accept that the facts are that influential on the vote or the result. The illusion of democracy is wearing thin.


While it's a weird thing to say on this site , I think you're preaching to the choir . While there are most likely some supporters here , the vast majority of the out spoken ones appear to be against him . And yet , I do know some people , outside of this site , who can't seem to get enough of him .

You're right, but I like to make lists....and maybe some will find it a useful resource...for those times when they are debating someone who might be swayable....ii know there are not too many of those....most people seem to be deeply entrenched in their positions or ideologies.


You talk about big things and how Trump made a lot of mess BUT.
We all know the US elections is a soap opera, and who puts a better show wins. And Trump knows how to put a show, while the democrats will again put someone that is invisible close to Trump.
And any time that the democrat try to do something, Trump will make something outrageous and the US media will bite the bait.
And of course, Us people can't remember more than 2 names and vote for a third party XD.

Yes, even tough I don't like Trump, i know he will be re-elected.

'Murica Fuck yeah!


You summed it up pretty well. Those are the things we know about. Somehow I get the feeling it's like the tip of the iceberg though. We may never know the extent of trumps corruption.

his corruption and back door deals will come to light for years maddow has some investigations that were on her show and each dirty deed has tentacles and multiple bad actors each with his own set of bad actors and agendas

@whiskywoman The only thing is is that his supporters don't seem to care. The Republicans in Congress and the attorney General are either afraid of him or are enjoying his success in placing conservative judges and policies and will seemingly let him get away with anything.

@jorj that is so not true

@jorj i don't agree

@jorj that's whats great about it we don't gotta we all need to learn to listen more and consider others point of view and not be so tribal

@jorj, @whiskywoman All good ideals however as someone who has suffered from trump's lies and the promotion of his lies on fox I choose getting my news from the most credible source.

@jorj I like PBS for showing both sides of an issue. They usually take more time also.


He panders to the religious right. And they know that him merely walking by a church. Is enough for him to burst into flames. But he says what they want to hear. He acts like a champion for their beliefs and causes. And he lies like other people breathe. Add to this, how he spins his narrative about the left. And mocks and ridicules members of that party. Feeding the hate fear that his supporters have towards liberals and progressives. And despite what appear to be low approval numbers for him. He has a strong chance of winning in 2020. His supporters are true, despite what he does and how he acts. And sadly, the Democratic party and it's supporters. Tend to nit pick and end fight. Which weakens their chances. Add to this voter suppression, and gerrymandering on the part of the GOP. Added with republican caucases and primaries. Only working to nominate tRump. And it shows that the Democratic party does have a hard fight ahead. And always remember that the polls in 2016. All but outright showed that 45 would lose to Hillary!


Of course we know him better. That's no longer the issue. He's just been given, by The Senate and SCOTUS, a green light to do anything he wishes for re-election. Anything. There is no consequence. If he loses the election he will still be Chief Agent Shithole 45/3 until January 20. So, anytime between losing and Jan 20 he can nullify the election and declare himself necessary to serve the next four year term. Then, after four years, elections will be entirely forgotten. They are just money generators for MSM advertising space and Agent Shithole 45/3 doesn't like the MSM.

It might not be as bad as all that. The enemy has won a battle, but not the war.

@Flyingsaucesir I think you're wrong but hope you're not. I'm not big on faith, however.


I don't trust Americans or the electoral college to do the right thing this time around. Prove me wrong.

Such pessimism in one so young! What would make you look more optimistically on the future?

@Flyingsaucesir nothing. XD expecting the worst leaves one never disappointed when the worst happens 😉 there's an optimistic stance on pessimism ;p


Presidential elections do little to change anything, the military industrial complex still gets its money, still robs, plunders, foments coups, drones other countries with impunity. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer. No presidential election will change that.

We can dream can't we?

Ironic, your lines are right out of one of my fav Leonard Cohen songs, Everbody Knows, from the 1980s.

LC was a great artist!


All Trump wants to do at this point is get the vote of the religious. They still represent about 2/3 of the voters. His tactics is fear. I have no doubt he will be re-elected. It is not my wish but what I see coming.

I'm not giving up.

@Flyingsaucesir Good I am with you friend.


It's hard to underestimate the number of people who aren't paying attention to what he does. Those who believe the lies he's telling them.

The Democrats need to nominate someone people can vote for. So far, I see a bunch of old folks running. A self-described socialist. A really smart gay guy. Will people vote for any of those? Personally, I think most Americans are middle of the road folks. Not far left or far right. The Democrats need someone smart, not too old and middle of the road. Not seeing that person running. Someone normal would wax Trump.

Mayor Pete is pretty think he is unelectable because he's gay?

@Flyingsaucesir I'll vote for the Democrat since I'm anti-Republican. Can't speak for anyone else. Don't know about the rest of America.

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