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Listen to today's news piece on NPR - the true independent news. It has no fish to fry to give biased news - like Fox News or CNN would do..

I know Bernie supporters are currently in denial and will deny this truth too. But please take the time to read and understand why Jamal Simmons, a democratic strategist is saying what he is saying. For a freethinker and an open mind, it will make sense. Else if you are in the Bernie trans, it will not enlighten you.

I liked this observation the most... "If you are a Bernie supporter, you are not a Practical Voter. You are just an ideology supporter." In other words, it is the same thing I have been saying all along. Bernie supporters are just ideologues and dreamers. They are not pragmatic about how badly Bernie will be defeated and destroyed against Trump if nominated.

Democratic Frontrunner Bernie Sanders Doesn't Have A Lock On The Party []

Here are the main points from the interview: ( N O T.. M Y.. W O R D S )

  1. Rep Jim Clyburn said South Carolinians are weary of socialists
  2. Bernie seems very uncertain of the Democratic Party (but he wants its platform to run on)
  3. Barack Obama was also an insurgent candidate like Bernie but Obama united democrats, moderates, independents. Bernie Sanders is threatening Democrats and has been very polarizing
  4. Is Bernie campaign interested in defeating the Democratic establishment or in defeating Trump. We are not sure if he can do both
  5. Bernie is capitalizing on the anger against the failures of the economy and he is directing the anger directed towards the leadership class and the rich
  6. Bernie's war on one class of the society will not work. Pitting one class against another will not work. He must take everybody along
  7. Winning the primaries is like winning a college vote. It will be different in the general in November 2020
  8. Bernie if nominated will not get many Democrats, moderates and independents that Obama was able to get
  9. If you are a Bernie supporter, you are not a Practical Voter. You are just an ideology supporter.

Now, go ahead... attack me for telling the truth.

St-Sinner 9 Feb 24

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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Please spread the good word and save our democracy.

Gee, I dunno, unless your name is Ted Bundy, or Manson, NOTHING is all bad...and if one is open to learning from whatever opportunity presents itself....oh, wait, nevermind.....

Oh my god! Bernie said that literacy is positive. What a dirty commie bastard he is!


I am not for or against Bernie. He certainlly would be better for this nation socially as far as human rights and stomping bigotry. Trump or Bloomburg would be better economically. A "Socialist" frankly will big too much to ask of the generations that lived in during the cold war. For that generation that I am a part of, Socialist are viewed as "Commies" be it right or wrong. Propaganda still runs deep with my generation and those older than myself. I am 49 and expect very few of us to vote for a Socialist even if he was the best person imaginable.

Thank you. Please spread the good word and save our democracy.

I do not see Bernie as a ‘socialist!’ He is an independent...just not a Republican or Democrat! We have part of this government...SS, Medicare, Foodstamps, CDC, roads and bridges, plus many more not at my fingertips at the moment. Through Bernie’s history he has been practical and worked for the common good...that should speak louder than ‘what party he fits into!’ And, his total character is a man of integrity...a just man...not a perfect man! Those people make the best decisions!

I'm 70 and so are most of my friends, and we're all voting for Bernie. Times have changed. We're not in the 1960s anymore. 'Social' isn't a dirty word anymore. Progressives have progressed. That's what we do.

@skado I come from a very fundamentalist community so I have not had much exposure to "older" progressives. Now I am fitting into the "old man" group. I am glad there are those who have shed the "commie" fears. Not to say that communism has been particularly sucessful. Socialist may not be as scary as they once were with a bit of understanding! Kudos!

@Freedompath Bernie does claim to be a socialist, so there is that. I do not know much about him. He may in fact be a "good man". He certainly will not pass laws that favor religious dicsrimination!

I have heard him claim to be a "Democratic Socialist" which is not the same thing as socialist.

@skado This may be true I will admit my ingorance as "I have heard he is a socialist." Now please breifly educate me on the difference between a democratic socialist and socialist. It seems obvious in the wording but perhaps it is best not to assume.

Democratic Socialism rejects authoritarianism. Its aims must be achieved democratically. Bernie likes the ideals of egalitarianism, but he's not into forcing anything on people that cannot be established democratically.

@DavidLaDeau That does not mean that he wants to turn this Country into a socialist Country. We are a mixed democracy and socialist government. Why do certain people keep ignoring that? This still does not make Bernie a pure socialist! And no President can turn this Country to anything by themselves...even though lunatic trump is working against everything we stand for! But, I would argue that he is doing his damage with a WHOLE lot of help! We need to look at all the angles, not just a couple!


@Aurora62 Thank you, that clarifies things a bit.


They're all hopeless, so it doesn't matter which one wins. Bernie's the one with the most charisma and energy, but it isn't going to be enough against Trump. His slogan seems to be "sick and tired", and that just isn't going to hack it.

Thank you. Please spread the good word and save our democracy.


I agree. We do not achieve a balance by opposing one extreme with another. I didn't support him in the last election but, unlike many who did, I would have voted for him had he gotten the nomination. Many Bernie supporters simply didn't vote and may make the same mistake in the next election. A recent editorial in "The Atlantic" stated most of our elections favored slightly right of center.

Why do I not see Bernie as a ‘far’ anything? Bernie has never been ‘far’ wing, about his positions, as best I understand ‘far!’ He has been reasonable in all his past positions over the years. Maybe, I am a ‘far’ left person, although I have never seen myself as such...I just try and support what is just and practical for people...knowing that some people will never understand that each and every individual’s desire cannot be met!

@Freedompath From what I have seen especially his followers he is far left. Last election we had a caucus here and 80% supported him. I know a lot of these people and their views are, shall we say, naive. Remember, we live on an island and many (really) haven't gotten out much in the real world. lol

@JackPedigo Are you calling me naive? He he...Bernie has just never been ‘far’ politically. He really is an independent in his thinking, because how many other independents did he have to work together with? He has always related to the way I think about government. You may lean another way, though.

@Freedompath Uh oh sounds like I've backed myself into a corner, again. I speak in general terms. Many of the Bernie supporters were so infatuated with him they did not vote. I have also read a editorial on our political system in the "Atlantic". I could send you the link but one thing that really hit home was that Bernie goes for the populist vote. Here, on our little island, many questioned the use of super-delegates. I looked into this and ended up writing a letter (which was published) about this important aspect of our system. The system is broken and we need someone who can help heal it. The number one agenda must be to fix what ails the system. There is serious talk among top people that Bernie's agenda will not pull in enough centrist republicans to defeat our mad-man-in-chief.

@JackPedigo 😘 I think he will do fine and if he chooses a female for VP, that would up the ante. I am not so sure that any one of the present candidates cannot beat trump. Trump cannot win with 40% of Americans.
I agree the electoral system does not add up. I guess if Americans don’t rise up and demand that it get will plague us indefinitely.

@Freedompath In a way I agree. We should have a woman in the office. Maybe if it happens she might expand the office of VP. Presently presidential duties are too many to handle and there needs to be more sharing. Besides, in 2024 Bernie will be really old and maybe Warren can run with experience on her side. So who would be her VP, male or female???

@JackPedigo That is something to consider for sure. I hate it that Bernie is the age that he is, but heck there are people who remain sharp as they age, they just are not the norm! I happen to know a man who did not give up his military recycling business until he was 85, and was still sharp at 95....Jewish too.

@Freedompath Just read a story about Grandma Moses. She didn't start painting until her late 70's and was still painting at 100. She died at 101.

@JackPedigo Folk artist, Alice Mosley was still creating art at 95. She lived in Bay St Louis, MS, still worked at the Welcome Ctr. She died some time later. So maybe we need not to spend to much time worrying about Bernie or any of the candidates that are up in years? (I am not worried about my years, we will be here, until we are not!)😃

@Freedompath I think what's important is less the span and more the quality.


True Democrats, I hope it is clear to you now.

  1. Do not waste your vote on Bernie
  2. This election is extremely important, else Trump will change this country forever
  3. Voting for Bernie is giving the election away to Trump.

You are a me one fact/citation/news clip supporting any of this drivel!

Is there anything at all I can do to save you?

You are just focused on one news piece. There has been quite good analyses on Bernie on

I recommend you read them.

  1. How many of Democrats, Progressives think this is a real possibility come November 2020? []
  4. Listen to today's news piece on NPR - the true independent news. []
  5. Why Bernie Sanders' Communist Misadventures Still Matter []
  6. Bernie Sanders defends his 1980s comments about Fidel Castro in an interview on 60 Minutes. []
  7. Bernie Sanders... The Brave Swordsman []
  8. Russia is trying to help Sanders campaign, Washington Post reports []
  9. Bernie Sanders Praises Communist Cuba []
  10. Make No Mistake - Bernie is Extremely Vulnerable to Trump []
  11. THE TRUTH ABOUT BERNIE - Bernie is not just a socialist but he has been a communist. []
  12. Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I don't mind people calling me a communist' []
  14. This is what Bernie and others are not telling you! []
  15. The White Backlash of America []
  17. Bernie supporters often argue if Bernie was nominated in 2016, he would have won []
  18. Food For Thought []
  19. Now he wants to exterminate the rich? []

Do you think American voters are going to grab a book or do they even give a hoot about what the difference? I think not.

When Bernie said I am a socialist and when he went to Cuba and praised Cuba... the damage was done. It cannot be undone no matter how much you explain what the difference is all day long.

Bernie can continue explaining the difference for the rest of his life... American voters at large will not care,. Only nerds with big classes in 4 walls will discuss among themselves until the remaining hair on their heads will fall off.

One thing is sure. Bernie is going to have a lot of time on his hands to explain what the difference is after Nov 2020.

No justification is enough. He found Moscow during cold war among 230 countries in the world to celebrate honeymoon? These are not coincidences.

In politics, perceptions matter.

Yes, do not go to North Korea for honeymoon. I will find you better deals in lot of other nice places.

I am afraid you may even lay down your life for Bernie.



I am beginning to think poor Bernie even doesn't know what his fanatic followers are up to.

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