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Do you celebrate "Easter"? If so how, if not do you recognize this day in any other way?

Me: I celebrate the changing of the seasons, the beginning of Spring, therefore I deep clean the house and my car, organize, sanitize, plant flowers outside and renew myself with a nice face mask, new hair dye, and or new make-up and clothing. Pretty much, I pamper myself and my surroundings.

Redcupcoffee 7 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

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0 are so ambitious.

@Redcupcoffee From your screen name I would expect you to be sitting comfortably with a hot cup of coffee rather than being in a cleaning frenzy.

@Redcupcoffee I like coffee also...but not cleaning. Funny there is a report today that coffee causes cancer...I always thought coffee was healthy.

@Redcupcoffee Better to die later than sooner....


I watch The Life of Brian and have a good laugh.


If pigging out on Reese's Peanutbutter Eggs counts, then yes.


My 8 year old would activate her murder button (her words, not mine) if we didn't dye eggs, have an egg hunt or have chocolate. Besides the pagan aspects nothing overtly religious.


My company decided this year (and in the future) Good Friday should be really good and gave us the day off. So I got a massage, wrap, and facial today. I had lunch at Panera, then did some shopping, and ran an errand. I am debating about going to a movie, or dinner out, or both. As for the rest of the weekend, I hope to sleep in.

Is Panera an upmarket eaterie?

@jacpod Not really. It is a huge step above fast food, much healthier. []

@HippieChick58 sounds good: living in Ballycastle -small seaside town = not much variety - scones coffee and ice cream parlours , we have about 9 churches 12 pubs 10 cafes

@jacpod I am impressed that the number of pubs is larger than the number of churches! I am sure I would like it there 🙂


This year I’m going to “celebrate” by consuming as many boiled crawfish as I possibly can.

Oh they are so delicious! Any one of us Cajuns could show you how to peel them.


It's just about chocolate and a couple of extra days off work

@Bellasage Same here Friday and Monday off yay! Thank God? Perhaps not lol


I didn't even really celebrate when I was Catholic — unless you count eating half a pound of chocolate bunny in a day and a half as "celebrating."


I will go see the film Isle of Dogs. Which about as much celebration as I usually do for Easter. Most years Easter comes as a big surprise.

Good to see you all,this my new work


I don’t celebrate Easter. However, I do have Easter dinner with family. I look at it as a celebration of Spring.


I only go through the motions if and when I must to avoid rocking the boat with my narrow-minded, judgmental relations. Otherwise I am generally not interested in any kind of holidays or observances. The older I get, the less I care about societal pressure to conform to the shallow vicissitudes of culture--and the more comfortable I get with carrying out my life the way I desire, and enjoy the added space and time to fill my life with whatever it is I do want.

I've never felt compelled to replace, remix, or substitute--in any area of my life. No Easter means no Easter. Meh. No gluten means no bread. Meh. There's enough going on in the world that I don't miss much of anything that drops off my radar.

Sometimes, you have to rock the boat as it may be stuck on a sandbar...🙂


I eat Easter Eggs, because chocolate 😉

Nomad Level 6 Mar 30, 2018

yes I like easter brunches. Oh yes and lots of chocolate


Bunnies and egg hunts. Maybe a nice dinner.
That sums it up.
No religious afterthought, just the other stuff.


I don't celebrate holidays anymore, but I like your idea of a spring renewal...except the cleaning part. lol. I have to work on Easter delivering Amazon packages. I work Sundays and all federal holidays for the post office. It's a good excuse to not join in the celebrations, and it is a fun job!


I did easter egg hunts and stuff as a kid, even though I was raised agnostic, and carried on the tradition with my own kids when they were little. Now that they are "grown" (18, 20, 22), Easter weekend plans are more along the lines of "When's everyone working this weekend? Can we do dinner together one night?". I personally don't go in much for traditions and only really participate for the sake of the kids. I prefer to celebrate the coming of spring by cleaning, purging and getting outside, which usually entails being horrified by the amount of litter the melted snow reveals. I try to get out with a garbage bag at least one morning per weekend around this time to collect it from the roadside.


How would I celebrate Easter? I'm not religious. OK, my kids say they are but their Easter is all about candy and baskets for their kids and maybe a meal. I will have Easter alone and just like any other Sunday here. If I go to my daughter's for dinner I might actually hear someone pray, and I do not want to hear anyone pray. My kids don't pray but for Easter or Christmas they might. These days I'm not much for closing my eyes and talking to myself.


Yes, we usually dye eggs and eat candy. We generally have a decent meal together as a family since we are all off of school or work and home together.


Annual allergy attack. Williows,.hazelnuts and maples set flowers. Happy Oestre's season!


I’m not a fan of the death of winter. As far as Sunday, I’m going to see 3teeth and Ho99o9 if I can make it to Dallas. It will be insane


When I considered the fact that all holidays are based on a specific calendar, they just seemed pointless to me. I just do what I need done. I don't really celebrate anything. I hardly even did that as a kid playing sports. I would mainly just point at my teammates who helped with an occasional chest or butt bump.


I am going to eat dinner at my brothers house, there will be a prayer before the meal which I will avoid but will be a great day all the same.


btw - churchies HATE it when you call them pagans for celebrating easter. It is a pagan fertility celebration that was hijacked when Constantine defeated the Romans. Thats why there is a rabbit and eggs ...then they said "and dedicate it somehow to christianity".

Lol, they sure do hahahahaha


Have the little one chocolate egg that's it

@Redcupcoffee that was typed "gave the little one a " but my lovely phone changed it . Not a big fan of chocolate myself have it now and again not all the time


I eat rabbit stew and chocolate pie.


Oh, I forgot, this weekend is celebration of the birth of the Chocolate God isn't it? I don't do shops, but usually some of my kids hit them for the chocolate sales at the end and bring me heaps of it.

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