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I am close to paralyzed when it comes to the decision about whether or not to go to Italy March the 12th. I need someone to pull out a bull whip and tell me to either back out or forge ahead. If I back out I need to start negotiating with the airlines hoping they don't want to go to Italy either.

Lorajay 9 Feb 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Don't go there is a crisis there now make them refund you will win


My brother is on the west coast on a visit ; I would BUCK
UP . You are the customer - and didn't facilitate the problem
so do some info gathering. Most definately over will be ok.
Coming back might be complicated ! Talking to them
(airlines ) is to your BENIFIT. Figure out a back up plan as far as coming back and BRAINSTORM that !!!
Hugs ,you will overcome the obstacles.


Good luck. March 12th is fast approaching. I would like to think that the airlines and hospitality industry would have refund policies for situations such as this, particularly if there are travel bans.


The flight back should be fun. 8+ hours intimately sharing air with contagious strangers...

I feel your pain. My son is slated for a study abroad in Rome this May-July. I expect it to be cancelled by the university. ): That's $$$ I really did not plan to flush down the toilet.

Zster Level 8 Mar 1, 2020

This seems appropriate...


Check your travel insurance for travel to countries against a travel advisory. That may help you make up your mind.

I did not buy travel insurance

@Lorajay after having been caught up in an incident once, I wouldn't travel without it. It's a minor expense that is bloody handy if you need it as emergency medical treatment can be extremely expensive.


None for me thanks. You do you.

skado Level 9 Mar 1, 2020

Venice is my first destination And the US just issued a level 4 travel advisory which means do not go. I sm hoping i can get as free te route to Ireland American Airlines just said they have canceled all flights to Milan and if they're not going I would think they would have to give me another flight. I bought a package deal for hotels and rail which I'll probably just lose.

Hopefully, under the circumstances, they allow you to reschedule for free or at least a moderate fee. I don’t suppose you bought travel insurance? One of those rare times it would have been worthwhile.

@Barnie2years I did not buy insurance


Probably the biggest risk of traveling to Italy is the potential for being quarantined for 2 weeks when you return home.

..... or being quarantined in Italy before you return home.
That is the reason why I have cancelled, as I have a serious commitment in early April.


I am assuming this is because of the virus. It may be a good time to go as there will not be as many people there as usual. There is also a great amount of things to see. Take a lot of hand cleaner and wear a mask and have fun. The chances of getting sick there may be the same as here, perhaps not. If you can go at some other tie perhaps this would be better as if the economy gets bad, as it surely will all over the world, it may be way cheaper to go later.

A good time to go unless you hope to visit open attractions. The measures being taken to reduce the spread in Italy might put the kabosh on a lot of places.


The choice may not be in your hands if the illness gets worse, so relax.


Back out they have a surge there now

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 29, 2020

With the coronavirus sweeping the world, I would not travel anywhere.


You only live once


What's Italy's health care policy for foreign visitors from belligerent countries?

That’s an excellent way to characterize‘Murcia right now😂😂😂


How's your general health? If you're fit and well, go for it - Italy is amazing.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 29, 2020

They just announced travel ban to Italy, South Korea .

Who is "they"?

@Petter the government

@AnneWimsey Your government, I presume?
My government has not.
(Don't worry. I'm being pedantic! 🤣)

@Petter U.S. State Dept.


Could you not change Italy for a different country in Europe?
The basic problem remains, however, which is that you are not at home, where it is far easier to isolate yourself, and to avoid crowds.
The huge danger is to become quarantined somewhere for a fortnight, miss your pre-booked flights, and now have to pay full fare for another flight out.
Do you have a friend where, as a last resort, you could stay?

At this point, becoming an illegal in Italy sounds pretty damn good. Just saying.

I'm going to try to change to London and Ireland. I know people in London but have no idea whether they would like my company for quarantine.

@Lorajay Only one way to find out!! 🤣🤣


Oh hell, you can die from a worldwide pandemic anywhere - and they have free healthcare, right?

1of5 Level 8 Feb 29, 2020

Free, if you are a citizen of an EU country.
.or can prove destitution.

@Petter why can't we have nice things like that here? Oh yeah, we suck.

@1of5 ... but then you wouldn't have all those wonderful insurance companies, queueing up to look after you at "competitive" prices.

@Petter right now insurance companies are the only ones coordinating care...which sucks.

There's just so much wrong with our system.

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