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Why do the faithful fear coronavirus? Can’t their God protect them?
Or is the truth finally coming out, religious leader the World over KNOW their claims of being god's chosen, favoured and protected are SHIT


LenHazell53 9 Mar 13

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Now the Chinese government is stating some who have recovered from Coronavirus have been reinfected!
From the LA Times.

This is just the first wave of this Coronavirus, the second will appear in a more deadly form in the late summer or early fall!

One only has to look back to 1917 -1918 pandemic to see the patterns repeated throughout human history, it seems it always comes in two waves!!!

The sooner we accept these facts, the more likely we can avoid dying needlessly by it!!!


Probrably the same reason why a Pastor needs a gun when preaching a sermon. Gods protection is not enough you need a 9 mm.

Holy shitting himself Batman

Sounds like he trusts in his 9 mil. rather than in God..


Hear their stocking up on bullets can soup toilet paper everything all the religious people are just going insane this is Arkansas if you're coming here good luck the Bible Belt


The faithful will pray and this strain of flu won't care. If prayer did work thwn there would be no problem. Unless of course every believer in the world has forgotten to pray about it!


I have religious friends who were declaring that Jesus has forgiven them for everything which includes coronavirus apparently. I can’t see any sort of logic to that. Does that means they don’t need to wash their hands???

Such people are immune to facts.

Well it's good that the president is at least reinforcing logic even though he is religious he tells people to wash their hands to be mindful of their environment and he did Even though getting a lot of criticism from the left put a ban very quickly on travel to both China Iran and other potentially infected countries right away. Protecting the American people but still the religious community justifiably so go insane so then buying all these bullets what does that mean they're going to Riot and steal from people that probably don't have much to begin with mass insanity. While walking in a 10 Box Store I saw two obese people hoarding their shopping cart I went up to them and looked at them and told them "horde much!" I also walked away and said such selfishness. And spoke aloud, by saying ,"if people believe in God how do they expect to go to heaven with such sin!" Needless to say I got a lot of looks but I didn't care.

@anglophone Atleast they are immune to something.


Me and my friend discussed about God that I said to him that religion is a sham that what would work better in preventing a pandemic going to a church and praying to a god? or going to a store and buying a mask and gloves which would you first choose. It seems they all choose the church. Logic dictates disease don't care whether you are religious or not or believe in a God or not it's going to kill you anyway but that doesn't strike me as rational to go to a church and pray to a god that doesn't exist. Then to go to a store and get a glove and mask and protect yourself needless to say we got into a long argument and with all the scientific evidence of God, he says that order is in the universe and that is quantifiable therefore God exists. I told him just because there is order doesn't prove there's a God that he's putting God in front of the equation and then he turns it around on me by saying I'm biased because I'm agnostic I put religion in front of science and I'm like huh. Agnosticism is to have proof it has nothing to do with religion. I'm not putting a God in front of the equation you are. As you can see I have a frustrating time trying to proved my point but apparently he's brainwashed.. I'd like to know how are you come up with the idea that being agnostic is putting anything in front of anything when it's looking for proof that I'm trying to achieve?

and when they go to church, there is notice on the door saying "closed to prevent the spread of coronavirus" lol


Reminds me of these full-page religious ads I used to see in our statewide newspaper. They were titled "Why Do The Heathen Rage?" hee, hee.....


The other side of this story are those who are trusting God to protect them. I've repeated the situation in South Korea several times here. Over half the cases in this country are among one religious cult which told its followers they would be protected from disease and to continue proselytizing for new convert. They also were instructed to attend their church meetings which are intentionally crowded. Another conservative South Korean preacher has told Christians they should be honored to die from the virus and that it was patriotic. Worse still, an US organization dedicated to freedom of religion is urging the South Korean government to protect the religious freedoms of these religious cults in light of the epidemic/pandemic. We might be able to tolerate some of this nonsense if it only effected those who chose to believe, but these religious fanatics urged to disregard warnings and precautions put everyone at risk because of their beliefs.

Good grief!

Kind of looks to me that both Allah and the Catholic God have a bit of a beef with them both at the moment since the Home of Catholicism is under TOTAL lock-down, nation-wide, and Covid19 is running rampant through Italy and getting pretty rife throughout the Middle east as well.


This is just one of the inherent contradictions in the Christian religion.

Agreed, and I would prefer their contradiction to the alternative.


It's a plague from Gaawd brought on by our____, and by allowing _____ to be seen and accepted as Normal people.
It's the Wrath of Gaaaawd!
Fill in the blanks with whatever group/ community the Kkkristians hate at the moment.

That's the perfect template. Send out to all religions for a uniform condemnation of everything. Thanks

@morlll glad I could help..

Yup, straight up hating on queer people...

@TomMcGiverin yeah exactly if their God is so powerful why would it matter like I told one that told me I had to believe in order to see God I told him though if that's so your God must be pretty weak because if he needs me to believe in him for him to exist he can't be all that strong why would it matter whether I believe he existed or not he should still be able to prove his existence right..


I asked a religious friend of mine and got a well thought out and insightful answer... just messing with you, I got a steaming pantload. They said that they were worried that they didn't have enough faith to fend off the sickness. Remember, its not their god's fault, they are the problem, the dirty, dirty sinner. Or as the banana man says: a lying thief.

"Not enough faith" seems to a constant refrain from such brain-dead people.


One of my posts was about how a faith healing was cancelled due to the outbreak of the Covid19 coronavirus. I think that pretty much says it all.

On NPR, they say peopel are advised to avoid church services to avoid getting the virus.


Maybe if one of the most religious people does survive from a potential human extinction event and sees no evidence of any other human and he's the last person. He'll realize that God wiped out a lot of innocent people, if you want to think that way. Maybe then they'll realize God doesn't exist it's all a fictitious story to believe in to give comfort and when that Comfort is gone you can see them all crumble.

So like with the story of Noah but with a disease?


I think the leaders of the various religions know the truth and are just lying to the faithful. Religious people will sicken at the same rate that everyone else does!

It's funny about that and they won't see it that way either. They can't see the quality of religious and non-religious. They can't tell that it doesn't make a difference because in their blind eyes they're put on a higher pedestal than everyone else when all actuality they'll die just as fast as anyone else

Religious people may sicken at a higher rate if they believe in magical protections over real ones. This has been the case in South Korea.


My facebook friends who are believers are flooding their timelines with "may the arms of Jesus surround you and protect you". The trouble with this thinking is (and there are several things wrong with this thinking) that you are asking god to protect you and not anyone else. Personal prayer is just that, personal and excludes everyone else. I always wonder why they don't pray "May I catch the coronavirus and die so I can be taken up to heaven to be with you my lord".

Tell them to come back too. We want answers!

I actually know someone that prays that way she's been wanting to die for a long time but apparently God won't take her. she's 74 and works for the same company I work for she retires this year. She's also tried committing suicide But realize she can never go with God that way so she has to die a natural death but she sure prays for it. It's a funny haiku she wants death but knows if she commits any form of suicide she won't go where she wants to go but she keeps on living let's just say this woman is a bitch always grumpy always angry always depressed very very hard to work with constantly complaining I'm really surprised that she hasn't come down with something and died from it for a religious person she's a real Downer. She doesn't let her children draw because that's a sin they're not allowed to create because from what dreams say those are sins they're not allowed to read only listen to a radio and only Christian Networks that's a major delusion and doesn't couple creativity whatsoever.


Now would be a great time for all the evangelical religious leaders to prove their faith by going to a tRump rally and hanging out with his supporters and the orange one


They know their bullshit IS bullshit.


They claim to have faith in their "almighty god," but deep down, they don't.

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