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Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God:


PondartIncbendog 8 Mar 28

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Dear GOD,
If your idea of a..."LESSON"... is MURDERING POSSIBLY 250,000,000 MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN then it is safe to say that you are just as much of a MINDLESS BUTCHER as ADOLPH HITLER, JOSEPH STALIN and every other PERVERTED POS that ever walked this planet...and NO I WILL NOT BOW DOWN TO YOU YOU SICK BASTARD!

Yours truly,


p.s., Go fuck yourself.

but how do you really feel?

Even Voldemort observed niceties. I think you meant to say "Please go fuck yourself" or "Kindly go fuck yourself"

@CallMeDave I have a difficult time expressing my feelings...sorry...I'm too much of an introvert?

@PadraicM your correct of course...what was I thinking...hate it when that


Et tu Dolly?


All tits no brains

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 28, 2020

I like the way you put it.

Now you know better than that..,Dolly really is a jewel! She never left that Bible Belt mentality!

@Freedompath Na don ya'll go fussing and fight'en and go git.


Was that, by any chance, the same god that let Kenny Rogers die?


This is the only way she, and those like her, can try to reconcile a loving god with a god that would allow this (or any bad thing) to happen. It MUST be that god is teaching us a lesson. And, if we don't learn that lesson, the failure is ours, not this god's.

Yes, it's a lot like Stockholm syndrome.


He is one shitty teacher then.


Stick to singing Dolly and don’t embarrass yourself with stupid remarks!


Yes, because god had no idea how far the devil would go with this. LMAO.




GOD, put Dolly Parton on this Earth to provide shade. I heard Dolly Parton fell on stage and never hit the floor. I bought one of Dolly Partons bras on Ebay. I made two deck umbrellas.

For years, Ms. Parton claimed her girls were not enhanced.....till she admitted they had been pumped up a bit. I like her singing and I am sure she is a great person, but if a guy had butt implants and ab implants to make his singing career improve, would it really work?


Dementia is setting in.

It was always there. Its just setting up now.


When someone once called her a dumb blonde her reply was " I sure as hell ain't dumb and I sure as hell aint blonde". I think you now change that now Dolly to " I sure as hell aint blonde"


Why do people ASSume that because someone is talented in one area, it somehow makes them worth listening to in other areas?

We men are trained to observe any threats. And we have to find cover wherever possible.


Every thing is a lesson from gaud. Except when we have free will and we don't. We choose to be gay or evil. Except when our actions are gaud's will. Then there are the times we are supposed to disobey the law for gaud, except when that law is from the new savior, tRump. Follow christ and his ideas, except when they clash with capitalism or our food choices or our racist beliefs. They are all a bunch of ignorant and unthinking sheep. (at least that analogy works)

Yep, you can be them, or you can be intelligent.

You owe an apology to the sheep. That was a baaaaaad remark and could get you baaaaanned.

@PondartIncbendog sorry sheep. I wrote a play in college, all with the intent of ending on a really bad joke. The joke - Why did gaud make women? Because sheep can't cook.

@Beowulfsfriend Uh oh, you're gonna get it now,,,,,,,,,,,wait,,,,,,

@Beowulfsfriend That's my Daaaaaad over there in the field.

@Beowulfsfriend Why did god make sheep? Cause ya can't cook women unless they are atheists.

@PondartIncbendog BUT...don't forget that Atheists cook and eat babies...Mike Myers must be an Athiest..."GET IN MA BELLAY"


Nah, it's clearly a lesson from Science which was clearly being ignored by most of those in charge of our public safety.


Her message isn't that bad. She isn't claiming God is punishing us over the usual list of "Thou shalt nots". She just believes God wants us to come together as humans and show love and support for each other. I think that's a pretty good message, no matter where it comes from. Whether that message came from God or collective consciousness, or a magic tree makes no difference. Of course, that message doesn't justify all the suffering and death. However, if this message stuck and the lessons learned somehow saved millions from some future global catastrophe then that would be a silver lining to this dark cloud. Of course, that would require that the message stick and that would be a miracle. It could happen though.

When giraffes fly....

@PondartIncbendog You may say Im a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope some daaaay you'll join us.... as giraffes fly around the sun,

Oh thank goodness, I really didn’t want to read it, as I didn’t want to lose respect for Dolly!


The sad part is that a lot of people agree with her .


Another unfortunate individual with a brain that is immune to common sense and logic due to fear and indoctrination.

Yeah. But she makes some nice shade. The south is hot.


Problem is, we all know where Ms. Parton's brains are located.

Ye gotta go down south.........


I have no interest in what she says, so who cares.


God is a lesson from a virus.


Unfortunately these kind of remarks from well known extremist religionists are usually based on themselves not getting the virus (or whatever god is sending). It is a way to hold themselves higher, or more pure than others. And of course if they do get it they are subject to the judgement they created.
Just another way of feeling less insecure.

She is preaching to the choir !


She's old, she could be senile, Kenny's death could have pushed her over the edge. Nah. Doubt it.

South Park?

@PondartIncbendog Rogers

@Cutiebeauty Mr Rogers? Wtf????South park Rodgers ? ,,,,failure,,,,,,failure,,,,,,,,,,this post will self destruct in,,,,,,,sorry now.


I read that and it just disgusted me. The ignorance among chrisitians amazes me.

Christians amongus disgustus.


I love that girl, but she is from ‘them hills,’ so I guess we should consider where she came from and is still there! She does have a big heart, a few years ago when a tornado came through pigeon forge, she gave every resident 1000 dollars. She doesn’t seem ‘stuck’ in her religion though!

I think she did something similar maybe 3 years ago??? There were quite a few wildfires in the area. That's near her stomping grounds.

@bingst I do remember the fires! She is a good my knowledge she has never put her religion on the line in public. I only knew of her religion seeing what she said about the corona virus.

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