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Hello, I've been MIA for some time but today i needed to be on here. I want to vent. I have a friend, mind you now only via Facebook and Instagram and she's always been a questioning person but about a couple of years ago she made a decision to be religious. She knows I'm atheist, we've had many discussions in the past about religion in general and then we stopped when she joined a church, one of those more open minded ones where they sing all the time.
Today she sent me a request to join someone live on Instagram, i clicked on the link and there was some guy welcoming others joining and i had no clue who he was so i decided to click on his profile. It said singer and lord worshiper. I clicked on live again and he was saying they were going to sing hymns to the lord to save us.

I'm beyond offended. She knows very well i don't bend that way and when she joined the church i politely asked her to leave me out of it and it has been fine. I've had others that went the religious route they kept bothering me so now they're blocked.

What the hell possessed her now to break our agreement? How could it be a good idea to include me on lord worshipping hymns to save us now that we need science to step up? Just venting.

Sorry for the long post i just feltviolated

astrnelis 5 Apr 8

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41 comments (26 - 41)

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We know it's all BS put out by the churches. But maybe you can enjoy the music.


You expected a contract to be valid, and respected, when the second party to the contract is delusional? In a time of crisis, delusional folk want to drag everyone into their delusion, as they are feeling fragile, and need support. Cut & run. Or laugh it off.


So sorry sad 😢occurrence


She is becoming arrogant.


"When you first rise in the morning tell yourself: I will encounter busybodies, ingrates, egomaniacs, liars, the jealous, and cranks. They are stricken with these afflictions because they do not know the difference between good and evil. Because I have understood the beauty of good and the ugliness of evil, I know that these wrongdoers are still akin to me... and that none can do me harm, or implicate me in ugliness-nor can I be angry at my relatives or hate them. For we are made for cooperation."
From Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 2.1

You are responsible for your actions, not the actions of others.

That is one of my favorite books! I had forgotten that he wrote that. Wonder if Aurelius, had these religious zealots in his day? Most would not have been as educated as the ones are in today.


I understand your vent but your friend most likely feels that her religion calls for her to "save and convert you" because that's what religions do. It means she doesn't want you to die and we have to admit the religious think they have all the answers. They are also the most fearful.

Let's take another look where the lord worshiper and singer wants to "sing hymns to the lord to save us." Now suppose that this idea could work and here you all are in heaven later singing praises to this lord forever and ever. I would not be happy and the lord must be a narcissistic bastard. Maybe he would even call CNN "fake news."


I recently recognized a scammer , reported him and blocked him . He's back and apparently with full access even though I'm still showing he as blocked .


She was hoping for Non Science i.e a miracle. Same old 'Same old'. Not a very controlled experiment.


I'm right there with you. For someone to choose to be spiritual and or religious is their business. But when they force it on others who they know don't want to hear it is incredibly offensive.


Just ignore her. Religious people sometimes go off the deep end. To much indoctrination I suppose.


The guilt ridden side of her subconscous mind has taken over.


You know how fb works. Pretty easy to send a bunch of requests out to a bunch of people.

Perhaps ask her?

SCal Level 7 Apr 9, 2020

I think some of these people really struggle with respecting wishes and "saving" their friends. And doing god's work sometimes wins out.


Could it have been a mistake? IDK how Instagram works. Either way I would touch base about the incident.


You wasted a lot of unnecessary adrenaline and time with this.

I see that you have never been insulted or betrayed...interesting!

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

Or perhaps I prefer not to waste time on such things
Because I find them trivial
This is a normal thing for most Christians
It’s like petting a viper and then being upset that it envenomated you
Move on
Accept the lesson

@darthfaja People aren’t ‘viper(s)’... they hurt, they heal, they gain understanding! Their ‘story’ may not be important to you, but it was to them! And, that is why we care!

Some people are vipers, however by your response you missed the analogy. I also never said it wasn’t important.
What I said was why waste the energy to be upset by this. It’s a waste of time, energy, and stress.
So don’t do it.
Why on earth would you allow someone with a complete polar opinion bother you?

I have better things to do with my life, like not getting upset over these kids of things.

@darthfaja It is a pile of all the ‘little’ things that overload the wagon. And, who wants to wait for only the ‘big ones,’ to learn our lessons? Are you a robot? Check yes or no!

What’s the lesson here? There is nothing to learn and nothing surprising.
Simply wasted energy
Much like you wasting my time over something pointless and trivial.

@darthfaja Ok...I wonder why you are here? Most people that I have encountered on this sight are not frivolous! It is a good thing that people aren’t judged by your ‘yardstick!’ Maybe, you will find your own level here somewhere?

Frivolous? I have a great sense of value. Just because I don’t allow people’s opinions harm me, that does not make me frivolous.
I am here because I am an atheist and I was invited here.
Judge by my “yardstick?” I states my opinion. That’s a simple and important thing.

I don’t waste my time worrying about or getting angry about other people’s silly comments or concerns about me.

This has created your replies?
You still haven’t answered my question.
What lesson?

@darthfaja ...I don’t know about you but, when someone has to tell me that they, ‘have a great sense of value ‘ a red flag goes up! Your words and actions speak to who you are, not your reporting on it! And second, when did the world start revolving around you? You have not only discounted the person making this post, but me as well! Maybe, you can’t grasp the idea that other people are entitled to THEIR opinions, the same as yourself! Our ‘person’ and our opinions are two different things!

As to the lesson...that would be something that you would see for yourself. We learn things about ourselves that helps us navigate the world better. The person making this post, was expressing her confusion, my response was meant to help her get past her confusion. Maybe it did and maybe it didn’t...that was left for her to decide! Main thing was...she was ‘heard!’ Maybe you only heard how ‘stupid’ she must be for being hurt or taken aback, in the first place...I don’t know for sure, but that is what I gleaned from your words!

@Freedompath I’m good really, not worried what you consider a red flag
This conversation serves no purpose
Ya da ya da ya da

See @franka below he sums up my feelings

@darthfaja Your words work just fine. I relate to information as it is presented, how else can one be expected to relate?

@Freedompath there are many ways to relate to someone. Currently I’m relating to boredom.

@darthfaja why are you here then? You must mistake this sight for something that it is not?

@Freedompath just bored with you
You’re awfully angry about my opinion


I understand. It😕 infuriating.

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