UCKG - A Christian scam in my neighbourhood. Generally the UK is fairly secular, but there's an evangelical outfit that's moved into my area of London that's always pushing for new members and putting junk mail through my letterbox. I became suspicious of them when I recently saw they had been putting up posters targeting the weak and vulnerable (see photos) as if they were some sort of counselling charity like Samaritans. I also noticed that a small alcove on their building had been tricked out to prevent any homeless people using it as a shelter. Checking them out, they have been found guilty of money laundering and numerous other illegal activities as well as insisting on 10% of all members' gross incomes. This is the contemporary face of Christianity - avaricious, exploitative, mercenary and hostile to the poor. It's a shame in a way that there is no hell, as these scamsters would be the perfect material for it.
Evangelicals have very powerful sects in nearly every nation around the world. A good example of this advertising is that the United States (while more religious than the UK so this is not a surprise) has posters like this everywhere on highways and interstates all across the nation.
Not sure how it is in England, but in the United States it is illegal to put anything besides US Postal Service delivered mail in to a mail box. Report this to the police.
This is England. We have letterboxes in our doors. I don't think it's illegal - otherwise you couldn't hand-deliver a birthday card. People even put flyers under windscreen wipers (which I dutifully go down the street removing and recycling, as most of them otherwise end up as litter). The police would just laugh if you reported it - as I'm sure they would in the US if you reported a flyposted bill or item of graffiti.
These are the same bunch of bastards who have been prosecuted several time for "exorcising" young female witches in their communities, resulting in injury trauma and death!
Their church mission statement is to combat black magic with Christian miracles
I'm an American who was an evangelical missionary in South London (Bromley) for many years during the 1970s. Though I found a British wife there and now live back in Oregon (and became an atheist 12 years ago), I am so sorry for the time I did spend there trying to convert Brits to my toxic religion. (There was a wealthy London family - the Framptons - who used to bring in and support lots of American evangelicals like this. I wonder if they are behind this?)
Stay strong, resist, and fight these bastards!
I feel very much the same about my time as a stake missionary and the poor people I fooled in to joining the LDS cult.
You should gather all the junk material that you get and periodically put it back into their letterbox.
In Brazil they are big!!! The so called bishops live in luxury while the small fish live in poverty. Some even take advantage sexually, saying it's in the name of God. They preach for a humble life to act like this? Pure hypocrisy. There's one of their "churches" just around the corner from me. As soon I see them with the flyers I simply refuse politely. I do respect religious beliefs, even if they sound absurd to me but what these guys do is simply abusing.
It's a racket and it loves to play poor when it comes time to pay their share of the rent but rich and powerful when they want their special privileges. Where does the money go? They have almost no overhead and their product is imaginary so they have no real production cost, they give a pittance of their take to 'good works' and those works always come with strings attached as part of their marketing program. I was happy to hear that Jimmy Baker has been shunned by the credit card companies because he has scammed so many people that even the greasy credit card companies don't want to be associated with him.
I can't speak for the UK, but in the US, I think this would be a federal crime (the USPO does prosecute).