Well, it seems to me that some of those pesky, annoying God-bothering Kerb-side Preachers have not yet go the message about Covid-19 and self-isolation, etc, etc.
On my way up to get my Sunday paper and my usual Sunday Lunch, there were 2 God-botherers standing on the footpath trying to hand out religious pamphlets,no masks, gloves, etc, and rifling through piles of pamphlets that would been through at least a dozen or more hands before theirs.
When I asked them why they were NOT obeying the Social Distancing, Isolation rules in place, their answer was " We have no need to worry, God and Jesus are protecting us."
When I got to the corner shop I mentioned this occurrence to the lady behind the counter, her response was, " Can you hang on a minute please, I need to report this to the Police for the sake of everyone else."
After she had contacted the police, we went out onto the foothpath, stood apart by the recommended 3 metres and watched as the police presented the God-botherers with, what we could only assume, was their individual Fine notices and a very loud, audible warning that " should they be reported for this Breach of the Regulations again they would be arrested, charged and held in gaol until Bail was arranged."
Did we, the lady and I, do the right and decent thing here or should we have merely ignored the risks they were placing in the way of everyone that the stooped, etc,?
You both absolutely did the right thing!
Nicely done!
@SeaGreenEyez Under the 'Stay at Home' Rules we ARE permitted to go out to get groceries, take-away foods, exercise, take the dog for a walk on a leash and may visit family members who are NOT in a Lock-down condition in an Aged Care Facility/Hospital, etc, etc, but we can ONLY visit other family members in their homes at a rate of 1 visitor per household.
IF you bwant a FULL and comprehensive inventory of the Regulations here in New South Wales, Australia check out www.nsw.gov.au/covid -19.
Thus you will see that I was 100% in obedience with the Regulations.
They think they are above the law. They are above having concern for others....
Did the right thing....
They were clearly breaching the containment laws and indicated that they were going to continue doing so after you pointed this out to them, how is this different from any other public act that threatens the lives of others in flagrant violation of the law? You absolutely did the right thing, the fact that they were also spreading lies only makes it more reasonable for you to have them reported.
Yes, you bet you and the lady in the shop did the right thing. You could have saved a life or even more than one.
I would have nailed their feet in place so that they could not get away. Then photographed them & called the police.
THey should be fined just for being a blight on the landscape!
Such people are a real and present danger to other people. They need to be stopped. You did the right thing by the people who are in their wrong minds.
You were in the right with this situation. If these moron's don't care about themselves that's one thing, but to break the rules that protect others is not ok!!!
What ever happened to the prime directive to "love thy neighbor"? Seems more like "screw thy neighbor" just so long as I get mine!!
@JackPedigo It seems with this group of people that they only love those that think as they do, and everyone else can drop dead for all they care.
@Redheadedgammy If they are capable of love. Imagine a heaven full of these kinds of people. Good thing it doesn't exist.
So a god protecting a person from harm when they should be doing it themselves sounds like enabling to me. It's the one thing that make addicts what they are.
An interesting observation.
Regardless of their misguided beliefs,endangering other people simply because have an irrational notion that since you are protected that you cannot spread the virus does not relieve you of your responsibility to leave the proper space between yourself and others.The action was spot-on,and welcome to all of us who do not wish to be subjected to this nonsense.
You did the right thing.. Here in NYC, we can take picture and text it to 311 with the address and the police will be sent there...
That's a more efficient idea.
I like to think that I would have done the same thing.
Oh hell yeah you did the right thing. I would have been tempted to see if God and Jesus could block a throat punch. I think you demonstrated civic responsibility and exercised an amazing level of self restraint. Well done to you and the store employee.
Nah, bugger punching them, shit has a bad habit of sticking to everything that it comes in contact with and I wash my hands every so regularly ( throw-back from my times as nurse I suppose) but even the harshest of washing and scrubbing rarely moves the stench of shit like that.