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I have ask this question to my friends and colleges who still profess to worship a God (inasmuch there are many who claim God): Is God Human and if so why would they worship another Human Being, if not then what is It they are worshiping would it not be Alien, and how certain is it that it is a spiritual being, it is unseen? None have answered yet guess they are still pondering my other question, Why would a Spirit want another Spirit to worship it? Guess this would hold true as to how some see Lucifer or Satan as a real personification but I ask them when did either Being convert to Christianity or any other religion and more importantly how can either exist when one means adversary and the other is a complete fabrication by the translator a Latin / Greek slang word found in an ancient Hebrew writing how can that be? It is the simple thoughts that make life the adventure.

RWSteiger 3 Apr 25

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YEP ; agree totally - believers always lose
themselves ; logic ; and others. Physics now states we know what makes up the matter in the universe & US. As cave men we could and DID MAKEUP a explanation. We and
our questions evolved ; some were and are content with the
ancient comfort zone.Yet any discussion with believers leads to 1step foward♧2 steps back. Reason and logic are
the building blocks of REALITY ,,,when you start picking what
is fact AND what is not ♧ this becomes narrative fiction.


It's comical how the subject gets changed once the thought provoking question come up.


Many theists who are debated on these topics usually can't come to terms with the fact that their religious beliefs usually relate to their enviornment or region they're in on Earth. And exactly. Why isn't God an alien, why isn't God an animal? Why (in the Judeo Christian sense) is God a random dude in the region of Jerusalem and Syria. Why not Russia, why not North America, why not China.


Well of course I am human but I wouldn't dream of demanding worship or threaten hellfire and damnation. If you feel the need to tithe then I won't argue the point, just send it by direct deposit, money is good, no need for burnt offerings. 😉
Also, you should feel free to eat shrimp, just be aware of red tides and use proper refrigeration.


>Why would a Spirit want another Spirit to worship it?

If there is a FAMILY of spirits with demi-gods, pretty much answers your question.

My spirits are potable and they worship the imported Scotch. 🙂


I sometimes wonder if people actually believe all the stuff they spout. Seems there is a lot of doubt hence the vitriol against those who dare suggest they question their faith. It seems simply a matter of wanting to believe something, hanging around with people who go along with their beliefs and avoiding those who question them (us).


Which is greater Intelligence or Spirituality?

I concur , there simply isn't
ANY in the case of spirit.
A yard stick would bruise some EGOS !!!


Good luck with that.


You keep on asking them. Make their little brains hurt.

Um, they have brains? 😉


Ask any tRump supporter.


Ask them to listen to Tovias Singer.

Then ask the question.. if this was people making up stories.. .isn't what he describes exactly what you would expect to see?


I do not know what God thingie your friends and colleague worship. Neither did you reference what style of god you are refering to but it would seem to me your comments would be with out biblical understanding of the biblical God thingie.

"Is God Human? "You ask.

Biblically: John 1:1 In the beginning was the logos (though/word capabilities), the logos was with God and was God. John 1:14 ... the logos become flesh.

You say, " certain is it that it is a spiritual being, it is unseen?"

Spirit in English replace Pnuema and Ruach in biblical text. I do not like the word spirit used in English to replace these words at times. I do not think the original meanings is adequately transfered in the translation. Ruach is a force. With out going in detail, as I have in other post, I would simply recommend using kinetic energy in some cases instead of using the word spirit.

So, let me ask in stead of you seeing a spirit, can you see force? Can you see kinetic energy? What is happening on a molecular lever during chemical reactions? Can you see these kinetic energy transfers?

Word Level 8 Apr 25, 2020

@JohnnyQB The biblical text truely exist. It is information from long ago. There are things some say would contradict. These contradictions would make for those specific parts to have an issue of what is correct for those specific conditions. Where things are verfied then those things can be considered parts of truth. The nation of Israel really exist, this is true. There is in fact a city in Israel called Jerusalem. Where as if you consider biblical text the new Jerusalem is a cube about 1500 miles cubed. Its does not appear to exist on the side of the globe. It would seem there is some surreal meaning to that portion that might be interpreted and its meanings found to be metaphorically or allegorically true.

@JohnnyQB The picture is an artist depiction of the new Jerusalem. To my knowledge this is not taking space up to 1500 miles into the clouds above Israel.

@JohnnyQB We have gone around you yes and no Q&A before. I have no time right now but thanks for you intereste in asking such questions.

@JohnnyQB I have 3:48 pm

@JohnnyQB Do you accept the bible to be true?

@JohnnyQB I am not much into spiderman and not heard of hobbit

@SeaGreenEyez Not saying this verfied every word of biblical text, but you can do your own research and draw your own conclusions.


@JohnnyQB No, I wouldn't say I "believe in " biblical text moreso I would say there are things I can have an appreciation for and admire the genius of it.

@JohnnyQB An appreciation for the Introduction of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, to begin with.

@JohnnyQB Super has 2 usages. Super of a kind. Or super to another kind.

First research super to better understand. You could say someone has super human strength. This could mean strength that is the greatest amount within humans or it could mean strength above human capacity.

@JohnnyQB You are asking for a natural thing to "force" supernatural to be demonstrated. You are asking for something of a lesser power to "force" something purported to be of a higher power. You haven't thought out your request all that well. It is rather illogical to think the lesser can force the greater.

For lack of a better analogy, you are asking that a horse prove that a cowboy can ride the horse. The cowboy is the one with the power to stay home on the couch and be a potato where the horse could not go in the house and force cowboy off couch and make the cowboy ride.

@JohnnyQB Do you have your test ready?

@JohnnyQB heres a song about some illness, are you down with it?

@JohnnyQB words exist, you are reading words. Began testing them.

@JohnnyQB John 1:1 in the beginning was the logos, the logos was with God and was God.

Logos is thought/word a cognition function capabilities. Cognition exist, begin your test.

@SeaGreenEyez I don't know any Herschel Shanks.

@JohnnyQB Power of words. What is the power of words? Spoken/written words coming from thought/cognition.

The biblical text is predicated on the power of words(wheither words in thought, speach or written). Without listing every example, a few that support this observation:

Genesis... in the beginning almighty said "let there be light ", then there was light.

Deut. 11:18 18 “You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.

Spoken curse: Matthew, 21:18-22
Here the fig tree withers immediately the curse is pronounced, driving the narrative forward to Jesus' encounter with the Jewish priesthood and his curse against them and the temple.

Luke adopts the typically Jewish idea that the Spirit is the Spirit of prophecy…. This may be seen in Lk 4:23–27, where the miraculous signs mentioned in the quotation in v. 18 are specifically rejected as manifestations of the Spirit and only authoritative preaching is regarded as the fulfilment of the prophecy. []

Testimony is eye witness accounts written or spoken. Testimony of Jesus is spirit of prophesy. Predicated on the power of words.

Although it is impossible to obtain exact figures, there is little doubt that the Bible is the world's best-selling and most widely distributed book. A survey by the Bible Society concluded that around 2.5 billion copies were printed between 1815 and 1975, but more recent estimates put the number at more than 5 billion. []

Your deminstration of the power of words that has spanned 1000s of years and endured many things that did not wipe it out. Absolute work of genius. Which genius requires cognition/logos. Genius, god damn genius.

The power of words to be illogical. I could write or say 1+1=3. It is not logical, but it can be said or written. Could a planet have(for example) capabilities to defy logic of gravity laws and produce a square planet?

Is there any "laws of nature" that would be considered illogical?

@JohnnyQB I am only asserting what is observable. I am not "advancing" any position.

Seems to me your statement could be more so correct in saying something that from your view I am making a correct observation but you find the information of my observation, but not my observation of it, to be nonsense.

Observation is a related term of assertion.
As nouns the difference between observation and assertion is that observation is the act of observing, and the fact of being observed while assertion is the act of asserting, or that which is asserted; positive declaration or averment; affirmation; statement asserted; position advanced. []

@JohnnyQB I am not aware that I am your brother, that must be you making an observation of your own thinking projecting it onto me for some reason.

@JohnnyQB I know, i could explain to you until I am blue in the face but crazy people often can not admit they are crazy and it's just crazy you are projecting your observation of you being nonsense onto me. Not that I am trying to offend you but if it gets your illogical twisted mind straight it might make you all the better. However, i could try to take an optimistic approach and say your kind of illogical could be entertainment for someone.

@JohnnyQB pot and a half of coffee, you guessed correctly

@JohnnyQB It is ok, i understand your personal incredulity. High levels of intellectual understanding isn't for everyone.

@JohnnyQB ... so gone alright, it's bed time.

@JohnnyQB ,,,,WAIT FOR IT...▪︎▪︎▪︎●●●
the answer is floating on the WIND. 🎐🎈🎆🎇✨🎊🎉
,,,,I wish I had a DIME.....🎁

@JohnnyQB, @Word while fiction ,,,unlike spiderman is the core of religion


You expect them to use logic. They are incapable of thinking for themselves or of thinking in a logical way. They just repeat and follow without truly trying to understand what they are repeating and following. None of them have read any of those religious books with an emphasis on understanding what they are actually reading. They would reject any God concept if the read those book, and used logic to decipher them. Most just memorize and repeat sections of those books, and believe what they are told to believe.


God is anything you want it to be. One can make up their own god or follow the crowds god.


If there is a scale of being, then is it reasonable to assume that there is an endpoint? Are we talking about intelligence? Would something on the high end create something in the low end in its own image? In what manner is a supremely intelligent being like us? If God can think and then matter just appears based upon its(?) matrix, then how is this even remotely like us?
I think the whole question shows the fundamental flaw in anthropomorphic thinking.


you would have to ask them. not everyone's god is the same.


and some have many gods
or is it mini gods
or both

@Beowulfsfriend I used to have a mini fridge but it turned out not to be immortal.


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