What do neo-Nordic beliefs have to do with racism? I ask because I have seen pictures of Thor's hammer with a swastika painted on it...
Imo, things can have a 'racist' connotation for those who choose to see them that way.
E.g. the 'crooked cross', aka the Swastika originated in Hinduism not as a symbol of Angst,Warfare, etc, etc, but as a symbol of peace and prosperity, the Nazis plagiarized it, twisted it and made into the hated symbol it is today.
The Hammer of Thor depicted in the Nordic Mythologies is NOT decorated with the 'crooked cross' but with stylised dragons and the like, Himmler, if memory serves correct, 'took' the idea of using the Hammer of Thor for its 'assumed' Aryan roots and meanings, had the Swastika engraved on to the images to make the badge of what he called " Das Hammeren dem Jude" of his elite S.S. Group, the EinsatzKommando, his own personal Guards and later the worst of the worst perpetrators of War Crimes against the Jews, Poles, etc, etc.
I am aware of the Swastika's past (I am of Hindu background)
My question was mostly about why use the Nordic myths to perpetuate racism
The swastika on Thor's hammer was not a question in and of itself, but an example to show how racial thinking affects nordic mythology.
My thoughts?
Ugh! Nazi ideals have one thing in common with Thor. Both are devoid of reality. It was really odd that Germany, crossroads of cultural mixing in western Europe for millenia, embraced the myth of Nordic racial superiority , misnamed Aryan, and claimed mongrel Germany to embody racial superiority. What with Hitler being so tall and blond and blue-eyed----not. Go figure.
I believe you mean barbarians (way back from Roman times)...
The swastika was used by several civilizations BEFORE the Nazis appropriated it as their symbol for National Socialism. The roundels painted on Finish pre-WWII and during WWII had nothing to do with the Nazis. The Fins used light-Blue paint and positioned the swastika in reverse to the Nazis who usually used Black paint/color for their swastikas.
The swastika was used (pre-Nazi), by some Indian peoples (from India, not native American) back to antiquity.
It is also notable a unit of the American Army used it as their symbol also...but changed it before WWII.
Mjolnir has a swastika? Any images you could share?
It could be racist, it might not be. Depends how it's depicted, what the scene is, if it's potentially some weird niche form of norse humour. Context and nuance is something the Internet has lost in recent years.
I mean, the swastika was originally a sign for peace wasn't it? IIRC it's Hindu. So if Thor just happens to be smashing some poor soul around the chops with it, that's probably humour. Pretty good humour.
Many, many symbols are from a time when tribalism was the rule rather than the exception. We can generalize, be judgmental of them, but we did not live in an era where brute force held as much sway in survival, and I am often hesitant to pass judgment on people who lived in conditions that were utterly foreign to our ways of thinking. That said, those who practice tribalism today are probably one of the biggest threats to the survival of the human race.
The swastik was an old, old symbol before the Nazis appropriated it........also used in Tbetan & india-Indian religions. Are you confused as to history's timeline?
No...my point is not about the swastika (I'm Indian so I know about the swastika). My point was about the Norse myths and racism.
@VineetHonkan Norse myths were quite a few centuries before Nazis...I repeat, your knowledge 9f history's timeline seems Very shaky, or you are trying to find out who else is Aryan-loving on here? Seems a very weird post otherwise
I've long been of the opinion that there are a lot of humanoids on this planet and most of them are not only not very bright but they aren't very fun to be around either. I'm not concerned about skin pigmentation, anymore than I am concerned about eye colour or hair colour - having a keen mind and a good heart means a lot but the rest is just bull shit.
What race was Thor supposed to be? I'm sure he can be linked with the mythical white aryans.
Before the Nazis and Hitler, the swastika wasn't a symbol of racism, In several ancient religions it was a symbol of prosperity, which is why the Nazis put it on everything. The Nazis has an interest in the supernatural and ancient religions. That wasnt' a story line that was just made up for "Raiders of the Lost Ark.". Hitler really thought he could use ancient symbols to awaken ancient powers to create a super race and super society.
Do note that the Nazis used a reversed version of the Tibetan Swastika.
I know this is blasphemy, and I don't necessarily believe it myself, but is it possible white people--as do all races--enjoy certain innate strengths not shared to the same degree by other peoples? We spend so much time denigrating, criticizing, condemning, white people for lording it over others, we never seem to ever acknowledge the good things they bring to the table.
Is ANYONE willing to describe what those positive attributes are (which they may have admittedly abused)?
@CommonHuman I disagree, based on personal observation and experiences, and much of what I've read and heard.
Race is NOT a biological construct. Race is a social construct, and thus, any so called traits are made up from interpretations of different cultures, etc. We are all members of the human race. We are all Homo Sapiens Sapiens, some with minor pieces of genetic material from 2 or 3 now extinct others.
there is no race achievements, because race is a losely defined concept to put your subjects in other groups.
In US you consider all european immigrants as race, but a nazi would not consider a french, an iberic or a slav as part of the same race...
Europe was the center of power and economy for perhaps the last 400 years, before that the center was around the indic ocean where powers from middle east were competing with Indians and even Chinese powers for 700 years. Even Rome was not bigger that its correspondent in east (and yes they admired and respected each other).
To talk in achievements of a race does not make sense, of course the dominant technological power of the era will have more achievements. Of course if you keep entire regions to stabilize and form their own independent governments, they won't be able to educate their people and compete in a knowledge based civilization.
A black science-literate black from a poor country in central Africa has more cultural heritage for the best part of mankind than an uneducated red neck in USA claiming "race achievements"
White people have less melanin in the skin which allows them to absorb more vitamin D from the sun but also makes them more prone to skin cancer. White people are less likely to get the condition rickets which arises from vitamin d deficiency. If you have dark skin and live near the arctic, you might need a little more vitamin D from your food to avoid rickets, but you are also less likely to get skin cancer with darker skin.
@Beowulfsfriend I'm using the word 'race' as one would use the word 'breed' if we were talking about dogs, say, or cats. And we're a species, right, wherever the word 'race' came from; we don't talk about the 'race' of dogs!
Anyway, are you saying there are no differences among the various 'strains' or ethnic groups of human beings--physical, intellectual, general makeup as it were, and it all has to do with upbringing and culture? I'm not sure that's the case. I'm not saying it ISN'T the case, but to me it looks like there are basic differences among blacks, Hispanics, Asians, native Americans, Eskimos, etc., that can't be chalked up to environmental factors alone. I'm NOT saying whites are "superior," just different, but that would apply to all 'breeds.'
(I say 'breeds' but I know nobody was 'bred.' Just a word. 'Strains' might be closer to the mark.)
@Storm1752 Race is not a breed. Just read a dictionary. Race is a social construct. It was created by humans to put other humans in categories. We are ONE species from the same genetic markers from a few million years. A small percentage carry genes from now-extinct species. You can use the word race any way you want; your usage makes you sound ...... many things.
@Pedrohbds White guys get depressed and they do kill themselves more than other groups. Sounded like tell me something good about me. They do get bashed and stereotyped. We all cry. Sometimes in our life we all have pain. We all have sorrow. Human race has done good stuff and we all belong to that
Your question exposes your ignorance. There is only one human race. The skin pigment is an expression of phenotypic plasticity in humans [[sciencedirect.com]].
Your question also exposes you as a sycophant to white power assholes. Go crawl back under your rock.
@Storm1752 explain, please, why we can all donate blood/organs with no regard for your listed superficial "differences"?
@AnneWimsey Not strictly true. There are some problems with things like bone marrow transplants that are ethnically dependant on a match
@AtheistInNC Go crawl back under a rock?
Thanks. I'll consider it.
In the meantime, yes all human beings are members of the same species, or 'race' if you will, but like, for instance, dogs have different 'breeds,' we have different 'strains.' Yes a St. Bernard and a poodle and a doberman are all dogs, so share basic genetic traits, there are also undeniable differences. Does that make one dog "superior" to the others?
No, of course not, but it DOES mean one is better operating in Alpine conditions, one is better at being a guard/attack dog, the poodle is usually regarded as being the best to train to do certain tasks, and so on. THEY ARE EQUAL as far as their intrinsic worth is concerned, but to ignore or deny obvious differences is to admit your ignorance, if not to yourself then to everybody else around you.
A "synchopant to white power assholes?" That hurts my feelings.
Try someone who recognizes some white people have taken their advantages and shaped them into blunt weapons to victimize the rest of humanity. THOSE people (and their descendants) do not regret their actions, as indicated by the persistence of racism today, but the rest of us of 'white extraction' DO regret it very much.
All I'M saying is, can we not make the distinction between those people (the monied interests who destroyed Mayan, Aztec, Incan, and all North American civilizations in pursuit of riches, all Asian and Indian and African societies as well) and the rest of us, and acknowledge the good and useful and valuable things about us worth preserving?
Why don't YOU go crawl under a rock? You are intellectually lazy if you think name-calling is the appropriate response when someone attempts to add a little nuance and context to a very complicated issue.
It gets a bit weird when people start mentioning dogs, but that is a fair point to a degree. I mean, if we were to actually see ourselves as we do every other creature on earth and denote each adaptation of a species as it's own particular breed, then yeah, it works. But it makes people uncomfortable because they only assume bad intentions by it.
But to answer the question, each race has advantages and disadvantages. It's pretty evident.
White people have greater diversity in eye and hair colour, hair type. Europeans are often larger as well, but i believe it's still an open debate as to whether that's genetic or dietary. Probably both. There's also medications that work on whites which don't work as well on other races, and vice versa, which is clear evidence of differences inside as well as out. Perhaps that is due to a different make-up of gut bacteria, due to differences in diet perhaps, or it could be genetic. I believe europeans are less likely to be lactose intolerant in adulthood as well. Disadvantages are greater risk of skin cancer, some mental health issues seem to be more common like alzhimers? I legitimately forget how that's spelled so don't @me, more likely to have sensitivity to light (something i have, which is fun.), and i think autism is also more common, but personally don't see that as a negative. Oh, and more likely to be ginger.
For asians, the oriental variety, I'm not sure if they have any disadvantages, they're the shortest? That could be advantageous or disadvantageous depending on where you are and what you're doing. Mongols, of which most orientals are genetically close to, certainly found it advantageous, best horseback archers who ever existed. That stature coupled with sinewy yet strong muscles make for an exceptional pound for pound warrior. The eyefolds are an interesting adaptation as well, those evolved to prevent dust getting into their eyes in strong winds because they lived at high altitude, so good luck throwing dirt into their eyes during a fight. That altitude likely also gave them an excellent cardiovascular system, likely more efficient than other races so high stamina. Disadvantages, not as strong or as large as the largest of other races, hence why mongols favoured horseback warfare to fighting on foot. Don't want to go toe to toe with a 6'2" stone beast if you're only 5'5" and barely stone, which i believe was average during that period. They have since gotten taller though, i believe 5'8" average these days, so still small. Also have good stomaches, seem less likely to fall ill due to food. Except the current situation of course, but no one is doing well on that front so meh.
Black's enjoy good stamina, pretty efficient with calories, good with fats, the larger derriere of blacks is a great example of that, good fat stores. Albeit it can be a disadvantage in western nations where high calorie and fatty food is available all year round thus making them more prone to obesity and diabetes. They have to work a little harder to avoid it, but they seem to be more efficient at dropping weight as well. They seem to be so efficient that they can gain and drop weight quicker than any others I've seen. They have considerably lower risk of skin cancer. Less diversity in hair and eye colour, or hair type. Whenever i see a black person with anything other than brown eyes i just can't help but be fascinated by it. It's just beautiful, contrasts so beautifully, they pop so vibrantly against dark skin which is a definite advantage when it happens.
Indians, as in India/pakistan variety, they're better than whites at avoiding skin cancer, worse than blacks. Physically similar to blacks, usually a little shorter, less rear end action, and less diverse in hair and eye colours, or hair type. But apparently strong immune systems and lead stomachs, and not too sensitive noses. Don't know how else they could survive some of the places they live, their cities are a health and safety nightmare.
These are all just what I've observed on averages, and I'm not exactly well traveled or well read on genetics to give complete facts, i could be wrong about almost everything so don't take my word for it. But i believe most of my observations have some validity, even the rambly ones.
Apologies if it's an excessively long post, i like to dive in at the deep end. And i fear i may have came across as praising one race over the others, totally not my intention. We all have advantages and disadvantages, there's no one size fits all human being. Not unless we all start getting busy with each other on a large scale and create larger diversity in human genes, and even then, they're going to eventually adapt the suit their environment again. So it'll be a short lived period of super humans.
@Beowulfsfriend Actually, the term "subspecies" may apply (in regard to Homo Sapiens) just from a biological classification standpoint. Consider how there are five or so Subspecies of Caribou in the Americas, all which look the same with very minor differences.
@Storm1752 You used the common term ‘race’ and not species. I just replied using the same word, so it is not what I ‘like’. I would have used species, if I thought you would have understood the word.
You obviously don’t understand phenotypic plasticity. Your dog vs. human argument is not a valid comparison. Also, you are comparing physical traits vs mental abilities which are once again an apples to oranges comparison. Your comment “but is it possible white people--as do all races--enjoy certain innate strengths not shared to the same degree by other peoples? “ is loathsome and abhorrent, which is why I surmised you are a white power sycophant. So far, you have not proved me wrong. I doubt you consider yourself one of the 'white extraction' that regret racism.
I wasn’t name calling. I was pointing out a fact. Your phrasing of your so-called question laid bare your actual intent – to say that whites were, in fact, superior and you suck as a person to say so. And just to be clear, you cannot equate ‘race’ and breed. If you wish to continue to do so, please don’t be lazy and introduce studies which support your argument. You also try to make the case “it looks like there are basic differences among blacks, Hispanics, Asians, native Americans, Eskimos, etc., that can't be chalked up to environmental factors alone.” Once again, you make a supposition with no supporting evidence, and your lack of reading up on phenotypic plasticity (which skin color is a classic example, btw). Try not being lazy again, and when you try to post racist crap, give your supporting studies (or your own peer reviewed work, should you have it) to show that your statement is not just horse shit you are slinging around.
I’m not sure if you are a great example of our American education system failing on a grand scale, or just so lacking in empathy that you can’t see that your words are filled with hate. You are just one more data point proving the Dunning-Kruger effect, and it is sad that people like you are allowed to voice your sugar covered vitriol online at all.
@Storm1752, @dahermit
No. Humans do not have subspecies. Here is why:
@thinkwithme Are those universal statistics or USA ones?
Because if you look in the world perspective, the countries with high suicide rate are not the "majority white" ones. (the myth of the rich depressed countries is not true)
@Pedrohbds Hi, I was only looking at United States stats..Sorry meant to clarify that. And not all white guys are rich, but actually sucide rate was higher among at least middle class as I recall. Its also a concern with first responders and vets. And actually a billionaire just jumped from his building sadly. I was suspicious at did he really jump, but it sounds as though yes he did. That was Bing who funded Bill Clinton's effort to negotiate peace outside of the US and he was also a producer. We also sadly lost Robin Williams to suicide, a wealthy beloved comedian. I don't know why anyone thinks that is a myth, that people are wealthy and also suffer depression. Look at Greenland for instance. High rates of suicide occur in various conditions.
@Pedrohbds And also Abe Lincoln I was told suffered from depression. Of course he didnt die by suicide. He was shot.
@AtheistInNC I tried to explain what I meant, but you're intent on demonising the entire thought process and to paint me as a white supremacist. I still have a few more entries to read and here's hoping they're not all as 'politely' condemnatory. I think there's a valid point to be made here but it doesn't seem so far I'm the one to make it.
That is, I think there are real differences among the subspecies (the word meant more loosely in human terms than as scientifically applied to other animals), not differences which make one 'superior' to the others, but which may account for the white man's ability and willingness to embark on their disgraceful recent history of colonialism built upon technological superiority.
Much of that may simply be an accident of history, and some of it may originate in real innate differences. I'm not an expert on the subject so maybe I shouldn't have brought attention to these meandering thoughts, since my musings were bound to attract considerable ridicule and scorn.
So be it. It's happened before and it'll probably happen again. A 'herd mentality' seems to kick in; one person gets the ball rolling, so to speak, and others pile on.
But there have been some interesting comments as well.
I'll just reiterate my original idea, that there are actually some things to CELEBRATE about the accomplishments of 'white people' as a group (which you deny exist) which has been lost, buried under an avalanche of (justified) criticism, because of the deep and seemingly indelible stains of 'colonialism,'
slavery, religious bigotry, and so on.
Plus technology itself has been a double-edged sword, bringing us unparalleled and heretofore unthinkable prosperity, but at the same time to the brink of self-extinction.
So I was asking a lot, maybe too much.
I actually think we'd be better off melding into one big gene pool (which may be happening) wherein the best aspects of the genome as a whole were shared. (I read we'd all be mostly Asian!)
Well, cast stones if you must. I'm just a poor white boy (stumbling all over myself) trying to make sense of it all.
@Storm1752 Obviously, if you read the link I supplied you didn't understand it. My guess is you didn't even read it. Don't be lazy.
there are no human subspecies, whether you think so or not. A "white" race/subspecies does not exist. The human race is already one big gene pool (and you would know that if you had read the link I included in my last message. Stop being lazy and making yourself look more stupid than you are. I know it is a big step, but you might be capable of it. Might.).
you have no grasp of history beyond 1776 apparently, or you would know much of our understanding of mathematics and science comes from the middle east, china and other countries you do not consider "white". We use Arabic numbers and don't use Roman numerals for a reason.
What you "think" about the human race doesn't matter. Do some research that isn't "youtube" from educated individuals and actually educate yourself before you start making these heinous comments about "innate differences".
you have no clue what the word "genome" means, and I doubt you read beyond a 4th grade level - about the same ability as our current president.
you certainly hit the nail on the the head when you wrote " I'm not an expert on the subject". If you had been smart, as soon as you wrote that you should have shut up and deleted your post.
you still have given no reason to show that you are not a racist bigot. As a matter of fact, with your ""oh poor me, I'm just a poor white boy" you have made my point. Now you are two data points on the Dunning-Kruger graph.
you shouldn't celebrate "white people" anything. you should celebrate "human achievement" you white racist sycophant.
@AtheistI. I've said all I wish to say on this subject.
Much of Nazi philosophy was based on a return of the "Master Race" the mythical "perfect" humans, blond hair and blue eyes, the Aryans.
Since the nearest living people to this ideal were the northern Germanic tribes and the Scandiwegians, much of there ideology and mythology was co-opted by the Nazi propaganda machine as was the Hakenkreuz, the tutonic version of the Indo-European swastikas.
The swastika was misappropriated by Hitler and the Nazis. As others have already said, the swastika was an ancient good luck symbol, the word itself is derived from Sanskrit word “sauvastika or svastika” which means “conducive to good health”, and is at least 5,000 years old. The Zoroastrians in Persia regarded it as a symbol of the revolving sun, infinity, or the continuity of life’s cycle. Many religions and mythologies have used it as a symbol over the centuries, both in Asia and Scandinavia, such as the Norse one. I just read recently that the blue swastika, which has been incorporated into the badge and emblem of the Finnish Airforce since it’s foundation in 1918, has finally been removed due to pressure, because it is now perceived as a symbol of hatred and racism.
We were once in a Japanese student housing program and one student showed us a map of where she lived. The area was full of swastika like symbols. Her father was a grievance counselor at a local cemetary and the symbols indicated cemeteries in the area.
Thor was Viking mythology.The Viking swastika was also the sun wheel, and the symbol was used to protect the cosmos from chaos and consecrate marriage. It wasnt about racism ,It was also a Buddhist symbol for forward motion or something like that before it had anything to do with a nazi