26 1

Who & What - U R - Not -

U R - Not - just a - sentient - Individual - mammal -
U R - Not - merely a - physical - mortal - body of matter -
U R - Not - simply an animal - of the - Homo Sapien species -

U R a - Spirit of GOD - expressing & experiencing its - Self -
a - Being of Energy manifesting in as thru such - human form -
an Individuation of - LIFE - expressing its - Self - thru a Person -
in so doing & being - does One Know - Ones Self - experientially -

if One does not Go within - One shall surely - find Ones Self - without -
I AM & U R as ALL IS - the expression of GOD - AS - that which - IS -
your body is mortal and shall exist for but a brief - period of time -
in a minute - portion of space - on a planet in a - relative realm -

Ones - Spirit - is - Eternal & Divine - in its - Nature & Being -
as such R U an - Eternal Being - Divinely being - human -

remember Love is not a - tangible thing - yet it is most -
certainly - definitively & powerfully - felt & experienced -
Eternal - R Ones - Thoughts - Emotions & Feelings -
Finite - is Ones Body - being a - mortal - Life form -

consider that which is thine - Essence -
from where what or who did such - originate -
if not from that which is All Things being - GOD -

can One - Truly - "Love" -
that which One is told to - "fear" -
One - does Not - Love - GOD - thru - Fear

realize that - U - R - as - ALL IS -
ONE - with the - Essence of - GOD -
as - that which is - ENERGY - being -
a Person in as thru a mortal - form of Life -

thus One - cannot be - separate from - GOD as LIFE -
as your Soul is Life - as an Individuation of - that which IS -
expressing One Self thru a mortal form in a - body of matter -

refute - dispute - deny - that which - ye R able -
consider - contemplate - elucidate - discern & ascertain -
that which is - True - for - U - as a - Spirit - being a Person -

as Always & in All Ways -
Love Often - Live Life - Be Happy 🙂


Know that - GODS LOVE - is - unconditional -
unrestricted - unbound - as it is - ALL Things being -
GOD - is the expression - of - Love as Energy in Life -

remember we dwell in a - relative realm -
of - here & there - Up & Down - Good & Bad -
now - choose - decide - determine - Who U shall BE -
in the current moment of Now & in the soon to be Future -
as such is the - Purpose of Life - the expression of - Ones Self -

KWAPELL7 6 Aug 4

Enjoy being online again!

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@admin can we be done with this nonsense yet? He just keeps posting the same stuff over and over...

@TheInterlooper I suppose, but then you don't know what that person could be saying about you. Hell, they could write a whole post about how you sent them a PM and said this that and the other. That's not really the point though. His posts essentially amount to religious, nonsensical spam. If that behavior is tolerated by @admin, it will eventually overrun the website. I don't think it's dissimilar from how old email clients and dating websites like POF have been rendered useless by the spam and bots that have infected them.

@TheInterlooper - U will have to pardon/excuse - Jeff -
he is a bit of a dolt and has a very limited comprehension -
as such he has not yet deduced what most everyone else -
has already concluded in Life -

which is - if U don't Like someone in Life -
U can simply ignore them - or agitate them -
in his simplistic & very base perception & perspective -
he is unable to - detach from that which annoys him -
and thus attempts to stir the pot of FEAR - to create -
a false sense of security - using - willfull - Ignorance -

Thank U Admin - for not swallowing or feeding into -
such redundant & ridiculous - horse shit -

U gladly & gleefully - engaged me in such -
mordacious - vitriolic & caustic - manner -

so enough of your whining - already -
U - petulant - ignoramus - stand up -
& at least attempt to - finish what U started -
and stop asking admin to resolve your ineptitude -


Why do you have an issue with the words YOU and ARE? What did they ever do to you to deserve being cut up?

I actually like the words - yet find their use in my posts -
to be very repetitious and thus somewhat - annoying & tedious -

and as well - One might take note -
that both "you" & "are" - R pronounced -
& have the exact same Meaning as "U" & "R"
thus my truncation seems to be both - fitting & apt -

@KWAPELL7 you’re contributing to the destruction of the English language!


U R - A Shitty poet
U R - Wasting your time

and U R - a Shiity exemplification of a human -
and an - extremely inept evaluator / assessor -
of any written prose or articulation of thought -

U R thus a waste of flesh in - time & space -

hows that for being snarky -
probably turned U on - didnt it -
glad I could be of some assistance -

@KWAPELL7 UR - simply wrong. On all counts. The likes of you couldn’t turn me on with jumper cables.
Seriously, if you’re going to put your art out there, especially for an audience who won’t vibe with your ‘message’, you need to be able to take criticism. And your response shows us that as a christian — or whichever you identify as — you’re a fraud as well as a waste of our time. Go cry at your church.

@ZenStar - U may criticize - disparage & deprecate -
my Self & my postulates - for as long or as much as U would like -

I will simply continue to respond in Kind -

as to your statement -
"And your response shows us that as a christian — or whichever you identify as — you’re a fraud as well as a waste of our time. Go cry at your church."

such - ludicrous & unabashedly - cretinous -
and - dim witted - statement - clearly demonstrates -
your seemingly - innate inability - to comprehend -
the written word -

as had U actually read & understood - ANY thing -
that I have written - U would clearly be able to
definitively elucidate that I have - NO - (as in none) -
link to - association nor affiliation with - ANY -
religion - faith - creed - cult - or any other such -
mentally bereft organization / cult of ignorance -

as such I would encourage - U -
to pray at your favorite - place of worship -
for some kind of - Divine intervention that -
allows U to see / observe - clearly enough -
to negate making such a fool of your Self -


Bitch please.

SCal Level 7 Aug 5, 2020

Hands down the funniest comment on here. Props.

if U R able - please elaborate on the meaning -
or intimation of your obtuse / obscure comment -


If you felt it was obtuse, you clearly got the jist.

@SCal - so U readily admit to being "slow to understand" -

interesting - it is not often that I run across -
an individual that is able to admit their own -
obtuseness -
Bravo !!




I am a person who only uses hyphens now and again, mainly when I am pedaling pseudo-truth.
Take care its a bad world out here.

Those aren't even hyphens...

@JeffMurray Sorry not very good at the grammar myself either.

@Fernapple I only pointed it out because he previously claimed how they were and were an important and underused grammatical tool or something to that effect.

@JeffMurray Interesting, perhaps it is a trans-Atlantic thing, my dictionary says that this - is a hyphen and is used to join two words ?

@Fernapple You are using it correctly, and where you have used that symbol it is indeed a hyphen. The symbol, when used without spaces, can be used to join words together and it almost always makes your sentence or phrase more clear and accurate. The way he uses it, with spaces on either side, is a dash. It is almost the exact opposite of a hyphen. It is specifically used to separate words or phrases, almost like parentheses, or even like a "light" period that separates two sentences that are very much related. e.g. Some people think KWAPELL7 is deep and insightful - he isn't. It's almost comical how often he types words that need hyphens or are actually just one word on their own that he puts a dash in the middle of.

@JeffMurray Thank you.

@JeffMurray Who thinks KWAPELL7 is deep and insightful? Other than himself of course.

@ronnie40356 There have been a couple comments on past posts that suggest it.


What a load of drek. You may want to ease up on the drugs. I think they are melting your brain.

if they have - as U say - melted my brain -
than they have likely - eradicated yours -

Really, who can read a retort that can only bring forward all the brilliance that is 'I'm rubber, you're glue" and not conclude it came from a young child?

@JeffMurray - don't worry Jeff -
your time of comeuppance draws nigh -
& it as well becomes even more distressing -
with each day that U persist in being such an -
Ignorant - Self righteous - & - petulant person -


@KWAPELL7 Threats of comeuppance don't really work against those that don't believe in the metaphysical and don't want to be alive anymore.


You denial of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as being the Supreme Being speaks for itself.

May His Noodliness have mercy upon your immortal pasta sauce.

Oi! The Flying Spaghetti Monster is real! i have David Ike's personal word on that lol


You are a fucking bore!

I must in- Truth - Not - be that boring to - U -
as U seem to follow me around like a - lost child -

perhaps U & Jeff - can get together & commiserate -
while your at it - at least try - to form an - opinion -
that shows a modicum of - contemplation or intellect -

your a - big boy - now - U can do it if U try -

@KWAPELL7 but you are a fucking bore. Everybody who commented here agrees, yet itcseems you can't take a hint that is more than evident. Don't flatter yourself, I don't follow assholes, unfortunately you happen to post in groups I belong to. Nice combination dude, a bore who is also an asshole and completely devoid of intellect.

@Mofo1953 - I informed U - at the outset of this -
insidious & demeaning - yet - insightful & mildly -
entertaining - conversation / dialog -

I have an Eternity's worth of - mental acumen -
percipience & erudition - at my beck & call -
and as I AM sure U have now - noticed -
my Verbal acumen & acuity is - Righteous -

perhaps - it would be better for U -
if U just blocked me - thus preventing -
U from suffering any - further embarrassment -

I will soon be offering - to those so inclined -
demonstrable - Personal - Evidence & Validation -
of my - Omniscience - Omnipotence & Omnipresence -

contemplate such offer with great care when presented -
as the proof - may well - turn U back into - Earths pudding -



Horse poop

U must be referencing the - effluence -
of crap - that comes out of - your mouth -


UR a nut

I have been called much worse -

yet it matters not what label is applied -

I AM that I AM -

I think his name is SAM I AM.

@ronnie40356 - No Ronnie40356 -
my name - title - descriptor - is - KWAPELL -
an Acronym for - Knowledge Wisdom Awareness -
Peace - Energy - Love & Light - as a - Being of LIFE -

or U may simply refer to me as - GOD -
as I AM an Individuation there-of - being -
its - Self in Life - thru a human - form of Life -

@KWAPELL7 Don't forget to start taking your meds GOD🤣🤣🤣


Sounds like reprocessed bible babble.

tell me then - EXACTLY - where in "Your" bible -
R my statements of TRUTH - to be found -

other than : Psalm 83:6 KJV Old Testament -
" I have said, Ye are Gods; and all of you are children of the most High"
or Christs - reiteration & confirmation - there-of in John 10:34 KJV
"Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Gods"

such statements I have repeated on occasion -
and thus I Obviously concur with there - Validity & Accuracy -


Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've heard it all before. It's the reason many of us are here in the first place.

No - in fact U have not heard ANY of it before -
and most certainly not in your current - time of Life -

what U have heard - many times before -
is the bullshit from any number of - religions -
which can easily be proven to be a - load of crap -
an absurd litany of mental meanderings & contrivances -

Not U nor ANY other - human -
has yet nor will Ever - be able to -
confute - refute or dispute the - TRUTH -
as I have so stated & proclaimed it to BE -

thus U R Wise not to attempt such -
meaningless & futile - undertaking -

@KWAPELL7 - This is what they all say. You claim to be the special possessor/discoverer of "THE TRUTH" just as they do, but you provided no more evidence or proof for your claims than they do. Until you do ......


But which gods am I representing?

U R - representing - exemplifying & - Personifying -
GOD - as in thru - One Self -

there-fore BE Whom so ever it is that - U -
desire & aspire to express your - SELF - AS -
for such is the - Purpose & function - of - LIFE -
to express & experience whom U - Choose to BE -



Word salad! First you have to prove your god is real, that requires objective evidence.

GOD - is the - ENERGY of LIFE -
as such is GOD - LIFE - being -

U R there-fore an - Individuation there-of -
as such R U - GOD - Divinely - being - human

That is subjective evidence. I need something I can test.


@xenoview - that has been my point all along -
Use your innate mental acuity & abilities of - Logic -
& Rational thought to examine - analyze - scrutinize -
elucidate - contemplate & cogitate - thine - Essence -

the postulate above is One of many paths -
that will lead to such - Awareness & Enlightenment -
if U need proof - confute its - Validity & Veracity -

the key to the postulate is -
or -
LIFE is ENERGY - as the - LOVE of GOD -

You have failed to prove your god is real. You need objective evidence that your god is real. You do know what objective evidence is?

@xenoview - I will be offering such -
"objective" - evidence - shortly -
to any willing to experience such -

Not going to hold my breath.


Oh, I see it so clearly now, the letters and words you have typed have opened up the hidden answers of the universe. You have definitively shown the answer to the question: " What would happen if we all believed in this nonsense you are pushing. The answer: We would all be fucked.!

You do not know god, stop lying.

I not only Know - GOD -
I AM - GOD - Divinely being -

@KWAPELL7 The god of lies.

@nogod4me - please provide even 1 lie -
that has been articulated by - me -

and please spare me the bullshit generalities -
Quote directly - ANY - statement that I as GOD-
have made in ANY of the 1,000's of statements -
I have articulated in the past ten years -

@KWAPELL7 Is your name god?

@nogod4me - I AM - in - fact & deed -
an - exemplification & Personification -
there-of - so Yes such label / name -
is an - apt & fitting - descriptor -

other such - befitting & analogous -
descriptors - labels - names - would be -

Soul of Love - Spirit of ENERGY - Being of LIFE -
Human - Life form - Creature -of Life - form of Life -
the list goes on & on ...

so in direct answer to your question - Yes
I AM - GOD - Divinely being - a human - Person -
just as - ALL of Life - is an expression of - GOD -

@KWAPELL7 So all of life is an expression of GOD, and you are GOD.

Sounds like the same thing when someone expresses a pimple that's on their ass. That pimple could be GOD. Expressing the SPIRIT ENERGY - LIVING - THRIVING - bacteria and germs off their ass could be considered blasphemy.


I don’t understand. I tried, but I don’t understand.

I didn't even try. I stopped at "U R a - Spirit of GOD". Just nonsensical word salad in my opinion.

it is not meant for - everyone -
yet there R those - able to perceive -
the meaning - value & relevance -
of such esoteric - articulation -
for them it holds - insight -

@jlynn37 Yeah, it is meant for other people with schizophrenia.





That's the longest load of bullshit ive seen in a while. I stopped reading and started laughing 1/3 of the way through. Actually thought it may be a joke so I read the ending. Turns out it is a joke, but I'm pretty sure the crackpot writer is serious🤣🤣

indeed the "crackpot writer" i.e. - GOD -
is VERY serious and in no way considers the -
postulate or its message - Funny - humorous -

@KWAPELL7 That's to bad god because it's funny as hell. Sad and dumb, but funny to. Good luck.


I started reading. But then was deafened by the inane ramblings.
Was going to make a concise retort. But in truth you have more wrong, and gibberish that anything tangible.
Why in the world do you come to a site where non- believers can have a 'safe haven' for lack of a better word, and preach.

You pose no arguments, nor questions. Just assertions, and preaching. And fail to explain WHICH god.

Also, that whole U R, instead of you're, is imho fairly childish.

That's because he's actually a 14 year-old boy who derives pleasure from using a thesaurus. That's our working theory, anyway.

as to your last statement -
"Also, that whole U R, instead of you're, is imho fairly childish."

what an - intriguingly & profoundly -
puzzling display of - maladroit incompetence -
using "imho" in such an indecorous manner -
its use - being both - inapt & incongruous -

and then having the nerve to criticize -
mock & attempt to ridicule - my use of -
the letter "U" to substitute for the word "you" -

YOU/U - butcher the 4 words "in my honest opinion" -
with the acronym of "imho" & R yet - not clever enough -
to realize your own blunder & personal - faux pas -

as to - "You pose no arguments, nor questions. Just assertions, and preaching. And fail to explain WHICH god."

it is commonly known as a - postulate -
as such U R correct - I AM - making assertions -
proclamations & declarations - of - TRUTH -

and asking the - readers to -
examine - analyze - elucidate -
discern & ascertain - the Validity -
& Veracity of the - TRUTH - there-in --


the word term phrase "GOD" -
as I make use of it - is fully -
synonymous with - LOVE -
and as well - ENERGY & LIFE -

and as well is NOT in ANY way -
to be associated with - ANY -
religion creed cult nor faith -

I use the 3 letter word "GOD" -
as a short - Identifier - for -

for as such - is - GOD -
LOVE - as - ENERGY -
in as thru - LIFE -

it takes little mental effort to discern & determine -
that if - ALL of LIFE - is composed & comprised -
of - ENERGY - (which it is) - than GOD is thus -
Omnipotent - Omniscient - Omnipresent -
as GOD is the ENERGY of LIFE - being -

GOD is LOVE - being the - ENERGY of LIFE -
in as thru - an infinite number of varying forms -
shapes & sizes of - matter mass liquid & gas -

"Why in the world do you come to a site where non- believers can have a 'safe haven' for lack of a better word, and preach."

I specifically came to such site -
as I presumed such Individuals there-in -
would - EASILY - be able to refute my articulations -

alas - my presumption was clearly & quite -
surprisingly - incorrect - flawed - wrong -

as most all of the replies so far -
have been regarding - perceived errors -
in the posts - syntax - punctuation & verbiage -

which means that - either -
the individuals replying in such manner -
lack the mental acuity to - read - process -
elucidate - discern nor ascertain - ENGLISH -


it means that NONE of such - buffoons -
R able to - actually confute the - TRUTH -
as I have - stated & proclaimed it - to BE -

"I started reading. But then was deafened by the inane ramblings.
Was going to make a concise retort. But in truth you have more wrong, and gibberish that anything tangible."

as I have stated numerous times -
to sooo many like - U - who - Choose -
with Intent to start off or include in their -
response/reply - an attempt to belittle or -
denigrate - the post - and/or - its author -

thus to U - and - ALL others -
Who so Choose - to insult Me -
I shall reply - in Kind & with fervor -

thus it is my Awareness that informs Me -
that U suffer a very severe - shortage of -
the mental acuity & faculty required to -
comprehend and/or contemplate - LIFE -
thus your ability to - create a concise retort -
would be non-existent due to your - vacuous -
& bereft - mental capacity -

morons such as - your Self -
that leave such denigrating comments -
should really do a bit of research - before U attack -
someone that is Emphatically stating that - He is - GOD -

** just a friendly note of caution -
U may want to peruse my replies to the other - morons -
before U continue with this line of contumelious remarks -
as I am Not a novice nor neophyte to such - engagements -

proceed as is your - desire & choice -
yet beware as my - Mastery of LIFE -
is far beyond your - current cognition -
as such your reward - will be dismal -

morons such as - your Self -
that leave such denigrating comments -
should really do a bit of research - before U attack -
someone that is Emphatically stating that - He is - GOD -

Which leads me to my next point - don't smoke crack.
But seriously, this guy is mentally ill.

@KWAPELL7 Let me put it this way. UR needing to move out of UR moms basement and get a real life,.

@TristanNuvo - I as GOD - am - LIFE -
as - ENERGY - Divinely being - KWAPELL -
a Being of Knowledge - Wisdom & Awareness -
a Being of Peace - Energy - Love & Light - in Life -
I AM - an Eternal & Divine - Soul Spirit Being Self -

expressing & experiencing - One Self -
thru a Being of LIFE - as a Spirit of Energy -
exemplifying Who I have Chosen to Personify -
thru a temporal & corporeal - human animal body -
of - matter mass liquid & gas - being a - Person -
in as thru a - tellurian & sublunary - Creature of Life -

as such I AM currently engaged in a plethora of - LIFE -
activities and have no need for further - entanglement -
in the Maya of mortal existence - such as U experience -

but U go right ahead and get - your Self -
all wrapped up in the drama - there-in -
for such is partly the reason - there-of -

enjoy the journey & stop insulting - GOD -
and its creation of Life thru the - Energy of Love -


There is no reason to call energy, that sometimes becomes life and conscious life, "God." We experience emotions, we give names to these emotions--one of them is Love. This does not mean that "love" exists outside of what we experience it to be. If such a god is love, it is also every other emotion we experience to include hate, fear, dread...etc.

Excellent reply - Thank U - Joanne -
for actually - reading - contemplating -
cogitating & questioning the postulates -
Validity & Veracity -


as such - in order to experience that which - U R -
that which - U R - NOT - must also exist -
for One cannot KNOW Ones Self to be -
GOOD - if there is No such thing as BAD -

One cannot go -
Left - if there is No - Right -
Up - if there is No - down -
Here - if there is No - there -
Help - if there is No - harm -

as such - in the physical - relative realm -
in which we exist - as - human - Beings -
One cannot demonstrate Ones - LOVE -
to or for - ANY - one nor thing - in LIFE -
if there is No - such thing as its - opposite -

such is a - dichotomy of LIFE -
"Love is ALL there is - & - Fear exist" -

Namaste - that which is - ENERGY -
being a - Magnificent - yet - mortal -
sublunary human animal - form of LIFE -


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. The childish writing and poor command of the English language alone makes me glad I am not an ignorant believer.

MizJ Level 8 Aug 5, 2020

Ignorance is common -
for U it is both - prolific & profuse -

other than that - Have a nice day -
but be Careful - MizJ - a lot of humans -
prey upon - such stupidity & utter idiocy -

be carefull who U insult - as U do not yet have -
any conception - of my - Knowledge - Wisdom -
Awareness - much less my mental - perspicacity -


Hi ,could you explain to me in your own words ( No a poem in a book) Who is god and spirit? What is your purpose in life? Do you believe in God? How does your God looks like? Do you have a religious group?

Now, I choose, I decided, I determined, that I'm good without a God.

GOD - is - U - as -

a Being of LIFE -
a Soul of LOVE -
a Spirit of ENERGY-

inhabiting - animating directing & controlling -
a Magnificent yet mortal - temporal & corporeal -
human animal body of - matter mass liquid & gas -
being a Person - thru a sublunary & tellurian - form of LIFE -

the purpose - in LIFE as LIFE of LIFE - is the expression -
& thus experience of Ones - {Self Soul Spirit Being} -
AS - Who U - have so Chosen to - Personify -

Do you believe in God? - Yes & NO -
Yes - I Know - GOD is Energy in LIFE -
NO - I do not believe in the Divinity of -
ANY - religious representation of GOD -

How does your God looks like?
as GOD is Omnipresent - GOD is there-fore -
able to BE - ANY - form - shape & size - of LIFE -

Do you have a religious group?
NO - I detest & abhor most religions -
as such I belong to NO such group -

Guess not

@KWAPELL7 , if your vocabulary is rich in words, what is the need to use the common word "God" that any religions used? God spoil everything so humans too?

@Cecilia2018 - the 3 letter - word term label - GOD -
is a widely recognized - descriptor - for a - Supreme Deity -

it is also very short & thus easily - replicated -
which as I tend to use it quite often is - convenient -

@KWAPELL7 There are many gods, Which one are you talking about? Which one of the rulers?

@Cecilia2018 - I refer to NONE of the "gods" as established by ANY religion - cult - fiath - sect nor belief - As I have explained previously in other posts & replies - the "GOD" that I reference is quite simply a synonym - for - LOVE - ENERGY & LIFE -

My - GOD - does NOT - Judge nor Condemn -
nor - Eternally punish - ANY - One nor thing -
in the - delusional & absurd - fires of "hell" -

as such place of - Eternal Damnation - only exist as -
has been construed & constructed in the human mind -

@KWAPELL7 How about Satan? So I can say Satan is pure energy, unconditional love and life. Satan doesn't judge or condemn and humans can not steal or manipulate in the name of Satan.

@Cecilia2018 - the fictional character U refer to as "satan" -
is just that - a fabricated mythological figure - created by the church -
to help further instill the "fear of god" into the subjugated minds of humans -

so in answer to your questions -

No - satan is NOT - pure energy, unconditional love and life.
and as such an illusory chimeric (see above description)
NO - satan - cannot - Judge nor condemn - ANY - thing -

"evil" exists as the creation of - humans -
U exist as the creation of - GOD being human -
thus it is Us humans who have - decided to be "evil" -
and it is we humans that at times - choose to be "good" -

such is the - Nature of Life -
the expression of - One Self -
AS - Who U - have so - decided -
& Chosen to BE - while - U R being human -

Namaste - that which is - LIFE - being -


Ohferpetessake, times 6..........


A serious question for you: Do you use drug(s) before doing these posts? If so, which ones? Or is this how you actually are?

this is - how & Who - I AM -
as I have so - Chosen to BE -

I consume on occasion -
an assortment of Natural Curatives -
including Vitamins - Minerals & Herbs -
and occasionally an - aspirin or two -

I can tell you which drugs he's not taking...


I really don't like to use the word god, it's just over used and abused in general, I prefer the universe, as the universe as conscious and discovering its self through us as us through our emotions and experiences.

I don't much care for such label anymore either -
as it certainly has been thoroughly debased -
most predominantly by those of the religious ilk -

In what way is the universe conscious?

@JeffMurray. It's a contemplation, something I read in a book called a atheist after life, using the laws of physics as we know them today. If you haven't read the book, read it and then get back with me.


BLOCKED! I rarely do that, but I don't like this kind of annoyance.

Thank U - see how easy that was 🙂

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