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Does anyone else sit in with a book on Saturday night or am I dull as fuck?

Josephine 7 Apr 7

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How is fuck dull?


As a published author, I want to thank you for still sitting down with a book. Taking an adventure in ones mind is never dull


I am tonight. I guess I'm dull too.


I'm even duller. I sit on the toilet reading books.


Sometimes me too. I find an interesting book is far superior company than most humans . And besides, reading keeps you from being "dull as fuck" !


I've just came back from the book store and bought two !! Am I twice dull as fuck then?? ???? Crack me up.. cheers !!

In my defense, I am reading no book... Went out, band is awesome, beer is cold, crowd is decent.... Yeah, my life is simple and that's how I like it


If that’s true I’m dull as fuck times 7!


I think Saturday night with a book is normal, not necessarily dull. I am not comfortable with a huge noisy crowd, or not for long. Books can be quite enthralling.


Not at all. I usually use the time to finish the long newspaper articles I couldn't finish during the week. The down time away from the stress and cracy pace of modern life is good for your health. So I say get yourself a lovely beverage, find some nice backround music, sit in a nice comfy chair and tell the world where to stuff it. Enjoy.


It sounds good to me, but I have to work 12 hours again tomorrow; so I won't be staying up to read tonight.

JimG Level 8 Apr 7, 2018

Sometimes a book, or a DVD. Just finished one book, haven't started on the next yet.


I envy you. I used to be a voracious reader, but poor vision has stopped that. When I got wrapped up with a book that I really liked, I would read through half the night.


Same here: book and wine... And Snapchat. Lol. You're not dull, you're awesome

MrHIT Level 5 Apr 7, 2018

No, I'm doing the same thing.


Dull? Pshaw. That is a value judgement without merit. Do you find benefit it what you read? That's what matters.


It's usually a video game these days, but I've been in bed at 7:30 on a Saturday reading a book before. 😀

Bree Level 4 Apr 7, 2018

I'm a reader, too. But tonight I'll be watching Band of Brothers on DVD.

@Bierbasstard I rent it at the public library. I bet it's waaaay expensive to actually buy.


I often sit with a book on any night that ends the day. I go out occsionaly but being broke it has to be for a good cause. I hate crowds and have since I responded to the World Trade Center attack and spent ten months in New York city. My books keep me grounded and they don't change their mind.

BillF Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

This Saturday night, or later today, I am attending a Star Trek fan club meeting. I do that one Saturday a month.


Hard to say, i used to do that more than recently, most find me disturbing rather than dull, lol


Hmmm, let's see - if I have a choice between spending a Saturday night in a noisy nightclub shouting at someone to try to have a conversation, or settling in with a glass of wine and a good book it's a total no-brainer. So, you might be dull as fuck, but if you are then so am I and lot of other people here. Of course, the question then becomes - what is the book...?


I sit with the good book and a graven image or two, looking for inspiration, but last year when the word became flesh and I stoned my neighbor to death for working on the Sabbath, almost got caught. My advice, read a science or fiction book.


I read political stuff, but since I'm not involved with anybody right's fine with me.


While I do read alot, Saturday nights for me are often spent doing other activities. If you enjoy reading on Saturdays, then you certainly are not dull, always do what you enjoy and don't worry about what others may think.

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