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Christian Science Healing???


TRWZ 4 Sep 21

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Yeah. A friend of my cousin was had a kidney stone and he passed it after his mom prayed for him. Cristian science healing totally checks out.


Prayer only works as a placebo.


You'll have to convince me that Christian Science is an actual thing.


I often tell others that I could have been there sooner but I was at the Christian Science Reading Room looking for a cure for a headache.


" Christian, Science and Healing" all blended together, what a massive oxymoron.
Just ask my Evangeloon neighbour how well that worked with his 'Moron A' virus infection.
It has so far cost him over $500 Australian for Prayers and Hands on Healing sessions and he still believes, emphatically, that he has.
A viral infection that btw, does NOT exist because as a rather dubious joke of sorts I diagnosed for him and a local doctor, jokingly, confirmed when he, the neighbour, rushed himself to the A & E Department of out local hospital.
The gullible of this world are, imo, somewhat akin to Mushrooms, i.e. keep them in the dark, feed them on bullshit and watch the crop grow exponentially.


Wonder how many of them seek medical help when the praying doesn't work?

I'd estimate at least 99.99% of them.


James Hetfield lost his mom because of faith healing by science catholics.

You probably won't find a link saying so. But one of my old landlords grew up with him. Thats how I know.


"Christian Science" is an oxymoron.

First time I heard the term I didn't realize it was an actual religion. And for the same reason you pointed out.


Just another brainwashing cult with mental mind fuck adverse effects.


lol let’s just put science in the name and decide all the “laws” and “truth” a priori. What could go wrong.

Mvtt Level 7 Sep 21, 2020

Christian Scientists should try 'prayerful' heeling!


Stupid is as stupid does.


No such thing. It's just as fake as gods themselves.
It ought to be illegal.


When parents refuse to allow their children treatment, that should be attempted murder.

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