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I was conversing with someone who does not believe the US ever landed men on the moon . Anyone else think that, or maybe has spoken with someone who does ?

evergreen 8 Apr 9

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I think it was a hoax.The Van Allen Belt prevents astronauts passing through without heavy shielding.I watched a NASA video where they slipped up and talked about being able to pass through the belt with a advanced type of shielding. J.F.K.Promised the American people they would land on the moon by 1970.America was way behind in the "Space Race" The Russians Never tried too pass the belt.

Coldo Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

@FortyTwo Who Told You That?At The Time There Was No Space Radar.Due Too The Earth's Curviture, Earth Based Radar Can Not Detect Objects In Space.Also,The Russians Doubted The Moon Landings. An Article From The Russians Was Published In The Daily Mail,Shortly After The First Moon Landing In 1969,Stating This.Also Radio Waves Could Not Pin Point Items In Space At The Time. Note Armstrong's Lunar Suit,No Tread On The Souls

@FortyTwo Now Now, "Buzz" Aldrin Has Been The Mouthpiece For This For Years.Not A Troll,My Statements Are Based On Scientific Fact .The "Other" Astonaughts Have Ducked The Issue Publicly For Years.Where Are Your Scientific Facts?

@Coldo You seem to be unable to state anything without Capitals At The Start Of Every Word, are you a machine? Because most humans would get p**sed off with Shift-keying every word.

@GothRik I'm not most humans.Just tying too get a point across, too someone who makes stuff up too suit their argument.


These nudniks pop up every so often, like the flat Earth nincompoops. I worked at a company called Rocketdyne. Ever heard of it? Probably not. Rocketdyne designed and manufactured the F-1 rocket engine. Now, being retired, and away from the field for awhile, I cannot precisely recall the thrust factor (perhaps a million pounds per engine, easily googled, I'm sure) of the F-1 engines, but it took 5 of them, I believe, to boost the Apollo capsule through the 250,000 mile trip to the moon.

We often had astronauts visit our facility just to remind us that there were real human beings putting their lives in our hands, and to remind us that quality was a very important issue. It made you think.

I also was compelled every couple of years, or so, to go to JPL in Pasadena, where they track all the manned space missions, and have seen their labs and monitoring consoles in row after row. I have also seen mockups of the Moon Rovers in their test facilities.

So, I simply mean to say from all of that that somebody spent a shitload of money and went to a considerable amount of trouble to hoax whom, and for what? Why? Why do all that just to impress, who?

@irascible I often think those people are just starved for attention.

Shit - Rocketdyne & the Saturn Five! … I’d of wanted your autograph.. 😉

@Varn well, I must admit, that program was done by the time I got there; but the program that, essentially, took it's place was the Space Shuttle. Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) were pretty impressive, too.

I wrote this as part of a series a few years ago []

@jperlow nice article, thanks. Stangeland was still there when I was there. Also, they had quit testing SSMEs at SSFL about the time I hired on, but I did get to see a couple Atlas engine tests; it was awesome.


This comedy clip may help 🙂

(2mins 5secs)

.....and for the 'flat earthers'....

LOL! Love it. Have to admit, though, that the accents threw me for a second.

@GothRik absolutely true about the cats.

@Condor5 I did consider warning that it was English comedy, but, didn't want to put anyone off 🙂


I can't stand conspiracy theories especially in this day and age. People think the government can easily cover something up...Nixon wasn't able to and for crying out loud, Bill Clinton couldn't even cover up a blow job.

I’ve heard the same described so often by government employees … though not quite as colorful 😀

@kenriley Good point I hate the term 'conspiracy theorist' especially in recent times. I believe that there was a conspiracy to kill Hitler by some of his own staff, so I must be a conspiracy theorist.


I work with some flat earthers, at first I was taken aback by how left field it was, now it's just kinda annoying

soa Level 4 Apr 9, 2018

@MrLizard I had to recently relocate to the family farm in the wilds of northern Canada. I'm a cook, and there are few restaurants around here, so I keep my head down and collect a pay check


I have no patience for those people. I actually have an uncle who is a holocaust denier.

Wow, just wow. There is tons and tons of video evidence, eye witness accounts and other records.

@Humanity4all oh no....that’s all Hollywood. ? So frustrating and irritating.


Secret government, NSA, and astronaut whistle blowers have said for decades that the US did both..they both landed on the moon and faked a landing for the cameras, since the original landing showed alien structures and vehicles. See also videos of interviews with US presidents and science leaders admitting this, in 'Unacknowledged," seen on Netflix and YouTube.

I tend to believe them more than the US government because of all the things I've seen with my own eyes, that the goverment denies.

By the way, skip the trolling, since I'll just block you. I've learned that this website can be as bad as alt-right ones if you post something people don't agree with.

It’s not that I wish to disagree with you, but my experience informs me otherwise. Having worked in the government and for the government for most of my career, including some of the organizations you appear to disapprove of, I can tell you that, from the top down, there just isn’t enough intellectual capacity or resources to successfully accomplish a large-scale cover-up or conspiracy, and pull it off.


Just tell them that the government never lies to achieve an agenda.



You believe in the Moon?


"I was conversing with someone who does not believe the US ever landed men on the moon."

Really? I've never met one of these people, but it seems to me that anyone who would admit, if not proclaim, such doubts is one who should be avoided! I would recommend an immediate halt to any conversation, followed by an excuse that you have something important to do, and leave. Step away from this individual carefully, without turning your back, and dodge further contact. Anyone who would deny such an incontrovertible fact is clearly not operating with a full deck, and is, at best, intellectually (if not psychologically) impaired. There's no gentle way of saying this, but people who hold such beliefs cannot be assumed to be rational, or even sane.

I don't need to step away, sometimes I'd rather stick around and seek the source of differing ideas.


I haven't. I don't know if I could control my contempt if I did.


Them, flat earthers, holocaust deniers all make me have to just leave as soon as they even allude to it because I may commit homicide


Never met anyone so dumbfounded.


I have spoken with people that think such things. It is born of ignorance. There were 6 manned moon landings during which three retroreflectors were placed on the earth side face which "anyone" (It does take some large expensive equipment) can bounce lasers off from earth. We went.


If people actually think that, about our space program, its really sad, of course we were on the moon!!!, they might as well say Elvis, Jom Morrison, jimi Hendrix ,and janis joplin all faked their deaths, i know i should not say that so loud


They are everywhere.


Isn’t that one over, yet..?

Varn Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

What a waste of time. I don't suffer fools to waste my time


I always tend to look for the positives. Though I disagree with moon hoaxers, flat earthers and the like, I think it gives us an opportunity to exercise our critical thinking skills, affirm things that had been taught or assumed and sharpen our overall knowledge of this reality.


I have a cousin who is a flat earher , doesn't believe we went to the moon, thinks the government was behind 9/11. He is on disability and spends his days watching YouTube conspiracy videos.


To me men landing on the moon is the altimate proof that there is no god, because what kind of a god would allow something that horrible happen to the rest of the universe.



Marz Level 7 Apr 10, 2018

BS amateur radio operators were picking up signals. How were they faked.


Conspiracy theories are a conspiracy.


Ha! It's like reading the bible! No mater what you say, no matter how far fetched, some one will sware it is true. People are funnier than anybody.

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