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What is MATURITY? Explained by Sri Adi Shankaracharya - a Hindu Guru from India.

  1. Maturity is when you stop trying to change others, ...instead focus on changing yourself.
  2. Maturity is when you
    accept people as they are.
  3. Maturity is when you
    understand everyone is right in their own perspective. (BTW, as an atheist, I definitely don't believe in this...relative truth, and a lack of scientific logic and reasoning is what has gotten us into the pickle we are in!)
  4. Maturity is when you
    learn to "let go".
  5. Maturity is when you are
    able to drop "expectations" from a relationship and give for the sake of giving.
  6. Maturity is when you
    understand whatever you do, you do for your own peace.
  7. Maturity is when you stop proving to the world, how intelligent you are.
  8. Maturity is when you don't seek approval from others.
  9. Maturity is when you stop comparing with others.
  10. Maturity is when you are at peace with yourself.
  11. Maturity is when you are able to differentiate between "need" and "want" and are able to let go of your wants......
    & __last but most meaningful ! 12. You gain Maturity when you stop attaching "happiness" to material things !!
Green_Soldier71 7 Oct 27

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So, in this light, would ambition be an immature trait?


Democrats lost #2.

I claim # 8

That’s how powerful it is


It takes a lifetime...if ever, to attain all of them, and I’d like to think I’ve more or less managed it. However, I refuse to give up on all of my childish the name of maturity,....such as pigging out eating ice-cream in front of the TV in my P.Js, occasionally drinking too much and getting up on the table and singing in public (much to the embarrassment of my children), and following my favourite band and still swooning over them like a teenage fan-girl !


This message is not about India. It is about maturity and it is a very important message. So much trouble exists because of people invading other people's identity and causing serious harm. In our country the Christian influence does exactly the opposite of this message and causes so much harm. The world would be a better place if everyone heeded this advice. When I aligned myself with Buddhism, this was my lesson. I worked at it. I still do. It is so freeing. It is so right.


Maturity is when cheese tastes good and hasn't yet turned into a hairy object!

@Gwendolyn2018 Not when the hairs outweigh the lump they are rooted into.


Already before the third point I understood that hell will freeze over first before I ever become mature.


5 sounds like a line from someone that wants the person to give to them and not expect anything in return. You have a right to expect honesty respect kindness. If the person you are with seems to lack that, at least give it to yourself. Maturity is caring more about what is right than who is right. Maturity doesnt need to feel dominant and can accept others as equal to themselves. Its seeing both your own intrinsic value as well as the value of others.

@Green_Soldier71 Thanks


Maturity ain't all it's cut out to be.
Maturity, so often imo, takes the fun and joy out living, ask any child.
One can be a so-called 'Mature Adult' and still enjoy greatly the things of being a child, I get great enjoyment when joining in with my nephew and playing games, etc, with him, I did the same with my daughter as well.


Maturity is entertaining notions of maturity without the need to accept them unless you deem such as being worthwhile.


What a good lot of positive responses ,This is showing The groups own maturity and diverseness at the same time

  1. Maturity is taking responsibility for your own behavior. Stop blaming others.

  2. Maturity is not needing a book (the Bible springs to mind) or a list to behave with kindness and respect.


Do we need maturity lessons from India? Really?

@Green_Soldier71 sorry, but just as I wouldn't take the "good" from the nazi regime of WWII or from any other oppressive regime, like Pol Pot, Kim Jong Un or Putin, etc, the only good I might take from India is their cuisine, never any morality advice.

@Mofo1953 Good advice is good advice no matter where it comes from. Do you only listen to advice from Americans? Or Europeans? There is a word for people who listen to only a few and purposely exclude the rest.

@EyesThatSmile i don't take morality advice from amoral people. Would you take morality advice from Trump?

@Mofo1953 political or financial advice from him, no. Morality is something I can weigh for myself. But your scenario zeros in on Trump, someone we know has no morals. However, you are lumping an entire country as being bad, which although I like you as a person, I find this to be extremely narrow-minded. There is good and bad in every country.

Perhaps we do need a message from India, a country not dominated by Christianity. This message is a prevalent Buddhist tenet, certainly very wise.

@EyesThatSmile not the country, but the way society in general acts, it is a fact, the caste system, the racism, remember I hsve been there many times and got to observe in person and in situ the way most behave. I clearly said that not all individuals may think like this, but the majority does. There is no other society in this planet that still honors a caste system, where the lowest are called "untouchablea" and for a reason, they ate not even worthy of being touched by a higher caste individual. This is institutionalized in this country and Pakistan which is the region of India that the British created to separate the muslims from the hindus.

@Green_Soldier71 perhaps, but the caste system is as despicable as nazism and it is still observed and prevalent in India and Pakistan today.

@Green_Soldier71, @think-beyond then you heed it, I won't, it seems hypocritical coming from a person who comes from a caste system society.

@Green_Soldier71 I sincerely hope Indians heed your call with the lower castes in the Indian society, although I doubt it.

  1. Maturity is when you recognize that no-one ever achieves the items on this list other than for brief moments.

  2. Maturity is when you don't need to list the qualities of maturity.


Maturity from Hindu guru, India?
I wonder why Indian males don't apply this maturity message to their daily life toward women so maybe they will treat females with respect.
#1, 2,4,5

@Thirst2learn India is by culture an elitist racist country, no pigeonholing in this fact, that country still operates under an odious chaste system, and the racism against black and dark skin is evident in all strata of their society, even their "honor" system is an excuse to murder and rape. If you truly have a thirst for learning, never close your eyes to facts. Now you can say not everyone is like that, perhaps, but their deep rooted values are, you are the one who shpuld do some maturing in this aspect.

@Mofo1953 May I respectfully ask you if you have been there?


@Cecilia2018 Listening to the excuses put forward by scum like those bastards really turns my stomach.
"Women CONSENT to being raped," fucking unmitigated misogynistic bullshit of the very worst kind.
Imo, RAPE occurs because MALES, a percentage them btw, do not have the inner strength to control their sexual urges, maturity has S.F.A. to do with it.
Some of the MAIN causes, imo, of Rape are,

  1. The world has lived far too long under the ideology of a Male Right to dominate women, this has been the result of at least 90% of Religious teachings and ideologies, Christianity being a PRIME example, Islam is another,
  2. the 'eradication/loss' of the Chivalric idea/s of Honouring and Protecting women/females. Something that was instilled into me by my father and that I still adhere to strongly,
  3. Western Justice systems seem to appear as though they ARE intent upon putting a high percentage of the blame on the victims thus to mitigate the actions of the Offender, and last but by no means least,
  4. The Education system does NOT teach or FAILS miserably to teach that Women/Females ARE NOT merely Sexual Objects there to be lusted after, etc, etc.

@Holysocks many times in many different cities, also in Goa, Pakistan and most countries around the world.

@Thirst2learn Remember maturity? So don't get upset if you did oh well but try no to bring others down.
#8, 9, 10

@Cecilia2018 Their minds are twisted and dirty. Thanks for exposing this, what women have to put up with in India daily. The majority of men there think like that.

@Green_Soldier71 maturity comes with mature actions. If they claim to be mature men but still treat their women bad, what do you call that. Mature with that kind of mentality? That's questionable. If their actions showed maturity it would be different. It doesn't matter how far and wide does the guru takes his message, maturity goes with mature actions.
Indian women (from India) who hold jobs in South Africa, say they'll never go back to bad treatment from Indian men. Are you excusing mature men from their immature behaviour when it comes to women? Maturity should he noted and claimed in its broadest sense.


Then past maturity comes the realization that you don't live on an island of one.
The actions of others matter.
Especially when a mad man is in charge and there's a pandemic.
If getting animated about your situation is immature then we NEED a lot more immaturity.

@Thirst2learn Goodby and welcome to my block list ass hat.

@Thirst2learn Well, I for one like my freedom to be an atheist and not have the government promote religion and enact laws and interpret the Constitution based on religious beliefs. The current administration is aiding and promoting theocracy-loving democracy and equality haters.

@Joanne One persons "Big Government" is regulations to protect the environment, but typically they want more police, more military, more absolute authority of a militant type, which to me is the kind of "Big Government" represented by the Republican party. Thirst2learn is very thirsty indeed having learned nothing at all.

@Joanne See what I mean, he's an utter moron following an imbecile. And he thinks a dictatorship coupled with racism is freedom.

@Joanne Birds in cages think flying is a sickness.

@Thirst2learn Seriously, who in this day and age is a Communist? That's just ridiculous!

And Democratic Socialism IS NOT Communist Socialism. It is a duty of government to "promote the general welfare..." And that means working to create a system that works for the benefit of everyone--not just the rich.

Despite what right wingers say--most people want honest work for a fair wage and affordable health care-- not hand outs. But, by golly, big businesses sure like government handouts.

@Thirst2learn Oh, boo hoo! In a time of a global pandemic people are asked to be a little inconvenienced in order to protect fellow citizens and to help slow the spread of a highly contagious virus.

EVERYONE wants businesses to be open--BUT we want it done as safely as possible! What the heck is wrong with that?

And, I will listen to the scientists NOT the lying, criminal tRUMP and the complicit lying Republicans. Who, by the way just forced onto the Supreme Court a woman who is salivating at the thought of forcing her extreme Right Wing religious beliefs onto the rest of us.


If you haven't grown up by the time you reach my age, you don't have to

Welcome to the club!!

me too lol


Many of us are at different levels of maturity. This is totally normal. Some of us are who we are because we can actually see into our past and we wanted to make it better. If something screws up we may not always be able to fix it, but we can see what went wrong and why it did.


Those definitions are arbitrary at best.

@Green_Soldier71 Because they express an opinion without back up.


Maturity is not cheating at Scrabble and taking eight tiles when you are only allowed seven.

Good observational skills there Sherlock. πŸ˜„


What happens when you're perfectly happy with your immaturity? I think that qualifies me on 4, 6. 7. 8. 9 & 10. Is that enough or do I have to get them all? 🀣🀣

@Green_Soldier71 Depends on what ones view of immaturity is.

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